A picture o of Me!

Dr. Bruce R. Miller,

Physicist/Information Architect

Mathematical Software Group (891.02)
Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division (891)
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
US Department of Commerce

Projects & Areas of Research Interest

What a long, strange ... I did my dissertation in Experimental Physics, electron diffraction specifically, but doing some computations to explain my results, I became fascinated with doing perturbation theory by computer algebra. This led to a stint working with the incredible Andre Deprit, doing perturbation theory, dynamical systems and computer algebra; we developed our own specialized system on Lisp Machines. Well, one kind of symbol crunching led to another ...

Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

I am Information architect for the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, aka. DLMF, which is a successor to, more than a 2nd edition of, Abramowitz and Stegun's Handbook of Mathematical Functions. More formula, less tables, dynamic graphics, lots of cool stuff. And in MathML.


In the process of working on the DLMF, I have been developing a LaTeX to XML converter, LaTeXML; all of the DLMF is generated from LaTeX.


I am also a member of the W3C's Math Working Group. We're working on a draft of version 3 of the MathML specification.

Math Search

Abdou Youssef and I have been developing a indexer and search engine, based on lucene, that indexes the mathematical content of documents as well as the text. It is currently used in the DLMF (test it out!), but hopefully we will eventually be able to abstract it from that context and release it as a more generally useful module.

Older Stuff (obsolete, actually)

 o Guide to Available Mathematical Software.

Although we already have made GAMS available on the Web, plain HTML is rather limiting in the kinds of interactions possible. Using Java(TM), we are now developing a prototype HotGAMS client which allows for more interesting searches and filtering. It will serve as a testbed for further development.

 o Matrix Market Deli.

I have working with the Matrix Market folks to develop a set of matrix generators in the form of Java applets. This set is available in Matrix Market as the collection MMDeli.

 o Java(TM) programming.

In the process of developing a java version of the Gams client, I have constructed several user interface classes as extensions to java.awt. These classes and demos may be of use to other java programmers.

 o Computer Algebra & Symbolic Computing.

My Computer Algebra page offers software and links that may be of use to other computer algebra users.

Personal Information & Contacts Points

 o Education

Ph.D. 1983, M.A. 1978, B.S. 1976, University of Texas at Austin, Physics. (I liked Austin! What can I say?)

 o Address

Bruce R. Miller
Nat'l Inst of Stds and Tech
100 Bureau Dr. STOP 8910
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8910 USA

For internal mail, just use:
Bruce R. Miller
STOP 8910

Phone : (301) 975-2708
FAX : (301) 975-3553

Created by Bruce Miller @ NIST (bruce.miller@nist.gov) Disclaimer.