United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Helping people help the land id.

Buffer strip on Iowa ag land.

Signup for New Conservation Stewardship Program Begins August 10

USDA Deputy Secretary Merrigan announces the continuous sign-up for the new Conservation Stewardship Program. Applications for the first ranking period must be submitted by September 30, 2009.

...USDA News Release
...CSP Web Site

Level furrow irrigation on a field of lettuce. Yuma, Az.

USDA Announces $58 Million to Improve Water Quality and Quantity in Agricultural Production

NRCS Chief Dave White announces nearly $58 million through the Agricultural Water Enhancement Program for water conservation and water quality improvements on agricultural working lands.

...USDA News Release
...AWEP Web Site

CSP Comment Period
NRCS assistance in the field.

There's Still Time to Comment on NRCS Farm Bill Programs

Comments from the public are sought on NRCS' new Conservation Stewardship Program. The comment period is open through September 28, 2009.

...USDA News Release
...CSP Web Site

NRCS plant materials boat in Louisiana. NRCS plant materials activities are categorically excluded from the NEPA process because such activities do not impact the human environment. Other exclusions include snow survey and water supply forecasting, soil surveys, inventory and monitoring, and river basin studies.

Public Invited to Comment on NEPA Categorical Exclusions

NRCS seeks public comments on an interim final rule to exclude certain conservation activities from the National Environmental Policy Act process. The comment period is open through September 11, 2009.

...NRCS News Release

NRCS staff talks with California dairy farmer.

Public Input Invited to Improve Conservation Delivery

NRCS is seeking public comments to improve conservation practice standards and better meet conservation objectives. The comment period is open through August 11, 2009.

...NRCS News Release

Updated 08/05/2009


Recovery Act Information

2008 Farm Bill

Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act