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Protected Plants for All Scientific Names
Jurisdiction = State
State Distribution = U.S. States (Florida)
621 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with more information. Click on the reference link to see the published list and learn more about the law. Protected plants that are synonyms retain their protected status, and are indented beneath the current PLANTS accepted name; common names are from the state list.

Florida Coile, N.C., and M.A. Garland. 2003. Notes on Florida's endangered and threatened plants (29 January 2005). Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry.

Symbol Scientific Name State Common Name State Protected Status
ACAN Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze prairie acacia E
ACCH Acacia choriophylla Benth. tamarindillo E
ACTO Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd. poponax E
ACTE4 Acanthocereus tetragonus (L.) Humm.
ACPE5 Acanthocereus pentagonus (L.) Britton & Rose barbed-wire cactus T
ACWR4 Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Griseb. & H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. ex Becc. Everglades palm T
ACAU3 Acrostichum aureum L. golden leather fern T
ACPA Actaea pachypoda Elliot baneberry E
ACPE2 Actinostachys pennula (Sw.) Hook.
SCGE3 Schizaea germanii (Fée) Prantl ray fern E
ADME Adiantum melanoleucum Willd. fragrant maidenhair fern E
ADTE Adiantum tenerum Sw. brittle maidenhair fern E
AEPR Aeschynomene pratensis Small meadow jointvetch E
AGLI3 Ageratum littorale A. Gray Cape Sable whiteweed E
AGIN3 Agrimonia incisa Torr. & A. Gray harvest-lice E
ALBR6 Aletris bracteata Northrop bracted colicroot E
ALAM3 Alvaradoa amorphoides Liebm. alvaradoa E
AMHEC Amorpha herbacea Walter var. crenulata (Rydb.) Isely
AMCR5 Amorpha crenulata Rydb. Miami lead plant E
ANAR2 Andropogon arctatus Chapm. pine-woods bluestem T
ANGR5 Andropogon gracilis Spreng.
SCSE3 Schizachyrium sericatum (Swallen) Gould silky bluestem E
ANWR4 Anemia wrightii Baker parsley fern E
ANBE2 Angadenia berteroi (A. DC.) Miers pineland golden trumpet T
AQCA Aquilegia canadensis L. columbine E
ARCA Arabis canadensis L. sicklepod E
ARGN2 Argusia gnaphalodes (L.) Heine sea-lavender E
ARBL2 Argythamnia blodgettii (Torr.) Chapm. Blodgett's wild-mercury E
ARPE8 Aristolochia pentandra Jacq. Marsh's dutchman's pipe E
ARTO3 Aristolochia tomentosa Sims pipevine E
ARAC3 Arnica acaulis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. leopard's-bane E
ARAL30 Arnoglossum album L.C. Anderson white-flowered Plantain E
ARDI9 Arnoglossum diversifolium (Torr. & A. Gray) H. Rob. Indian-plantain T
ASCU8 Asclepias curtissii A. Gray Curtiss's milkweed E
ASVI Asclepias viridiflora Raf. green-flower milkweed E
ASVI9 Asclepias viridula Chapm. green milkweed T
ASTE11 Asimina tetramera Small four-petal pawpaw E
ASER9 Asplenium erosum L.
ASAU3 Asplenium auritum Sw. auricled spleenwort fern E
ASMO Asplenium monanthes L. San Felasco spleenwort E
ASPU10 Asplenium pumilum Sw. dwarf spleenwort E
ASSE9 Asplenium serratum L. bird's-nest spleenwort E
ASTR9 Asplenium trichomanes-dentatum L.
ASDE14 Asplenium dentatum L. slender spleenwort E
ASVE6 Asplenium verecundum Chapm. ex Underw. delicate spleenwort E
ATFI Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth southern lady fern T
BADI3 Baccharis dioica Vahl broom-bush E
BAAT Balduina atropurpurea Harper purple balduina E
BACA4 Baptisia calycosa Canby Canby's wild indigo E
BACAV Baptisia calycosa Canby var. villosa Canby
BAHI4 Baptisia hirsuta Small hairy wild-indigo T
BAME Baptisia megacarpa Chapm. ex Torr. & A. Gray Apalachicola wild-indigo E
BASI Baptisia simplicifolia Croom scare-weed T
BACO2 Basiphyllaea corallicola (Small) Ames Carter's orchid E
BECO5 Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.
