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Reality Check: California's Water Crisis - From California’s Bay Delta and the farms of the Central Valley to the fisheries of northern California and cities in the south, a third year of severe drought is affecting the lives of all Californians. This document aims to provide clear, accurate responses to questions about the state’s water crisis so that Californians can make informed decisions about water use and help build a sustainable water future for themselves and their communities. Download the Reality Check Factsheet. (pdf - 164 KB)

Secretary Salazar Announces $20 Million Investment for Rural Water in North Central Montana - Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has announced the Bureau of Reclamation has awarded $20 million to the Rocky Boys North Central Rural Water project in north central Montana under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). “This is a significant investment in the water delivery system of this area,” Secretary Salazar said. “President Obama’s economic recovery plan is meant to quickly aid Americans by providing jobs and improving infrastructure, while paving the way for tomorrow’s success.” News Release Fact Sheet (pdf - 83 KB)

Secretary Salazar Launches Interior Climate Change Response Strategy - Secretary Salazar launched the Department of the Interior’s first-ever coordinated strategy to address current and future impacts of climate change on America’s land, water, ocean, fish, wildlife, and cultural resources. Secretary Salazar signed a secretarial order establishing a framework through which Interior bureaus will coordinate climate change and resource management strategies. More...

Reclamation Identifies Three Western River Basins for Implementation of Basin Study Program - Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael L. Connor has announced the implementation of a new Basin Study Program that will better define options for future water management of Western river basins where climate change, record drought, population increases and environmental needs have heightened competition for scarce water supplies. News Release, Website

Cameron County Irrigation District Project - The Cameron County Irrigation District in Texas, a 2005 recipient of a $300,000 Challenge Grant from Reclamation, installed flow meters, wireless operations and remote monitoring control vertical gates (pictured above). The Rubicon Flume Gates were installed at locations throughout the District and replaced wooden planks, previously used to control water flow through the canal. The District saves almost 9,000 acre-feet of water each year by automating their delivery system. More...

Salmon Recovery.gov
SalmonRecovery.gov - The salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin are one of the great icons of the Pacific Northwest. Thirteen populations of these fish are identified as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Federal Caucus is a group of eight federal agencies operating in the Columbia River Basin that have natural resource responsibilities related to the ESA. Their Web site provides information about the Caucus and its activities to protect and recover ESA-listed fish in the Columbia River Basin. More...

Interior Requests Comments on Revised Departmental Strategic Plan - The Department of the Interior is asking for public comment on the revision of its Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2010-2015. A Federal Register notice requesting comments was published and provides for a 60-day comment period ending November 10, 2009. “This strategic plan will serve as our road map by establishing direction, priorities and goals for Interior,” said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. “It will also include performance measures that will gauge how well we progressing toward the results we have committed ourselves to achieve.” News Release, Strategic Plan


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