photo - EEEL 2007 Students

Summer Undergraduate 
Research Fellowship Program



Application Deadline: February 25

The Electronics and Electrical Engineering  Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology has a 11-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF)

The SURF program is designed to provide hands-on research experience in electrotechnology. This program builds on the phenomenal success of the other SURF programs at NIST. NIST is located just outside Washington, DC. [directions...

Available research opportunities in EEEL:

  CMOS and Novel Electronics

MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)

Power Electronics

  Weapons & Protective Systems
Law Enforcement Standards

Forensic Sciences
Detection, Inspection, and Enforcement Technologies

-- and many others!

Information about 
the SURF Program

Summer Undergraduate 
Research Fellowship

SURF Application

SURF Program for 
Other Labs at NIST

Materials Science and
Engineering Laboratory

Physics Laboratory


Building and Fire Research Laboratory

Information Technology

Chemical Science 
and Technology


  The Fellowship will include a $4,000 stipend, and travel and housing allowances. Applications should be submitted by the school's academic departments.

There are SURF programs in every laboratory of NIST. Check out their web pages as well! Please list your first, second, and third choice of the seven laboratories. Your application will be considered by all seven.

Student Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be enrolled as an undergraduate at a U.S. university or college with a scientific major.
  • Intend to pursue a graduate degree (M.S. or Ph.D.) in engineering, physical science, or information technology.
  • GPA of 3.0/4.0, or better.
  • Must be a U. S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Two letters of recommendation into the program by physics, chemistry or engineering professors/department chairs, student transcript, and letter of intent/personal statement.
Plan of Operation
  • SURFers work directly with NIST Research Advisors.
  • SURFers participate in weekly seminar program, during which Fellows and Advisors present their research projects; SURFers also participate in extramural group activities intended to enrich the fellowship experience. 
  • Fellows are encouraged to present their research results at National Meetings.
  • SURFers are encouraged, but not required to pursue their Ph.D. through NIST collaborative programs with local universities. 
  • Research advisors will be encouraged to visit the host colleges to discuss NIST research.
Download an application and information packet then print out the required forms or call Anita Sweigert at (301)975-4200, email:

  For more information contact:

Joseph J. Kopanski
EEEL SURF Director
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8120
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8120
Phone: 301-975-2089

Dean G. Jarrett
EEEL SURF Co-Director
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8171
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8171
Phone: 301-975-4240

page updated: February 4, 2008