
Subtopics: Hot Topics | Using COMET Support | Web Module Support | CD and Laserdisc Module Support

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Most COMET® Program modules use Adobe® Flash® for navigation, animation, and presentation of multimedia elements. Additionally, most modules also provide a "print version" alternative for users that require special accessiblity features (e.g., "screen readers").

You should always keep your Flash Player plug-in/ActiveX control updated to the most current version as Adobe responds as rapidly as possible to patch security vulnerabilities in their product.

Common Flash Problems

The user may encounter errors in local playback of MetEd Archive CD/DVD products and download versions of COMET modules following installation of Adobe Flash Player 8/9/10. Symptoms include new windows that won't open, modules that won't launch. etc.

"Enhanced security measures" in Adobe Flash Player Version 8/9/10 may cause problems to users of MetEd Archive CD and DVD products as well as COMET module download versions (does not affect files on the MetEd server). Specifically, clicking links that open new windows with JavaScript commands embedded within the Flash file will not open the window/link at all.

This problem can be solved by making some minor changes to your settings. Please visit the Adobe support site for an illustrated explanation of how to reconfigure the Flash Global Security Settings Panel to allow access to whatever drive or filesystem these local (download) versions have been installed (typically "c:\comet" for download versions or d:\ for your CD-ROM drive). Note: You MUST have an Internet connection to update your Flash settings as this problem can only be corrected while online with the Adobe Website. These problems do NOT occur with Flash Player 7 and earlier and may be related to whether the user has previously modified the default local Flash Player default permissions. We apologize for this inconvenience.

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Using COMET Support

1. Try clearing the browser's cache and rebooting the computer on which you are experiencing trouble. As simple as this may seem, rebooting (and/or combined with clearing the browser cache) seems to resolve a large percentage of computer-related problems.

2. If you are having difficulty using any of our products/sites, please first carefully read the technical information (Tech Notes) that accompanies each Web module or the insert card or booklet with each CD-ROM module.

3. If that information does not help, try the links below for more detailed and up-to-date information provided for specific common problems.

4. If trouble persists, please e-mail COMET Technical Support. In the e-mail, please:

We will respond to the e-mail as soon as qualified personnel are available. We do not have a dedicated full-time support person; support is given by the developers and PC systems administrator. By using e-mail, you will receive prompt attention from the first available, qualified person.

Thank you for your participation in this support method!

Please note: e-mail and telephone COMET Technical Support is provided only to customers and members of our sponsoring organizations. For sponsors and REGISTERED customers requiring assistance, please contact us using your official workplace e-mail address (.gov, .mil,,, etc.).

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Web Module Support

Web Modules and Webcasts
Please view the Tech Notes pages that are available for each module. These describe the unique plug-in needs, browser support issues, and other useful tips for using the modules.

Some Web modules may have functions that may not work with the newest Web browsers. When incompatibilities inevitably develop, we will update these to work with the new browsers as time permits.

Browser Support
While we would not presume to recommend one commercial product over another, we do recommend that you download and install the latest version of your preferred browser...and keep it patched to the latest possible version of the release. To make sure that you are using the latest version of your browser, please click one of the links below. Older browser versions that are not W3C/CSS2 standards compliant may only offer partial functionality; and not even all the current generation of browsers are completely functional for every website or page.

If you have a problem with a page that doesn't display properly, try reloading the page (hold down Shift and click the reload button on the browser's menu bar). If it still malfunctions, exit the COMET page, clear the browser cache, close and restart the browser, and try the site again. If it still seems to malfunction and you have another browser available, try viewing the site with that other browser. It is not uncommon to have large performance differences between which works best for most viewing may malfunction on a given page while another browser that may not be your "preferred" software may work better in a given circumstance. Also, if a Windows computer, rebooting the PC seems to "fix" a great number of temporary and transient anomalies.

Common Browser Plug-ins/ActiveX Controls
In order to improve functionality in our Web materials, it is sometimes necessary to use coding techniques that require one or more plug-ins. Any portion of this Website that requires the use of a plug-in will have an announcement to that effect on either its opening page or the "Tech Notes" page.

The links below provide the most common plug-ins used within this site.

The COMET® Program currently codes in Adobe® Flash 9®. Users of Firefox®, Mozilla®, Netscape® (and other browsers) must go to the Adobe® Website and download and install the plug-in manually. The appropriate Active-X control will install itself automatically if you are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer®. (It will ask you for permission before doing so.)

Enabling Pop-Up Windows
Newer versions of Firefox®, Mozilla®, Netscape®, and Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 & 7 (specifically running on Microsoft Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 & also with Vista) offer users the opportunity to block pop-up windows that often contain advertising on commercial Websites. Some of these browsers turn on pop-up blocking by default. All of these browsers offer the option to exclude user-specified sites from pop-up blocking. It is imperative that exceptions be allowed for domain to open pop-up windows as they are extensively used in COMET Web modules to display content (no ads, really!). You may also want to allow pop-ups from other domains as well, e.g.,,, Refer to the "Help" pages of your specific browser for instructions on how to perform this step (which varies greatly by browser, but is generally associated with privacy settings for that browser).

ActiveX Controls for Download and CD/DVD Archive Versions
Users of the download versions (and CD/DVD archives) of COMET Web modules using Internet Explorer 6/7 on a PC with Windows XP, Service Pack 2 (and also with Windows Vista) will also need to allow ActiveX controls to run from the local hard disk (wherever you installed the download) or from the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive from which you are viewing archive discs. COMET Web modules use the Adobe Flash Player to enrich your multimedia experience. All browsers except for Internet Explorer use a plug-in for this functionality. Internet Explorer uses ActiveX controls versions of the Flash Player. Due to more stringent security measures implemented by Service Pack 2, most users will get a warning or error message alerting them to the fact that an application is trying to use an ActiveX control from a local disc and is being blocked by default. If you do not allow this access, Flash-based Web modules will not run; however, in a corporate or government computing environment, individual users may not have permission to change this setting unless they have "Administrator" level computer permissions. Individuals in those computing environments should coordinate this activity with management and their IT department. To enable ActiveX controls in files on hard disc and from CD ROM (applies only to computers running Windows XP, Service Pack 2), click "Tools/Internet Options/Advanced" and scroll down to "Security." Click the checkboxes for allowing ActiveX on CD and in files on My Computer (click the Apply and OK buttons, then exit). Please realize that other downloaded software and CD-DVD ROMs could contain "hostile" ActiveX controls that could damage your system so you might prefer to uncheck the checkboxes when viewing html content from other sources.

Screen Resolution
Many of our pages are graphic-intensive and require a great deal of screen "real estate" for optimized viewing. We suggest that you use your browser in full-screen mode and set your screen resolution to at least 1024 x 768 pixels and 16-bit color, or higher (better).

Download Versions
Many of COMET's Web modules have "download versions". Download versions are intended for individuals who have slow Internet connectivity. Additionally, they can be copied to other computers without Internet connectivity. Most modules have two versions: a .zip version and a Windows installation program version. The download versions are accessible from the module splash page as a link or from this master list.

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CD and Laserdisc Module Support

CD Modules

Laserdisc Modules

Legacy laserdisc modules are obsolete and are no longer supported by The COMET® Program.

For additional questions, e-mail COMET Technical Support.

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link to COMET website 2009-04-29