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Research, Education and Economics Office
Through a Federal Register notice the Research, Education, and Extension Office (REEO) of the Research, Education, and Economics Mission Area of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) is requesting written stakeholder input regarding the preparation of a roadmap for USDA research, education, and extension. Preparation of the Roadmap is mandated by Section 7504 of the 2008 Food, Conservation, and Energy Act (PDF | 12KB) . The roadmap will identify current trends and constraints as well as major opportunities and gaps that no single entity within the Department of Agriculture would be able to address individually. The Roadmap will be used to set the research, education, and extension agenda for the Department of Agriculture. Stakeholder input is requested by May 31, 2009. If you have problems accessing the Federal Register notice or if you have questions about providing input, please contact REEO at (202) 720-1777.

The Research, Education, and Extension Office (REEO) was established by Congress through the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to coordinate science activities of the Department of Agriculture. Located in the Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics, the REEO is the central office within the Department where key science issues and needs are identified, science activities are coordinated and prioritized, and scientific capacity is strategically aligned. Led by the Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics—the Department’s Chief Scientist—the expertise represented in REEO integrates the crucial functions of USDA intramural and extramural research, education and extension across the breadth of food, agriculture, community, and natural resource systems. The duties of the REEO staff are to assist the Chief Scientist/Under Secretary in the following areas.

Strengthen Science and Science Leadership
  • Identify, prioritize and address emerging agricultural research, education, and extension needs incorporating public and private-sector input into the Department’s science agenda.
  • Prepare and support implementation of the Department’s roadmap for agricultural research, education, and extension.
Improve National Coordination
  • Enhance science collaboration, integration, coordination, responsiveness, efficiency, and effectiveness across the Department and public agricultural science system
  • Identify and assess workforce needs of the research, education, and extension functions of the Department.
  • Foster strategic, collaborative, and effective use of resources.
Enhance Outreach and Awareness
  • Describe the components of the agricultural research, education and extension system and how they work together to advance science and address needs and opportunities.
  • Communicate with agricultural research, education, and extension beneficiaries and representatives of the science community, industry, and the general public, to provide information, obtain input on issues important to agriculture, and promote the benefits of agricultural research, education, and extension.
  • Interact with the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board, and inter-agency and multi-departmental efforts to identify and recommend opportunities to better advance and coordinate federal science activities.
Research, Education, and Extension Office
U.S. Department of Agriculture

3858 South Building
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20250

Phone: (202) 720-1777
Fax: (202) 690-1677

Chief Scientist/Under Secretary, REE (to be appointed)

Acting Deputy Under Secretary, REE, Katherine Smith

Jill Auburn, Division Chief
Agricultural Systems and Technology

Charlotte Kirk Baer, Division Chief
Animal Health, Production, and Products

Mary McPhail Gray, Division Chief
Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health

Catherine Parks, Division Chief
Plant Health, Production, and Products

Robbin Shoemaker, Division Chief
Agricultural Economics and Rural Communities

Mark Walbridge, Division Chief
Renewable Energy, Natural Resources and Environment

Michele Simmons, Administrative Assistant
Research, Education, and Extension Office
Last Modified: Wednesday, 27-May-2009 11:35:33 EDT
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    REEO Biographies
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