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Letters to the editor

The AMA's Letters to the Editor page lists opinions, letters and commentary from members the AMA's Board of Trustees to respected publications nationwide on issues including health system reform, Medicare physician payment formula, covering the uninsured and other health care topics that are important to physicians.

AMA to New York Times: Liability and Evidence-Based Standards in Medicine

Oct. 27, 2010
The realization that meaningful medical liability reform is critical to controlling health care costs and optimizing quality of care is spreading beyond traditional supporters, as evidenced by Peter Orszag's column.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Post-Gazette: Help for solo physicians

Oct. 9, 2010
As illustrated in your profile of local physicians in solo practice ("Some Physicians Prefer the Autonomy, Reduced Load of Independent Practices," Oct. 3), patients benefit when physicians practice in a model they find professionally and personally rewarding.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal: Medicare's Pre-Existing Conditions

Sept. 16, 2010
Steep Medicare cuts to physicians of about 30% are right around the corner. The fear that this will hurt seniors' health care is real, but the new health-reform law is not the cause of this looming Medicare meltdown ("How ObamaCare Guts Medicare," by Peter Ferrara and Larry Hunter, op-ed Sept. 9).

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to New York Times

Sept. 14, 2010
The flawed studies you are basing your editorial on are funded by the nurse anesthetists’ national lobbying organization and lead to potentially dangerous conclusions (Who Should Provide Anesthesia Care? 9/7).

Read Dr. Patchin's letter

AMA to Washington Post: Our Ailing Medical Malpractice System

Sept. 7, 2010
The American Medical Association always has held that patients who have been injured through negligence should be compensated fairly. Unfortunately, the liability system has failed patients, but it is extremely lucrative for trial lawyers, who receive the lion's share of jury awards.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Dallas Morning News: Medicare Cuts Hurt

Aug. 1, 2010
To meet the health-care needs of seniors and baby boomers, all physicians caring for aging patients need to become proficient in geriatric care. The AMA is working to increase knowledge and skills for medical students and helping to meet practicing physicians' needs at all stages of their medical careers.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Chicago Tribune: Payment Formula

July 27, 2010
Your editorial on Medicare's mindless payment system for physicians hit the nail on the head in calling for an end to this "Congress-created mess."

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to New York Post: AMA's Prescription

July 23, 2010
As the nation's largest physician organization, the AMA's support for health reform was based on democratically passed policy by member-physicians representing every state and medical-specialty society ("The Cheating Ways of the AMA," Mark Siegel, PostOpinion, July 16).

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal: Are Pharmacists the Right Prescription for More Care?

July 23, 2010
It's clear that with millions more Americans gaining health insurance, health-care professionals will need to integrate care at greater levels to meet the surge in demand for health care.

Read Dr. Hoven's letter

AMA to San Bernadino Sun: Fix the Problem

July 18, 2010
Your article "Doctors' practice ailing" (July 6) illustrated the heartbreaking impact Medicare payments have on real patients and physicians in San Bernardino County.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal: We Are for Covering the Uninsured

June 30, 2010
Regarding your editorial "A Beltway Public ServiceExternal Link" (June 26): Only the most cynical would hold that the American Medical Association would need a quid pro quo in order to support expanding health coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to New York Times: How Can We Fix Medicare Payments?

June 9, 2010
Absurd is the perfect word for the current Medicare physician payment system. A 21 percent cut will devastate health care for the elderly and baby boomers entering Medicare.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Post: The Real Impact of Medicare Cuts

June 8, 2010
Congress made a commitment to America's seniors with Medicare, and it must fulfill that commitment by ensuring that seniors can see physicians.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal: Working to Secure Optimal Outcomes for Physicians and Patients

May 12, 2010
The premise of Dr. Hal Scherz's "Why the AMA Wants to Muzzle Your Doctor" (op-ed, May 7) is ludicrous. The American Medical Association has consistently upheld physicians' right to express their political opinions to patients as long as it does not jeopardize the patient's health or medical care.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Casper Star-Tribune: Formula Is Broken

