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Investing in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

How LIHTC Funds Can Help Banks Invest in Affordable Housing

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Side by Side Investing

Helpful Hints for First-Time Bank Investors in LIHTC

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Investing in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

By Michael J. Novogradac, Managing Partner, Novogradac & Company LLP

A photo of Auburn Courts in Massachusetts

Auburn Courts in Massachusetts is an example of multifamily housing developed with LIHTC investment funds from Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation, a member of the National Association of State and Local Equity Funds.

For community banks that may be unfamiliar with the concept, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program makes federal tax credits available to owners of affordable rental properties. The credits owe their existence to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and were intended to facilitate the development of low-income rental property. Since their inception, the program has been instrumental in the construction or rehabilitation of more than1.6 million affordable housing units that otherwise might not have been built.

How Banks Benefit from LIHTCs

The chief economic benefit derived from an LIHTC investment is the opportunity to claim a federal tax credit. The credit is earned over a 15-year period, but claimed over an accelerated 10-year time frame beginning in the year the property is placed in service and occupied. Since qualifying investments result in decreased tax liability, the economic return is not subject to state or federal taxation. Thus, the tax credits they generate are inherently more valuable than the same dollar amount of taxable income earned from an alternative investment.

Owners of LIHTC properties are also able to shelter taxable income from both federal and state taxation through deductions for depreciation. Additional state housing tax credits may be available in the state in which the LIHTC property is located, which can enhance investment returns even further. And as a final added benefit, regulated depository institutions, which are all subject to the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), may receive consideration for LIHTC investments in the determination of their CRA ratings.

Owners of LIHTC properties must maintain the property's low-income designation for a minimum of 15 years for the LIHTC to be fully earned. There is also a second 15-year extended compliance period effective for all projects receiving an allocation of credits after 1989. However, once the initial 15-year compliance period is complete, the Internal Revenue Service cannot recapture the tax credits, and investors can exit the partnership.

How LIHTC Investing Works

Banks seeking LIHTCs may purchase interests in entities (e.g., limited partnerships and limited liability companies) that provide bank investors with a stream of tax credits and losses generated by an underlying affordable rental property. LIHTC entities are structured as real estate partnerships under the Internal Revenue code (26 UCS 704(a)) in order for a bank to be considered a passive investor/limited partner to receive a distributive share of the tax credits and other passive losses. Investments can be made either directly or through a fund offered by a syndicator. Both options allow for differing degrees of investment size, asset diversification, compliance monitoring, and investment screening.

A direct investment is generally made by taking an ownership interest in a limited partnership; or limited liability company (LLC) that owns a LIHTC property. The investor must assume responsibility for all of the underwriting and compliance monitoring activities. An investor may have less flexibility in the amount of capital it would have to commit than if it were to invest in a diversified pool of properties. As such, this approach can be challenging for a community bank that wants to make its first entry into the LIHTC arena.

An alternative to direct investing is to invest in a fund established by a syndicator - a limited partnership (or LLC) that invests in numerous LIHTC properties. Unlike direct investing, where the bank would have to perform all due diligence itself, the syndicator generally offers to screen potential investments and monitor the ongoing compliance of the properties. Many syndicators offer multi-investor funds, allowing investors to purchase a slice of the fund, thereby offering greater flexibility in determining how much capital to invest. Most funds purchase partnership interests that own affordable rental properties in many geographic areas, which diversifies the investor's risk across several rental markets.

For investors making an investment through a syndicated fund, the minimum investment is set by the syndicator. Many state and local syndicators allow for investments of $1 million or less. The amount of capital required for a direct investment in a LIHTC property will depend upon the size of the project.

Some syndicators offer guaranteed funds, in which the syndicator guarantees a minimum yield to the investor. If the fund does not provide the promised yield, the syndicator compensates the investor for the difference. Therefore, a guaranteed fund shifts the investment risk to the syndicator, with the bank's risk being tied to the creditworthiness and experience of the syndicator. With non-guaranteed funds, no performance guarantees are provided by the syndicator, and the bank would bear the investment risk. As would be expected, guaranteed funds generally offer lower yields than non-guaranteed funds.