SPCO6 Spiranthes costaricensis Rchb. f. Costa Rican ladies'-tresses E
BINU2 Bigelowia nuttallii L.C. Anderson Nuttall's rayless goldenrod E
BLOC Blechnum occidentale L. sinkhole fern E
BLPU Bletia purpurea (Lam.) DC. pine-pink orchid T
BOGR5 Bonamia grandiflora (A. Gray) Hallier f. Florida bonamia E
BOCA4 Bourreria cassinifolia (A. Rich.) Griseb. little strongback E
BORA2 Bourreria radula (Poir.) G. Don rough strongbark E
BOSU2 Bourreria succulenta Jacq. bodywood E
BRCA7 Brassia caudata (L.) Lindl. spider orchid E
BRCO8 Brickellia cordifolia Elliot Flyr's nemesis E
BREUF Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. floridana (R.W. Long) B.L. Turner
BRMO3 Brickellia mosieri (Small) Shinners Brickell-bush E
BUPA2 Bulbophyllum pachyrachis (A. Rich.) Griseb. rat-tail orchid E
BUFL2 Burmannia flava Mart. Fakahatchee burmannia E
BYLU Byrsonima lucida (Mill.) DC. locust berry T
CAMA21 Caesalpinia major (Medik.) Dandy & Exell yellow nicker E
CAPA34 Caesalpinia pauciflora (Griseb.) C. Wright ex Sauvalle fewflower holdback E
CACU Calamovilfa curtissii (Vasey) Scribn. Curtis' sandgrass T
CAPA2 Callirhoe papaver (Cav.) A. Gray poppy mallow E
CAMU10 Calopogon multiflorus Lindl. many-flowered grass-pink E
CAFL22 Calycanthus floridus L. sweet shrub E
CACO72 Calydorea coelestina (Bartram) Goldblatt & Henrich
SPCO5 Sphenostigma coelestinum (Bartram) R.C. Foster Bartram's ixia E
CAPA8 Calyptranthes pallens Griseb. pale lidflower T
CAZU Calyptranthes zuzygium (L.) Sw. myrtle of the river E
CACA101 Calystegia catesbeiana Pursh Catesby's bindweed E
CARO15 Campanula robinsiae Small Chinsegut bellflower E
CAFI10 Campylocentrum filiforme (Sw.) Cogn. ex Kuntze
HAFI Harrisella filiformis (Sw.) Cogn. threadroot orchid T
CAPA32 Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum (Rchb. f.) Rolfe leafless orchid E
CAAN9 Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée narrow swamp fern E
CACO20 Campyloneurum costatum (Kunze) C. Presl tailed strap fern E
CALA28 Campyloneurum latum T. Moore wide strap fern E
CAWI Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. wild cinnamon E
CABA8 Carex baltzellii Chapm. ex Dewey Baltzell's sedge T
CACH9 Carex chapmanii Steud. Chapman's sedge T
CAMI5 Carex microdonta Torr. & Hook. little-tooth sedge E
CAPA43 Catesbaea parviflora Sw. dune lily-thorn E
CABE5 Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez airplant E
CAFL10 Catopsis floribunda L.B. Sm. many-flowered airplant E
CANU13 Catopsis nutans auct. non (Sw.) Griseb. nodding catopsis E
CENI Celosia nitida Vahl West Indian cock's-comb E
CEEH Celtis ehrenbergiana (Klotzsch) Liebm.
CEPA8 Celtis pallida Torr. spiny hackberry E
CEIG Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sarg. Iguana hackberry E
CEAR5 Centrosema arenicola (Small) F.J. Herm. sand butterfly pea E
CHLIK Chamaecrista lineata (Sw.) Greene var. keyensis (Pennell) Irwin & Barneby
CAKE3 Cassia keyensis (Pennell) J.F. Macbr. Key cassia E
CHCU4 Chamaesyce cumulicola Small sand dune spurge E
CHDE7 Chamaesyce deltoidea (Engelm. ex Chapm.) Small rockland spurge E
CHGA3 Chamaesyce garberi (Engelm. ex Chapm.) Small Garber's spurge E
CHPE14 Chamaesyce pergamena (Small) Small rocklands spurge T
CHPO7 Chamaesyce porteriana Small Porter's spurge E
CHAL18 Chaptalia albicans (Sw.) Vent. ex Steud. white sunbonnets T
CHMI4 Cheilanthes microphylla (Sw.) Sw. southern lip fern E
CHPA14 Cheiroglossa palmata (L.) C. Presl
OPPA3 Ophioglossum palmatum L. hand fern E
CHPY2 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small pygmy fringe-tree E
CHFR4 Chromolaena frustrata (B.L. Rob.) King & H. Rob.
EUFR2 Eupatorium frustratum B.L. Rob. Cape Sable thoroughwort E
CHOL Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. satin leaf T
CHFL8 Chrysopsis floridana Small Florida's golden-aster E
CHGO2 Chrysopsis godfreyi Semple Godfrey's golden-aster E
CHGOC Chrysopsis gossypina (Michx.) Elliot ssp. cruiseana (Dress) Semple
CHCR4 Chrysopsis cruiseana Dress Cruise's golden-aster E
CIYU Cienfuegosia yucatanensis Millsp. yellow-hibiscus E
CIPA4 Cissampelos pareira L. Pareira brava E
CLPE5 Cladonia perforata A. Evans Florida perforate cladonia E
CLDI Cleistes divaricata (L.) Ames spreading pogonia T
CLAS2 Clinopodium ashei (Weath.) Small
CAAS9 Calamintha ashei (Weath.) Shinners Ashe's calamintha T
CLDE4 Clinopodium dentatum (Chapm.) Kuntze
CADE26 Calamintha dentata Chapm. toothed savory T
CLGE Clinopodium georgianum Harper
CAGE7 Calamintha georgiana (Harper) Shinners Georgia calamint E
CLFR2 Clitoria fragrans Small pigeon wings E
COAR Coccothrinax argentata (Jacq.) L.H. Bailey silver palm T
COTU Coelorachis tuberculosa (Nash) Nash piedmont joint grass T
COAR3 Colubrina arborescens (Mill.) Sarg. greenheart E
COCU Colubrina cubensis (Jacq.) Brongn. colubrina E
COEL2 Colubrina elliptica (Sw.) Briz. & Stern soldierwood E
COCA19 Conradina canescens (Torr. & A. Gray ex Benth.) A. Gray
COBR5 Conradina brevifolia Shinners short-leaved rosemary E
COET Conradina etonia Kral & McCartney etonia rosemary E
COGL9 Conradina glabra Shinners Apalachicola rosemary E
COGR8 Conradina grandiflora Small large-flowered rosemary T
COCO14 Consolea corallicola Small
OPCO14 Opuntia corallicola (Small) Backeb. semaphore cactus E
COOD7 Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willd.) Poir. autumn coralroot E
COGL6 Cordia globosa (Jacq.) Kunth Curacao bush E
COIN4 Coreopsis integrifolia Poir. dye-flower E
COAL2 Cornus alternifolia L. f. pagoda dogwood E
CRMU3 Cranichis muscosa Sw. moss orchid E
CRPH Crataegus phaenopyrum (L. f.) Medik. Washington thorn E
CRPA9 Croomia pauciflora (Nutt.) Torr. croomia E
CRIL2 Crossopetalum ilicifolium (Poir.) Kuntze Christmas berry T
CRRH Crossopetalum rhacoma Crantz rhacoma T
CRAV Crotalaria avonensis DeLaney & Wunderlin Avon Park harebells E
CRHU Croton humilis L. pepperbush E
CRCA9 Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. honewort E
CTSL Ctenitis sloanei (Poepp. ex Spreng.) Morton Florida tree fern/red-hair comb fern E
CTSU2 Ctenitis submarginalis (Langsd. & Fisch.) Ching brown-hair comb fern E
CTFL Ctenium floridanum (Hitchc.) Hitchc. Florida toothache grass E
CUOK Cucurbita okeechobeensis (Small) L.H. Bailey Okeechobee gourd E
CUGL Cupania glabra Sw. cupania E
CUAS Cuphea aspera Chapm. tropical waxweed E
CYEL6 Cyclopogon elatus (Sw.) Schltr.
