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Invasive and Noxious Weeds

NRCS Invasive Species Policy
Invasive Species Executive Order 13112

Introduced Plants of the PLANTS Floristic Area with Scientific Name =V*
161 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Native Status
VAHI2 Vaccaria hispanica cow soapwort L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VAMY2 Vaccinium myrtillus whortleberry L48 (N), CAN (N), GL (I)
VAOF Valeriana officinalis garden valerian L48 (I), CAN (I)
VACA4 Valerianella carinata European cornsalad L48 (I)
VADE3 Valerianella dentata narrowfruit cornsalad L48 (I)
VALO Valerianella locusta Lewiston cornsalad L48 (I), CAN (W)
VAGL2 Vallesia glabra pearlberry L48 (I)
VAMA5 Vangueria madagascariensis voa vanga PR (I)
VAME2 Vanilla mexicana Mexican vanilla L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
VAPO2 Vanilla pompona West Indian vanilla L48 (I), PR (I)
VERI Velezia rigida velezia L48 (I)
VEFA Venidium fastuosum monarch of the veld L48 (I)
VEDU Ventenata dubia North Africa grass L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEBL Verbascum blattaria moth mullein L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VECH4 Verbascum chaixii nettle-leaf mullein L48 (I)
VEDE4 Verbascum densiflorum denseflower mullein L48 (I)
VEKE2 Verbascum ×kerneri L48 (I)
VELY Verbascum lychnitis white mullein L48 (I), CAN (I)
VENI Verbascum nigrum black mullein L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEOL Verbascum olympicum Olympic mullein L48 (I)
VEPH Verbascum phlomoides orange mullein L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEPH2 Verbascum phoeniceum purple mullein L48 (I)
VEPT Verbascum ×pterocaulon L48 (I)
VEPU9 Verbascum pulverulentum broad-leaf mullein L48 (I)
VERA2 Verbascum ×ramigerum L48 (I)
VESI2 Verbascum sinuatum wavyleaf mullein L48 (I)
VESP Verbascum speciosum showy mullein L48 (I)
VESP2 Verbascum ×spurium L48 (I)
VETH Verbascum thapsus common mullein L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VEVI2 Verbascum virgatum wand mullein L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VEBO Verbena bonariensis purpletop vervain L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
VEBOB Verbena bonariensis var. bonariensis purpletop vervain L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
VEBOC Verbena bonariensis var. conglomerata purpletop vervain L48 (I)
VEBR2 Verbena brasiliensis Brazilian vervain L48 (I), HI (I)
VELI Verbena litoralis seashore vervain L48 (I), HI (I)
VEMO2 Verbena montevidensis Uruguayan vervain L48 (I)
VEOF Verbena officinalis herb of the cross L48 (I)
VEOFO2 Verbena officinalis var. officinalis herb of the cross L48 (I)
VEOFP Verbena officinalis var. prostrata prostrate verbena L48 (I)
VERI2 Verbena rigida tuberous vervain L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I)
VESU7 Verbena supina supine vervain L48 (I)
VEEN Verbesina encelioides golden crownbeard L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N)
VEENE3 Verbesina encelioides ssp. encelioides golden crownbeard L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N)
VEFO Vernicia fordii tungoil tree L48 (I), PR (I)
VEMO3 Vernicia montana mu oil tree HI (I)
VEAG Veronica agrestis green field speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
VEAM2 Veronica americana American speedwell L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), SPM (W)
VEAN2 Veronica anagallis-aquatica water speedwell L48 (N), AK (I?), CAN (N)
VEAR Veronica arvensis corn speedwell L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
VEAU Veronica austriaca broadleaf speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEAUT Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium broadleaf speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEAUV Veronica austriaca ssp. vahlii Vahl's speedwell CAN (I)
VEBE Veronica beccabunga European speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEBI2 Veronica biloba twolobe speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VECA19 Veronica campylopoda bent-foot speedwell L48 (I)
VECH Veronica chamaedrys germander speedwell L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I)
VECY80 Veronica cymbalaria glandular speedwell L48 (I)
VEDI2 Veronica dillenii Dillenius' speedwell L48 (I)
VEFI Veronica filiformis threadstalk speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEGR3 Veronica grandis heartleaf speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEHE2 Veronica hederifolia ivyleaf speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEOF2 Veronica officinalis common gypsyweed L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
VEOFO Veronica officinalis var. officinalis common gypsyweed L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
VEOFT Veronica officinalis var. tournefortii common gypsyweed L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEPE2 Veronica peregrina neckweed L48 (N), AK (I), HI (I), PR (N), CAN (N)
VEPEP Veronica peregrina ssp. peregrina neckweed L48 (N), AK (I), PR (N), CAN (N)
VEPEX2 Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis hairy purslane speedwell L48 (N), AK (I?), HI (I), CAN (N)
VEPE3 Veronica persica birdeye speedwell L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
VEPL2 Veronica plebia island speedwell HI (I)
VEPO Veronica polita gray field speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEPR7 Veronica prostrata prostrate speedwell L48 (I)