Credits Allocated and Equity Raised

LIHTC Credits graph
Click graphic for a larger image
The Risks of LIHTC Investing

The principal risk of LIHTC investing is the loss of the tax credit itself and its recapture by the IRS - which means the investor would forfeit all or a portion of the previously claimed credits, plus interest, and might also have to pay a penalty. Owners of LIHTC properties must meet specific requirements during the planning, construction and operation of the property to claim the credits. Failure to meet many of these requirements, if remedied quickly, will not have an adverse impact on the property's tax-credit status. However, if certain requirements are not met, the property will lose all or a major portion of its potential tax credits. Two examples of how a LIHTC property could lose its tax credits would be the failure to maintain the necessary minimum number of low-income units, or to maintain its low-income status for the full 15-year compliance period.

Banks new to this arena will find that all of the fundamental underwriting considerations associated with LIHTC investing are also found in market-rate multifamily housing lending. Once a transaction meets a bank's underwriting criteria, a bank can then evaluate it from an investment perspective. For example, during the construction and lease-up phase (which generally lasts one to three years), a bank should consider all the sources and uses of construction financing and calculate the expected costs to be included in determining the tax credit. A bank must determine which of those costs are permissible to calculate the LIHTC correctly. See the sidebar, Helpful Hints for First-Time Bank Investors.

A bank should also calculate the property's ability to produce sufficient cash flow to cover operating expenses and debt service obligations from the point that the property achieves stabilized occupancy (generally after the completion of construction and lease-up) through to the end of the compliance period.

Special care should be taken to ensure that the rents to be collected are less than the rental limits required by the LIHTC program. If the project is unable to generate sufficient cash flow to cover its operating expenses and debt service obligations, the project should be restructured until this is achieved. Finally - and of ultimate importance - a bank should calculate its investment yield and make sure that it is comfortable with the transaction.

When done carefully, investing in LIHTC properties can provide banks with significant economic and regulatory benefits, while also helping to strengthen the communities in which they do business. Over time, the tax credits have stimulated investments and leveraged equity for the development of more than 1.6 million affordable units. [Click here to see how LIHTC credits have leveraged equity over 18 years.] LIHTCs merit full consideration of any bank that is thinking of adding to its investment portfolio.

Helpful Hints for First-Time Bank Investors in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

1) Tax Planning: Since LIHTCs are designed to shelter taxable income, prospective investors must be able to project some level of taxable income over the near term. Moreover, banks as investors should evaluate their exposure to the alternative minimum tax (AMT) since the tax credits may be used to reduce ordinary tax liability, but not their AMT liability. As a result, banks that expect to be subject to the AMT during the 10-year LIHTC credit period should carefully evaluate to what extent they will be able to use LIHTCs to reduce their overall tax liability when calculating their return on investment.

2) Liquidity: The 15-year compliance period for LIHTCs requires that most investments be held for at least that long. If an investor wanted to sell its position prior to the end of the 10-year credit period, a secondary market provides them with an early exit mechanism. However, the market for LIHTC properties after the 10-year credit period has ended is much less robust. To avoid recapture of tax credits for investments sold before the end of the compliance period, the seller must post a bond with the U.S. Treasury Department or provide U.S. Treasury bills in an amount equal to the tax credits subject to potential recapture.

3) General Partner Due Diligence: An investor in LIHTCs must be comfortable with the general partner. If a bank is investing in a fund, the syndicator is the general partner. If a bank is investing directly, the general partner is most likely the developer. Successful experience in developing LIHTC properties and assembling a fund are paramount to a successful partnership. The general partner is traditionally expected to provide investors with an unconditional guarantee of construction completion since an unfinished project will never produce tax credits. Because a partnership lasts 15 years, a bank should have confidence that the general partner will perform as agreed.

4) Know the Market: All of the normal underwriting considerations for market-rate multifamily housing lending hold true when investing in low-income housing tax credits. Elements, such as site location within a neighborhood, market demand, rents and expenses, project financing rates and terms, and partnership offering terms in a competitive market are all important factors to evaluate when reviewing a potential investment opportunity. If a bank is investing through a fund, the bank will be relying on the syndicator to provide this information. In essence, a bank will be underwriting the underwriter.

5) Retain Good Advisors: A project development team or fund syndicator involves many different players, including developers, contractors, architects, lawyers, and accountants. A first-time bank investor should retain experienced and independent third-party consultants to advise it throughout the process.

6) Comparing Returns: A bank should compare projected returns to actual returns in previous direct or fund investments. Any potential investor should make sure that the general partner delivered what it promised to other investors. Likewise, determine whether the projected return met a bank investor's hurdle rate for similar risk-adjusted investment vehicles.