SPEL2 Spiranthes elata (Sw.) Rich. tall neottia E
CYBL Cynanchum blodgettii (A. Gray) Shinners Blodgett's swallowwort T
CYVI Cynoglossum virginianum L. wild comfrey E
CYFL6 Cyperus floridanus Britton Florida flatsedge E
CYFU2 Cyperus fuligineus Chapm. limestone flatsedge E
CYPU4 Cyrtopodium punctatum (L.) Lindl. cowhorn or cigar orchid E
DABR2 Dalbergia brownei (Jacq.) Schinz Brown's Indian rosewood E
DACA9 Dalea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F. Macbr. Florida prairie clover E
DEPU6 Deeringothamnus pulchellus Small white squirrel-banana E
DERU Deeringothamnus rugelii (B.L. Rob.) Small yellow squirrel-banana E
DECA3 Delphinium carolinianum Walter Carolina larkspur E
DELI8 Dendrophylax lindenii (Lindl.) Benth. ex Rolfe
POLI3 Polyrrhiza lindenii (Lindl.) Cogn. ghost orchid E
DEBI3 Dennstaedtia bipinnata (Cav.) Maxon cuplet fern E
DEOC2 Desmodium ochroleucum M.A. Curtis ex Canby trailing tick-trefoil E
DICH4 Dicerandra christmanii R.B. Huck & W.S. Judd Christmann's mint E
DICO5 Dicerandra cornutissima R.B. Huck Robin's mint E
DIFR Dicerandra frutescens Shinners Lloyd's mint E
DIIM Dicerandra immaculata Lakela Olga's mint E
DITH3 Dicerandra ×thinicola H.A. Mill. (pro sp.) [densiflora × sp.] Titusville balm E
DIDID Dichanthelium dichotomum (L.) Gould var. dichotomum
PANU7 Panicum nudicaule Vasey naked-stemmed panic grass T
DIDO Digitaria dolichophylla Henr. Caribbean crabgrass T
DIPA5 Digitaria pauciflora Hitchc. Florida pineland crabgrass E
DIPA9 Dirca palustris L. leatherwood E
DOME Dodecatheon meadia L. shooting-star E
DOVI Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq.
DOEL3 Dodonaea elaeagnoides J.H. Rudolph ex Ledeb. & Alderstam Keys hopbush E
DRFI Drosera filiformis Raf. dew-thread E
DRIN3 Drosera intermedia Hayne water sundew T
DRDI Drypetes diversifolia Krug & Urb. milkbark E
DRLA3 Drypetes lateriflora (Sw.) Krug & Urb. Guiana plum T
ECPU Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench purple coneflower E
ECFL4 Echinodorus floridanus Haynes & Burkhalter Florida burhead E
ELRO2 Eleocharis rostellata (Torr.) Torr. beaked spikerush E
ELCA18 Eltroplectris calcarata (Sw.) Garay & H.R. Sweet E
ENTA Encyclia tampensis (Lindl.) Small butterfly orchid CE
ENBI Enemion biternatum Raf.
ISBI2 Isopyrum biternatum (Raf.) Torr. & A. Gray false rue-anemone E
EPAC Epidendrum acunae Dressler Acuna's epidendrum E
EPAM3 Epidendrum amphistomum A. Rich.
EPAN7 Epidendrum anceps auct. non Jacq. dingy-flowered epidendrum E
EPBO4 Epidendrum boricuarum Hágsater & Sánchez
EPDI Epidendrum difforme auct. non Jacq. umbelled epidendrum E
EPMAM Epidendrum magnoliae Muhl. var. magnoliae
EPCO4 Epidendrum conopseum W.T. Aiton green-fly orchid CE
EPNO Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. night-scented epidendrum E
EPRI2 Epidendrum rigidum Jacq. rigid epidendrum E
EPST2 Epidendrum strobiliferum Rchb. f. matted epidendrum E
EPRE2 Epigaea repens L. trailing arbutus E
ERPET3 Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees ex Steud. var. tracyi (Hitchc.) P.M. Peterson
ERTR Eragrostis tracyi Hitchc. Sanibel lovegrass E
ERNI7 Eriocaulon nigrobracteatum Bridges & Orzell dark-headed hatpins E
ERLOG Eriogonum longifolium Nutt. var. gnaphalifolium Gandog.
