International Information Programs
eJournal USAAn Electronic Journal of the U.S. Department of State, February 2007

The State Department at Work
in the 21st Century: Global Actions

PDF version of 'The State Department at Work'
Cover Images U.S. Department of State and © AP Images

This edition of eJournal USA presents descriptions of how several State Department offices and bureaus work together to accomplish the department's mission—"to create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community." The "regional" bureaus described in the September 2006 eJournal USA have responsibility for particular regions of the world; these "functional" bureaus have worldwide responsibility for particular issues. This journal provides a picture of the "global actions" of these bureaus and their role in furthering U.S. policies

Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs    
Political Affairs    
Economic, Energy, and Agricultural Affairs    
Democracy and Global Affairs    
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The State Department at Work


About This Issue
The Editors

                            Public Diplomacy
                            and Public Affairs

"Waging Peace" — A New Paradigm for Public Diplomacy
Karen P. Hughes, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Building Bridges
Dina Habib Powell, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs

A New Arena for the Competition of Ideas
Jeremy F. Curtin, Coordinator for the Bureau of International Information Programs
Related Journals



The State Department's Management Team
Henrietta H. Fore, Under Secretary of State for Management

Secure Borders, Open Doors
Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs

Platforms for Diplomacy
The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations

Foreign Service Nationals: America's Bridge
The Bureau of Human Resources

Political Affairs

Regional and Bilateral Policy Issues
The Office of the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Working With International Organizations
Kristen Silverberg, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs

Combating International Crime
Anne W. Patterson, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Global Actions Photo Gallery photo icon

Economic, Energy, and Agricultural Affairs

International Economic Policy
The Office of the Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy, and Agricultural Affairs

Fostering Economic Prosperity at Home and Abroad
Daniel S. Sullivan, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs

Democracy and Global Affairs

Transcending National Boundaries
Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs

Advancing Democracy Throughout the World
Barry F. Lowenkron, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

Providing Help and Hope Around the World
Ellen R. Sauerbrey, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration

Global Challenges
Claudia A. McMurray, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment and Science

2007: The Year of Abolition
The Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Promoting Women's Empowerment
The Office of the Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues

Avian and Pandemic Influenza: The U.S. International Strategy
Ambassador John E. Lange, Special Representative on Avian and Pandemic Influenza

Arms Control and International Security

Enhancing National Security
Thomas Cynkin, Executive Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security

International Security and Nonproliferation
John C. Rood, Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation

Helping Our Friends and Allies Meet Their Security Needs
Ambassador Stephen D. Mull, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Policital-Military Affairs

Assuring Verification, Compliance, and Implementation
Paula A. Desutter, Assistant Secretary of State for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation

The State Department at Work

eJournal USA

eJournal USA:
Foreign Policy Agenda

Volume 12, Number 2 February 2007

The Bureau of International Information Programs of the U.S. Department of State publishes five electronic journals under the eJournal USA logo—Economic Perspectives, Global Issues, Issues of Democracy, Society & Values, and Foreign Policy Agenda—that examine major issues facing the United States and the international community as well as U.S. society, values, thought, and institutions.

One new journal is published monthly in English and is followed by versions in French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian. Selected editions also appear in Arabic and Chinese, and other languages as needed.

The opinions expressed in the journals do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. government. The U.S. Department of State assumes no responsibility for the content and continued accessibility of Internet sites to which the journals link; such responsibility resides solely with the publishers of those sites. Journal articles, photographs, and illustrations may be reproduced and translated outside the United States unless they carry explicit copyright restrictions, in which case permission must be sought from the copyright holders noted in the journal.

The Bureau of International Information Programs maintains current and back issues in several electronic formats, as well as a list of upcoming journals, at Comments are welcome at your local U.S. Embassy or at the editorial offices:

Editor, eJournal USA

U.S. Department of State
301 4th St. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20547
United States of America


Editor-in-Chief George Clack
Executive Editor Richard W. Huckaby
Production Manager Christian Larson
Assistant Production Manager Chloe D. Ellis
Web Producer Janine Perry
Copy Editor Kathleen Hug
Photo Editor Kenneth E. White
Cover Designer Tim Brown
Reference Specialist Martin Manning
Contributing Editors Chandley McDonald
Mildred S. Neely
Editorial Board Jeremy F. Curtin
Janet E. Garvey
Charles N. Silver

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