VESE Veronica serpyllifolia thymeleaf speedwell L48 (NI), AK (NI), HI (I), CAN (NI), GL (I), SPM (I)
VESES Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia thymeleaf speedwell L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
VESP80 Veronica spicata spiked speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VESPI Veronica spicata ssp. incana spiked speedwell CAN (I)
VESPS Veronica spicata ssp. spicata L48 (I), CAN (I)
VETR Veronica triphyllos finger speedwell L48 (I)
VEUN Veronica undulata undulate speedwell L48 (I)
VEVE Veronica verna spring speedwell L48 (I), CAN (I)
VEZI80 Vetiveria zizanioides vetivergrass L48 (I), PR (I)
VIBU3 Viburnum buddleifolium buddlejaleaf viburnum L48 (I)
VIDI80 Viburnum dilatatum linden arrowwood L48 (I)
VILA Viburnum lantana wayfaringtree L48 (I), CAN (I)
VIOP Viburnum opulus European cranberrybush L48 (NI), CAN (NI), SPM (N)
VIOPO Viburnum opulus var. opulus European cranberrybush L48 (I), CAN (I)
VIPL Viburnum plicatum Japanese snowball L48 (I)
VIRH3 Viburnum ×rhytidophylloides L48 (I)
VIRH Viburnum rhytidophyllum leatherleaf arrowwood L48 (I)
VISE14 Viburnum setigerum tea viburnum L48 (I)
VISI Viburnum sieboldii Siebold's arrowwood L48 (I)
VISU3 Viburnum suspensum viburnum L48 (I)
VITI2 Viburnum tinus laurustinus L48 (I)
VIAR81 Vicia articulata oneflower vetch L48 (I)
VIBE Vicia benghalensis reddish tufted vetch L48 (I)
VIBI6 Vicia bithynica Bithynian vetch L48 (I)
VICR Vicia cracca bird vetch L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
VICRC Vicia cracca ssp. cracca bird vetch L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
VICRT Vicia cracca ssp. tenuifolia cow vetch L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VIDI Vicia disperma European vetch L48 (I)
VIFA Vicia faba horsebean L48 (I)
VIGR Vicia grandiflora large yellow vetch L48 (I)
VIHI Vicia hirsuta tiny vetch L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
VIHY80 Vicia hybrida hairy yellow vetch L48 (I)
VILA2 Vicia lathyroides spring vetch L48 (I), CAN (I)
VILA16 Vicia laxiflora slender vetch L48 (I)
VILU2 Vicia lutea smooth yellow vetch L48 (I)
VIMO80 Vicia monantha barn vetch L48 (I)
VINA Vicia narbonensis purple broad vetch L48 (I)
VIPA2 Vicia pannonica Hungarian vetch L48 (I)
VIPE80 Vicia peregrina wandering vetch L48 (I)
VISA Vicia sativa garden vetch L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
VISAN2 Vicia sativa ssp. nigra garden vetch L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
VISAS2 Vicia sativa ssp. sativa garden vetch L48 (I), CAN (I)
VISE Vicia sepium bush vetch L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
VISEM8 Vicia sepium var. montana bush vetch L48 (I)
VISES Vicia sepium var. sepium bush vetch L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
VITE Vicia tetrasperma lentil vetch L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
VIVI Vicia villosa winter vetch L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VIVIP Vicia villosa ssp. pseudocracca winter vetch L48 (I)
VIVIV8 Vicia villosa ssp. varia winter vetch L48 (I), CAN (I)
VIVIV Vicia villosa ssp. villosa winter vetch L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
VIAD2 Vigna adenantha wild pea L48 (I), HI (N), PR (N)
VIAN7 Vigna angularis adzuki bean L48 (I)
VIAN3 Vigna antillana Antilles bean PR (N), VI (I)
VIHO80 Vigna hosei Sarawak bean L48 (I), PR (I)
VIJU Vigna juruana tropical cowpea PR (I)
VIMU7 Vigna mungo black gram L48 (I)
VISP Vigna speciosa wondering cowpea L48 (I), HI (I)
VIUN Vigna unguiculata blackeyed pea L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
VIHE3 Vinca herbacea herbaceous periwinkle L48 (I)
VIMA Vinca major bigleaf periwinkle L48 (I), CAN (I)
VIMI2 Vinca minor common periwinkle L48 (I), CAN (I)
VIAR Viola arvensis European field pansy L48 (I), CAN (W), GL (W), SPM (W)
VIOD Viola odorata sweet violet L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
VIPA17 Viola patrinii China violet L48 (I)
VITR Viola tricolor johnny jumpup L48 (I), CAN (I)
VIWI Viola ×wittrockiana L48 (I)
VIAL2 Viscum album European mistletoe L48 (I)
VIAG Vitex agnus-castus lilac chastetree L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
VIAGA Vitex agnus-castus var. agnus-castus lilac chastetree L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
VIAGC Vitex agnus-castus var. caerulea lilac chastetree L48 (I)
VIGL2 Vitex glabrata smooth chastetree L48 (I)
VINE2 Vitex negundo Chinese chastetree L48 (I), VI (I)
VINEH Vitex negundo var. heterophylla Chinese chastetree L48 (I)
VINEI Vitex negundo var. intermedia Chinese chastetree L48 (I), VI (I)
VINEN Vitex negundo var. negundo Chinese chastetree L48 (I)
VIPA6 Vitex parviflora smallflower chastetree HI (I), PR (I)
VIRO80 Vitex rotundifolia roundleaf chastetree L48 (I), HI (I)
VITR7 Vitex trifolia simpleleaf chastetree L48 (I), HI (I)
VITRB Vitex trifolia var. bicolor simpleleaf chastetree HI (I)
VITRS Vitex trifolia var. subtrisecta simpleleaf chastetree L48 (I), HI (I)
VITRT Vitex trifolia var. trifolia simpleleaf chastetree HI (I)
VITRV Vitex trifolia var. variegata varigated chastetree HI (I)
VILA8 Vitis labrusca fox grape L48 (N), CAN (I)
VIVI5 Vitis vinifera wine grape L48 (I), PR (I)
VUBR Vulpia bromoides brome fescue L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
VUCI Vulpia ciliata fringed fescue L48 (I)
VUMY Vulpia myuros rat-tail fescue L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
Time Generated: 08/30/2009 07:56 PM MDT