ERFL11 Eriogonum floridanum Small scrub buckwheat E
ERFR4 Erithalis fruticosa L. blacktorch T
ERCO44 Ernodea cokeri Britton ex Coker one-nerved ernodea E
ERCU4 Eryngium cuneifolium Small scrub eryngium E
ERUM2 Erythronium umbilicatum Parks & Hardin dimpled dogtooth-violet E
EUCO4 Eugenia confusa DC. redberry eugenia E
EURH Eugenia rhombea (Berg) Krug & Urb. red stopper E
EUAT5 Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. burning bush E
EUCO8 Euphorbia commutata Engelm. ex A. Gray wood spurge E
EUPI5 Euphorbia pinetorum (Small) G.L. Webster
POPI6 Poinsettia pinetorum Small Everglades poinsettia E
EUTE6 Euphorbia telephioides Chapm. spurge E
EUHE10 Eurybia hemispherica (Alexander) G.L. Nesom
ASHE7 Aster hemisphericus Alexander aster E
EUSP4 Eurybia spinulosa (Chapm.) G.L. Nesom
ASSP12 Aster spinulosus Chapm. pinewoods aster E
EVCO Evolvulus convolvuloides (Willd. ex Schult.) Stearn dwarf bindweed E
EVGR Evolvulus grisebachii Peter Grisebach's bindweed E
EXCA Exostema caribaeum (Jacq.) Schult. Caribbean princewood E
FOGO Forestiera godfreyi L.C. Anderson Godfrey's swamp privet E
FOGA Fothergilla gardenii L. dwarf witch-alder E
GASM Galactia smallii H.J. Rogers ex Herndon Small's milkpea E
GABI6 Galeandra bicarinata G.A. Romero & P.M. Brown
GABE2 Galeandra beyrichii auct. non Rchb. f. helmet orchid E
GAHE4 Garberia heterophylla (Bartram) Merr. & F. Harper garberia T
GEPE3 Gentiana pennelliana Fernald wiregrass gentian E
GLMA5 Glandularia maritima (Small) Small
VEMA3 Verbena maritima Small coastal vervain E
GLTA Glandularia tampensis (Nash) Small
VETA Verbena tampensis Nash Tampa vervain E
GOPU Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br. downy rattlesnake orchid E
GOHI Gossypium hirsutum L. wild cotton E
GOFL2 Govenia floridana P.M. Brown
GOUT Govenia utriculata auct. non (Sw.) Lindl. Gowen's orchid E
GUSA Guaiacum sanctum L. lignum vitae E
GUMO Guzmania monostachia (L.) Rusby ex Mez Fuch's bromeliad E
GYLA Gyminda latifolia (Sw.) Urb. West Indian falsebox E
HADI6 Habenaria distans Griseb. distans habenaria E
HAFL3 Harperocallis flava McDaniel Harper's beauty E
HAER4 Harrisia eriophora (N.E. Pfeiffer) Britton Indian River prickly-apple E
HAGR13 Harrisia gracilis (Mill.) Britton [excluded] West coast prickly-apple E
HAFL4 Hartwrightia floridana A. Gray ex S. Watson hartwrightia T
HARO Hasteola robertiorum L.C. Anderson Gulf hammock indian-plantain E
HECA14 Helianthus carnosus Small flatwoods sunflower E
HEFR2 Heliotropium fruticosum L. Key West heliotrope E
HENO2 Hepatica nobilis Schreb. liverleaf E
HESP3 Hexalectris spicata (Walter) Barnhart crested coral-root E
HEAR6 Hexastylis arifolia (Michx.) Small heartleaf wild ginger T
HIPO Hibiscus poeppigii (Spreng.) Garcke Poeppig's rosemallow E
HIMA2 Hippomane mancinella L. manchineel E
HUDI Huperzia dichotoma (Jacq.) Trevis.
LYDI2 Lycopodium dichotomum Jacq. hanging clubmoss E
HYCO6 Hybanthus concolor (T.F. Forst.) Spreng. green violet E
HYAR Hydrangea arborescens L. wild hydrangea E
HYGO2 Hymenocallis godfreyi G. Lom. Sm. & M. Darst Godfrey's spiderlily E
HYHE2 Hymenocallis henryae Traub ex J.E. Laferriere Mrs. Henry's spiderlily E
HYTR Hypelate trifoliata Sw. inkwood E
HYCU Hypericum cumulicola (Small) P. Adams Highlands scrub hypericum E
HYED Hypericum edisonianum (Small) P. Adams & N. Robson Edison ascyrum E
HYLI4 Hypericum lissophloeus P. Adams smooth-barked St. Johns-wort E
ILAM2 Ilex amelanchier M.A. Curtis ex Chapm. serviceberry holly T
ILKR Ilex krugiana Loes. Krug's holly T
ILPA Illicium parviflorum Michx. ex Vent. star anise E
INOX Indigofera oxycarpa Desv.
INKE Indigofera keyensis Small Keys' indigo E
IOUT Ionopsis utricularioides (Sw.) Lindl. delicate ionopsis orchid E
IPMI Ipomoea microdactyla Griseb. wild-potato morning-glory E
IPTE2 Ipomoea tenuissima Choisy rocklands morning-glory E
ISAP Isoetes appalachiana D.F. Brunton & D.M. Britton Appalachian quillwort E
ISBO2 Isoetes boomii N. Luebke Boom's quillwort E
ISHY Isoetes hyemalis D.F. Brunton winter quillwort E
ISVE Isotria verticillata Raf. whorled pogonia E
JACU4 Jacquemontia curtissii Peter ex Small pineland jacquemontia T
JAHA Jacquemontia havanensis (Jacq.) Urb. Havana clustervine E
JAPE Jacquemontia pentanthos (Jacq.) G. Don skyblue clustervine E
JARE Jacquemontia reclinata House beach jacquemontia E
JAKE Jacquinia keyensis Mez joewood T
JUGY Juncus gymnocarpus Coville Coville's rush E
JUCO8 Justicia cooleyi Monachino & Leonard Cooley's justicia E
JUCR Justicia crassifolia (Chapm.) Chapm. ex Small thick-leaved water-willow E
KALA Kalmia latifolia L. mountain laurel T
KOVI2 Koanophyllon villosum (Sw.) King & H. Rob.
