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New Member Guide 2009

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Dear Member-elect of the 111th Congress,

Congratulations on your election victory — and a big welcome to Capitol Hill.

A big welcome, also, to The Hill newspaper.

The Hill is a nonpartisan, non-ideological daily paper for and about Congress. As existing lawmakers know and new lawmakers quickly discover, The Hill is an indispensable read for anyone who needs to know what is going on in the House and the Senate, in committees and on K Street.

We’re confident that you will want The Hill to be part of your morning routine when you are in Washington, working for the American people. The newspaper has become the single most important publication for people who need to stay informed about the inner workings of national politics.

We report, analyze and comment on the work of Congress as it legislates, appropriates funds and oversees the federal government’s executive branch.

That means not only covering day-to-day developments, but also getting beneath the surface to examine the forces shaping bills, the deals that sustain or kill legislation, and the tactics that get bills out of conference and onto the president’s desk.

Our Campaign section provides comprehensive coverage of each election cycle, delving into key races all over the country, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of candidates, analyzing trends, disclosing likely outcomes and explaining results.

Unlike some publications, The Hill also reports on the impact of Congress’s work on the rest of the country, particularly on business. A keynote of the paper is the Business & Lobbying section, which appears on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and focuses on the legislative issues that matter most to the American economy.

Similarly, The Executive section monitors relations between the executive and legislative branches, and keeps readers in touch with the nexus of business and politics.

Capitol Hill is also a local community like a small city, and in our pages are its culture, social life, employment, security, shopping, dining and recreation.

Let me also draw your attention to, which includes everything that is in the paper and a whole lot more. It is your gateway to the Congress Blog, where lawmakers themselves come to blog, and to wider political discussion (the Briefing Room Blog), to corporate and grassroots policy prescriptions (the White Papers Portal), and to the views of leading commentators (the Pundits Blog).

As you get down to work in the 111th Congress, let The Hill be your partner in the tasks that lie ahead.

Best wishes and warm regards,

Hugo Gurdon
Editor-in-chief, The Hill

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