EUVI4 Eupatorium villosum Sw. Keys thoroughwort E
KODE2 Kosteletzkya depressa (L.) O.J. Blanch., Fryxell & D.M. Bates white fen E
LADI5 Lachnocaulon digynum Koern. Panhandle bogbuttons T
LACA8 Lantana canescens Kunth hammock shrub verbena E
LADE Lantana depressa Small pineland lantana E
LECE Lechea cernua Small scrub pinweed T
LEDI Lechea divaricata Shuttlw. ex Britton spreading pinweed E
LELA11 Lechea lakelae Wilbur Lakela's pinweed E
LEFL Leitneria floridana Chapm. corkwood T
LELA42 Leochilus labiatus (Sw.) Kuntze [excluded] lipped orchid E
LEME Lepanthopsis melanantha (Rchb. f.) Ames tiny orchid E
LESP Lepuropetalon spathulatum Elliot little-people E
LIGH Liatris gholsonii L.C. Anderson Bluff's blazing-star E
LIOH Liatris ohlingerae (S.F. Blake) B.L. Rob. scrub blazing-star E
LIPR3 Liatris provincialis Godfrey Godfrey's blazing-star E
LITR Licaria triandra (Sw.) Kosterm. licaria E
LICA4 Lilium catesbaei Walter Catesby lily T
LIIR Lilium iridollae Henry panhandle lily E
LIMI Lilium michauxii Poir. Carolina lily E
LISU Lilium superbum L. Turk's-cap lily E
LIME7 Lindera melissifolia (Walter) Blume pondberry E
LISU8 Lindera subcoriacea B.E. Wofford bog spicebush E
LIAR5 Linum arenicola (Small) Winkl. sand flax E
LICA14 Linum carteri Small Everglades flax E
LIMA10 Linum macrocarpum C.M. Rogers big-seed flax E
LIWE Linum westii C.M. Rogers West's flax E
LIEL2 Liparis elata Lindl.
LINE2 Liparis nervosa auct. non (Thunb.) Lindl. tall twayblade E
LIAU3 Listera australis Lindl. southern twayblade T
LIAE Litsea aestivalis (L.) Fernald pond-spice E
LOBO Lobelia boykinii Torr. & A. Gray ex A. DC. Boykin's lobelia E
LOCA2 Lobelia cardinalis L. cardinal flower T
LOKU Lomariopsis kunzeana (C. Presl ex Underw.) Holttum climbing holly-fern E
LUWE Lupinus westianus Small Gulfcoast lupine T
LUWEA Lupinus westianus Small var. aridorum (McFarlin ex Beckner) Isely
LUAR11 Lupinus aridorum McFarlin ex Beckner McFarlin's lupine E
LYCEC Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. var. cernua
LYCE Lycopodium cernuum L. nodding club-moss CE
LYCU2 Lythrum curtissii Fernald Curtis' loosestrife E
LYFL4 Lythrum flagellare Shuttlw. ex Chapm. lowland loosestrife E
MAAL7 Macbridea alba Chapm. white birds-in-a-nest E
MALU Macradenia lutescens R. Br. Trinidad macradenia E
MAFL4 Macranthera flammea (Bartram) Pennell hummingbird-flower E
MAAC Magnolia acuminata (L.) L. cucumber-tree E
MAAS Magnolia ashei Weath. Ashe's magnolia E
MAPY Magnolia pyramidata Bartram pyramid magnolia E
MATR Magnolia tripetala (L.) L. umbrella magnolia E
MAUN Malaxis unifolia Michx. green adder's-mouth orchid E
MAAN3 Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michx. crabapple T
MAJA2 Manilkara jaimiqui (C. Wright) Dubard wild dilly T
MAOB Marshallia obovata (Walter) Beadle & F.E. Boynt. Barbara's buttons E
MARA6 Marshallia ramosa Beadle & F.E. Boynt. Barbara's buttons E
MAAL6 Matelea alabamensis (Vail) Woodson Alabama spiny pod E
MABA3 Matelea baldwyniana (Sweet) Woodson Baldwin's spiny pod E
MAFL3 Matelea flavidula (Chapm.) Woodson yellow-flowered spiny pod E
MAFL5 Matelea floridana (Vail) Woodson Florida spiny pod E
MAGO Matelea gonocarpos (Walter) Shinners angle pod T
MAPU3 Matelea pubiflora (Decne.) Woodson sandhill spiny pod E
MACR2 Maxillaria crassifolia (Lindl.) Rchb. f. hidden orchid E
MAPA22 Maxillaria parviflora (Poepp. & Endl.) Garay minnie-max E
MAPH Maytenus phyllanthoides Benth. Florida mayten T
MEVI Medeola virginiana L. Indian cucumber E
MEPA3 Melanthera parvifolia Small small-leaved melanthera T
MELU3 Mesadenus lucayanus (Britton) Schltr.
SPPO3 Spiranthes polyantha auct. non Rchb. f. Ft. George ladies'-tresses E
MIHE2 Microgramma heterophylla (L.) Wherry climbing vine fern E
MIGO Minuartia godfreyi (Shinners) McNeill Godfrey's sandwort E
MOHY3 Monotropa hypopithys L. pine-sap E
MOOD2 Monotropsis odorata Schwein. ex Elliot
MORE Monotropsis reynoldsiae (A. Gray) A. Heller pygmy-pipes E
MYFR Myrcianthes fragrans (Sw.) McVaugh Simpson's stopper T
NAFI2 Najas filifolia Haynes slender naiad T
NEFL Nemastylis floridana Small celestial lily E
NEBI Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott giant sword fern T
NELA Neurodium lanceolatum (L.) Fée ribbon fern E
NOAT Nolina atopocarpa Bartlett Florida beargrass T
NOBR Nolina brittoniana Nash Britton's bear-grass E
NYJA Nymphaea jamesoniana Planch. Jameson's water lily E
OCCA5 Ocimum campechianum Mill. ocimum E
ODCL Odontosoria clavata L.
SPCL2 Sphenomeris clavata (L.) Maxon wedgelet fern E
OKHY Okenia hypogaea Schltdl. & Cham. burrowing four-o'clock E
ONFL Oncidium floridanum Ames Florida oncidium E
OPST2 Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw. shell mound prickly-pear T
OPTR Opuntia triacantha (Willd.) Sweet Keys Joe-jumper E
OSCI Osmunda cinnamomea L. cinnamon fern CE
OSRE Osmunda regalis L. royal fern CE
OXGR5 Oxypolis greenmanii Mathias & Constance giant water-dropwort E
PAPR7 Pachysandra procumbens Michx. Allegheny-spurge E
PAAB Panicum abscissum Swallen cut-throat grass E
PACA13 Parnassia caroliniana Michx. Carolina grass-of-Parnassus E
PAGR Parnassia grandifolia DC. grass-of-Parnassus E
PACH6 Paronychia chartacea Fernald papery whitlow-wort E
PACH16 Paspalidium chapmanii (Vasey) Pohl
SECH2 Setaria chapmanii (Vasey) Pilg. coral panic grass E
PAMU4 Passiflora multiflora L. white-flowered passionvine E
PAPA14 Passiflora pallens Poepp. ex Masters pineland passionvine E
PASE6 Passiflora sexflora Juss. goat's foot leaf E
PAPA28 Pavonia paludicola Nicolson ex Fryxell swampbush E
PEDI8 Pecluma dispersa (A.M. Evans) M.G. Price
PODI3 Polypodium dispersum A.M. Evans widespread polypody E
PEPL5 Pecluma plumula (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.G. Price
POPL2 Polypodium plumula Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. plume polypody E
PEPTP2 Pecluma ptilodon (Kunze) M.G. Price ssp. ptilodon (Kunze) M.G. Price [excluded]
POPT2 Polypodium ptilodon Kunze swamp plume polypody E
PEAD3 Pelexia adnata (Sw.) Spreng.
SPAD Spiranthes adnata (Sw.) Benth. ex Fawc. pelexia E
PEAT2 Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link hairy cliff-brake fern E
PEAM6 Peperomia amplexicaulis (Sw.) A. Dietr. clasping peperomia E
PEGL7 Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A. Dietr. cypress peperomia E
PEHU3 Peperomia humilis A. Dietr. peperomia E
PEMA5 Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A. Dietr. spathulate peperomia E
PEOB2 Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr. Florida peperomia E
PERO5 Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth round peperomia E
PHLA21 Pharus lappulaceus Aubl.
PHGL8 Pharus glaber Kunth creeping leafstalk grass E
PHTE7 Phoebanthus tenuifolius (Torr. & A. Gray) S.F. Blake pineland false sunflower T
PHRU Phoradendron rubrum (L.) Griseb. mahogany mistletoe E
PHST8 Phyla stoechadifolia (L.) Small southern matchsticks E
PHLI13 Phyllanthus liebmannianus Müll. Arg. pine woods dainties E
PHOP Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim., orth. cons. ninebark E
PHGO2 Physostegia godfreyi Cantino Apalachicola dragonhead T
PIPE Picramnia pentandra Sw. Florida bitterbush E
PIPO4 Pilosocereus polygonus (Lam.) Byles & Rowley
CERO3 Cereus robinii (Lem.) L.D. Benson tree cactus E
PIBA4 Pilosocereus bahamensis (Britton) Byles & Rowley Bahamian treecactus E
PIBR6 Pinckneya bracteata (Bartram) Raf. fever-tree T
PICA7 Pinguicula caerulea Walter blue-flowered butterwort T
PIIO Pinguicula ionantha Godfrey Panhandle butterwort E
PILU2 Pinguicula lutea Walter yellow-flowered butterwort T
PIPL Pinguicula planifolia Chapm. swamp butterwort T
PIPR Pinguicula primuliflora Alph. Wood & Godfrey primrose-flowered butterwort E
PIRO3 Pisonia rotundata Griseb. devil's smooth claws E
PIKE Pithecellobium keyense Britton ex Britton & Rose Keys' blackbead T
PIFL5 Pityopsis flexuosa (Nash) Small Florida golden-aster E
PLBL Platanthera blephariglottis (Willd.) Lindl. white-fringed orchid T
PLCI2 Platanthera ciliaris (L.) Lindl. yellow-fringed orchid T
PLCL Platanthera clavellata (Michx.) Luer green rein orchid E
PLCR Platanthera cristata (Michx.) Lindl. crested fringed orchid T
PLFL Platanthera flava (L.) Lindl. gypsy-spikes T
PLIN5 Platanthera integra (Nutt.) A. Gray ex Beck orange rein orchid E
PLNI Platanthera nivea (Nutt.) Luer snowy orchid T
PLAS2 Pleopeltis astrolepis (Liebm.) Fourn. star-scaled fern E
PLGE Pleurothallis gelida Lindl. frosted orchid E
POPE Podophyllum peltatum L. mayapple E
POOP Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Ker Gawl. rose pogonia T
POLE8 Polygala lewtonii Small Lewton's polygala E
POSM3 Polygala smallii R.R. Sm. & Ward tiny polygala E
POBA5 Polygonella basiramia (Small) G.L. Nesom & V.M. Bates tufted wireweed E
POMA14 Polygonella macrophylla Small large-leaved jointweed T
POMY2 Polygonella myriophylla (Small) Horton sandlace E
POME4 Polygonum meisnerianum Cham. & Schltdl. Mexican tear-thumb E
POLA8 Polymnia laevigata Beadle Tennessee leaf-cup E
POCO27 Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R. Sweet pale-flowered polystachya E
POBR9 Ponthieva brittoniae Ames Mrs. Britton's shadow witch E
POFL5 Potamogeton floridanus Small Florida pondweed E
PROL Prescotia oligantha (Sw.) Lindl. small-flowered orchid E
PRBOE Prosthechea boothiana (Lindl.) W.E. Higgins var. erythronioides (Small) W.E. Higgins
ENBO Encyclia boothiana auct. non (Lindl.) Dressler dollar orchid E
PRCOC Prosthechea cochleata (L.) W.E. Higgins var. cochleata
ENCO3 Encyclia cochleata (L.) Dressler Florida clamshell orchid E
PRPY Prosthechea pygmaea (Hook.) W.E. Higgins
ENPY Encyclia pygmaea (Hook.) Dressler dwarf epidendrum E
PRGE Prunus geniculata Harper scrub plum E
PRMY Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb. West Indian cherry T
PSSA Pseudophoenix sargentii H. Wendl. ex Sarg. Sargent's cherry palm E
PSLO2 Psidium longipes (Berg) McVaugh mangrove berry T
PSLI2 Psychotria ligustrifolia (Northrop) Millsp. Bahama wildcoffee E
PTBA Pteris bahamensis (J. Agardh) Fée Bahama ladder brake fern T
PTEC2 Pteroglossaspis ecristata (Fernald) Rolfe
EUEC Eulophia ecristata (Fernald) Ames non-crested eulophia T
PYFL2 Pycnanthemum floridanum E. Grant & Epling Florida mountain-mint T
QUAR2 Quercus arkansana Sarg. Arkansas oak T
REMA3 Remirea maritima Aubl. beach-star E
RESE Reynosia septentrionalis Urb. Darling plum T
RHHY Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Pursh) H. Wendl. & Drude ex Drude needle palm CE
RHPA3 Rhexia parviflora Chapm. Apalachicola meadow-beauty E
RHSA3 Rhexia salicifolia Kral & Bostick Panhandle meadow beauty T
RHBA2 Rhipsalis baccifera (Sol. ex J.S. Muell.) Stearn mistletoe cactus E
RHAL5 Rhododendron alabamense Rehder Alabama azalea E
RHAU Rhododendron austrinum (Small) Rehder Florida flame azalea E
RHCA7 Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) Sweet pink azalea CE
RHCH5 Rhododendron chapmanii A. Gray Chapman's rhododendron E
RHMI11 Rhus michauxii Sarg. Michaux's sumac E
RHPA2 Rhynchosia parvifolia DC. small-leaf snoutbean T
RHSW Rhynchosia swartzii (Vail) Urb. Swartz' snoutbean E
RHCR3 Rhynchospora crinipes Gale hairy peduncled beakrush E
RHME3 Rhynchospora megaplumosa Bridges & Orzell hairy spikelet beakrush E
RHST2 Rhynchospora stenophylla Chapm. narrow-leaf beakrush T
RIEC Ribes echinellum (Coville) Rehder Miccosukee gooseberry E
ROEL Roystonea elata (Bartram) F. Harper Florida royal palm E
RUNI3 Rudbeckia nitida Nutt. St. John's-Susan E
RUTR2 Rudbeckia triloba L. a browneyed Susan E
RUNO Ruellia noctiflora (Nees) A. Gray night-flowering wild-petunia E
SAPO3 Sachsia polycephala Griseb.
SABA9 Sachsia bahamensis Urb. Bahama sachsia T
SAER Salix eriocephala Michx. heart-leaved willow E
SAFL Salix floridana Chapm. Florida willow E
SAUR Salvia urticifolia L. nettle-leaved sage E
SALE4 Sarracenia leucophylla Raf. white-top pitcher-plant E
SAMI9 Sarracenia minor Walter hooded pitcher plant T
SAPS2 Sarracenia psittacina Michx. parrot pitcher plant T
SAPU4 Sarracenia purpurea L. decumbent pitcher plant T
SARU4 Sarracenia rubra Walter red-flowered pitcher plant T
SABA6 Savia bahamensis Britton Bahama maidenbush E
SCPL Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl inkberry T
SCFR Schaefferia frutescens Jacq. Florida boxwood E
SCGL7 Schisandra glabra (E.P. Bicknell) Rehder
SCCO3 Schisandra coccinea Michx. bay star vine E
SCNI2 Schizachyrium niveum (Swallen) Gould scrub bluestem E
SCCR Schoenolirion croceum (Michx.) Alph. Wood yellow sunnybell E
SCAM Schwalbea americana L. chaff-seed E
SCLI3 Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw. Keys' nutrush E
SCFL4 Scutellaria floridana Chapm. Florida skullcap E
SCHA6 Scutellaria havanensis Jacq. Havana skullcap E
SEEA Selaginella eatonii Hieron. ex Small pygmy spikemoss E
SEME4 Senna mexicana (Jacq.) Irwin & Barneby Chapman's sensitive plant T
SIAL13 Sideroxylon alachuense L.C. Anderson Clark's buckthorn E
SILY Sideroxylon lycioides L. gopherwood buckthorn E
SITH2 Sideroxylon thornei (Cronquist) T.D. Penn. Thorne's buckthorn E
SICA6 Silene caroliniana Walter California catchfly E
SIPO Silene polypetala (Walter) Fernald & B.G. Schub. fringed pink E
SIVI4 Silene virginica L. fire pink E
SMCO Smilax coriacea Spreng.
SMHA Smilax havanensis auct. non Jacq. Everglades greenbrier T
SODO3 Solanum donianum Walp. mullein nightshade T
SPTE8 Spermacoce terminalis (Small) Kartesz & Gandhi false buttonweed T
SPGE Spigelia gentianoides Chapm. ex A. DC. gentian pinkroot E
SPLO3 Spigelia loganioides (Torr. & A. Gray ex Endl. & Fenzl) A. DC. Levy pinkroot E
SPBR Spiranthes brevilabris Lindl. small ladies'-tresses E
SPLA3 Spiranthes laciniata (Small) Ames lace-lip ladies' tresses T
SPLO2 Spiranthes longilabris Lindl. long-lip ladies' tresses T
SPOV Spiranthes ovalis Lindl. lesser ladies'-tresses E
SPTO5 Spiranthes torta (Thunb.) Garay & H.R. Sweet southern ladies'-tresses E
SPTU Spiranthes tuberosa Raf. little pearl-twist T
STGR6 Stachydeoma graveolens (Chapm. ex A. Gray) Small mock pennyroyal E
STCR7 Stachys crenata Raf. shade betony E
STHY3 Stachys hyssopifolia Michx.
STLY2 Stachys lythroides Small hyssop-leaved hedgenettle E
STTE Stachys tenuifolia Willd. narrow-leaved betony E
STTR Staphylea trifolia L. bladder nut E
STGR2 Stenanthium gramineum (Ker Gawl.) Morong eastern featherbells E
STLA11 Stenorrhynchos lanceolatum (Aubl.) Rich. leafless beaked orchid T
STMA Stewartia malacodendron L. silky camellia E
STMA4 Strumpfia maritima Jacq. pride-of-Big-Pine E
STAB Stylisma abdita Myint hidden stylisma E
STCA7 Stylosanthes calcicola Small Everglades pencilflower E
SWMA2 Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. mahogany T
TAFL Taxus floridana Nutt. ex Chapm. Florida yew E
TEFI3 Tectaria fimbriata (Willd.) Proctor & Lourteig least halberd fern E
TEHE Tectaria heracleifolia (Willd.) Underw. broad halberd fern T
TEAN Tephrosia angustissima Shuttlw. ex Chapm. hoary pea E
TEMO3 Tephrosia mohrii (Rydb.) Godfrey pineland hoary-pea T
TEBI Tetrazygia bicolor (Mill.) Cogn. tetrazygia T
THCO5 Thalictrum cooleyi H.E. Ahles Cooley's meadow rue E
THTH2 Thalictrum thalictroides (L.) Eames & B. Boivin Rue-anemone E
THAU Thelypteris augescens (Link) Munz & I.M. Johnst. abrupt-tipped maiden fern T
THGR Thelypteris grandis A.R. Sm. Collier County maiden fern E
THPA5 Thelypteris patens (Sw.) Small ex R.P. St. John grid-scale maiden fern E
THRE3 Thelypteris reptans (J.F. Gmel.) Morton creeping star-hair fern E
THRE5 Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor lattice-vein fern, cypress fern E
THSC Thelypteris sclerophylla (Poepp. ex Spreng.) Morton stiff star-hair fern E
THSE3 Thelypteris serrata (Cav.) Alston dentate lattice-vein fern E
THMO4 Thrinax morrisii H. Wendl. brittle thatch palm E
THRA2 Thrinax radiata Lodd. ex Schult. & Schult. f. Florida thatch palm E
TIBA2 Tillandsia balbisiana Schult. & Schult. f. inflated & reflexed wildpine T
TIFA Tillandsia fasciculata Sw. common or stiff-leaved wild-pine E
TIFL2 Tillandsia flexuosa Sw. twisted or banded air plant T
TIPR Tillandsia pruinosa Sw. fuzzy-wuzzy or hoary air-plant E
TIUT Tillandsia utriculata L. giant wild-pine E
TIVA2 Tillandsia variabilis Schltdl.
TIVA Tillandsia valenzuelana A. Rich. soft-leaved wildpine T
TIDI Tipularia discolor (Pursh) Nutt. crane-fly orchid T
TOBA2 Tolumnia bahamensis (Nash ex Britton & Millsp.) G.J. Braem
ONBA Oncidium bahamense Nash ex Britton & Millsp. dancing-lady orchid E
TOTA Torreya taxifolia Arn. Florida torreya E
TOHI Tournefortia hirsutissima L. chiggery grapes E
TRSA2 Tragia saxicola Small rocklands noseburn T
TRLA2 Trema lamarckiana (Schult.) Blume Lamarck's trema E
TRMA19 Trichocentrum maculatum (Aubl.) M.W. Chase
ONLU Oncidium luridum auct. non Lindl. mule-ear orchid E
TRHO3 Trichomanes holopterum Kunze entire-winged bristle fern E
TRKR Trichomanes krausii Hook. & Grev. Kraus's bristle fern E
TRLI Trichomanes lineolatum (Bosch) Hook. lined bristle fern E
TRPU5 Trichomanes punctatum Poir. Florida bristle fern E
TROC2 Trichostigma octandrum (L.) H. Walt. hoop vine E
TRLA15 Trillium lancifolium Raf. lance-leaved wake-robin E
TRAM18 Triphora amazonica Schltr.
TRLA17 Triphora latifolia Luer f. wide-leaved triphora E
TRCR4 Triphora craigheadii Luer Craigheads's orchid E
TRTR3 Triphora trianthophora (Sw.) Rydb. three-birds orchid T
TRFL4 Tripsacum floridanum Porter ex Vasey Florida tripsacum T
TRPO5 Tropidia polystachya (Sw.) Ames young-palm orchid E
UVFL Uvularia floridana Chapm. Florida merrybells E
VAAN3 Vallesia antillana Woodson tear shrub E
VABA Vanilla barbellata Rchb. f. worm-vine orchid E
VADI2 Vanilla dilloniana Correll Dillon's vanilla E
VAME2 Vanilla mexicana Mill. unscented vanilla E
VAPH Vanilla phaeantha Rchb. f. leafy vanilla E
VEWO3 Veratrum woodii J.W. Robbins ex Alph. Wood false hellebore E
VECH2 Verbesina chapmanii J.R. Coleman Chapman's crownbeard T
VIOC80 Vicia ocalensis Godfrey & Kral Ocala vetch E
VITR4 Viola tripartita Elliot yellow violet E
VOPA Voyria parasitica (Schltdl. & Cham.) Ruyters & Maas
LEPA9 Leiphaimos parasitica Schltdl. & Cham. parasitic ghostplant E
WAAM Warea amplexifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. clasping warea E
WACA Warea carteri Small Carter's mustard E
XASI Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marsh. yellow-root E
XYIS Xyris isoetifolia Kral quillwort yellow-eyed-grass E
XYLO Xyris longisepala Kral Karst pond yellow-eyed-grass E
XYSC Xyris scabrifolia Harper Harper's yellow-eyed grass T
XYCH Xyris chapmanii Bridges & Orzell Chapman's yellow-eyed-grass E
YUGL2 Yucca gloriosa L. moundlily yucca E
ZAMIA Zamia L. coontie CE
ZAAM Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. prickly-ash E
ZACO Zanthoxylum coriaceum A. Rich. leathery prickly-ash E
ZAFL Zanthoxylum flavum Vahl yellowheart E
ZEAT Zephyranthes atamasca (L.) Herbert rainlily T
ZEATT Zephyranthes atamasca (L.) Herbert var. treatiae (S. Watson) Meerow
ZETR Zephyranthes treatiae S. Watson Treat's zephyr-lily T
ZESI Zephyranthes simpsonii Chapm. Simpson's zephyr-lily T
ZILE Zigadenus leimanthoides A. Gray coastal death camas E
ZICE Ziziphus celata W.S. Judd & D.W. Hall scrub ziziphus E
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Time Generated: 08/30/2009 06:36 PM MDT