May 14, 2010
The American Medical Association shares the Wyoming Medical Center's concern about the impact of next month’s 21 percent Medicare physician payment cut on patients' access to care ("WMC is wary of Medicare cuts," Star-Tribune, May 6).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to The Oklahoman: Payment Formula Flawed

May 9, 2010
Oklahoma’s physicians and nearly 700,000 seniors, disabled and military patients deserve better treatment from Congress, which this year, has delayed a 21 percent Medicare cut to physicians three times.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Argus Leader: Fix Medicare Payments

May 5, 2010
As reporter Jon Walker highlighted in his article on Medicare cuts to physicians in the April 30 Argus Leader, this problem boils down to seniors' ability to access physician care.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Detroit News: Insurance Mergers Often Hurt Health Care

April 28, 2010
The American Medical Association agrees that tearing down barriers to competition in the health insurance industry will benefit patients ("Improve health care with real competition," April 16), but the goal of increasing insurer competition is only possible if federal and state authorities first increase enforcement against harmful mergers.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Boston Herald: Medicare's Ailing

April 21, 2010
Congress must stop stalling and take permanent action to repeal the Medicare physician payment formula to preserve seniors’ access to and choice of physician ("Mass. docs struggling with Medicare cut," April 7).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Denver Post: Cutting Medicare Payments to Seniors' Physicians

April 19, 2010
Each year, Congress threatens steep payment cuts to physicians for the care of seniors, and with this year's whopping 21 percent cut, access and choice of physician for all of America's seniors and military families is in serious jeopardy.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Edmond Sun: Physicians Need Reform to Stay in Practice

April 9, 2010
As hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans and millions of Americans obtain ongoing health insurance for the first time, it’s critical that our nation ensures a strong and viable physician workforce to care for these newly insured patients ("State needs more doctors for better health care," April 7, The Edmond Sun).

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to New York Times: Crunch Time for the Health Debate

March 17, 2010
In regard to the March 16 article "As Medicaid Payments Shrink, Patients Are Abandoned": The access woes of Michigan Medicaid patients illustrated so movingly in your article are reverberating nationwide and are a real problem for physicians and their patients.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Chicago Tribune: Patients Win When Teams Work Together

March 11, 2010

This is in response to the recent Chicago Tribune article "How to cover a lack of doctors? Medical groups spar over nurse practitioners' role" (News, Feb. 26). Just as there is a physician shortage in this country, there also is a deep nursing shortage.

Read Dr. Patchin's letter

AMA to Chicago Tribune: Action Needed on Medicare

Feb. 4, 2010
As Congress and the president deliberate on a way forward for health system reform, there is another pressing health issue the Senate must address before seniors' access to care and choice of physician is put at risk on March 1.

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal

Dec. 28, 2009
In regard to your Dec. 21 editorial "Change Nobody Believes In": Make no mistake—the AMA is committed to permanent repeal of the broken Medicare physician payment formula that threatens access to care for seniors, military families and baby boomers.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Orlando Sentinel: Make Insurance Available to Everyone

Dec. 19, 2009
Letter-writer Ken Austin's references to the American Medical Association in Wednesday's Sentinel should have specified the Florida Medical Association, whose president wrote a guest column in the Dec.11 Sentinel.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to New York Post

Nov. 22, 2009
The AMA supports health-system-reform efforts because we believe our system can work better for patients and physicians (“The AMA’s Reform Sellout,” PostOpinion, Marc K. Siegel, Nov. 12).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Chicago Tribune: Making the Health System Better

To base an entire story on several voices who wish to derail health reform efforts and leave out the American Medical Association's adamant statements to the contrary is to ignore even the pretense of even-handed journalism.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Times: A Proud Legacy Recycled

Nov. 16, 2009
During the last two years the Washington Times has referred to the AMA as "a powerful doctor's lobby" and "the nation's top doctor's lobby," but when the AMA takes a direction the Washington Times doesn't like — suddenly the tune changes (A proud legacy trashed, Nov. 12).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Post: Foot-dragging on Medicare

Nov. 21, 2009

Regarding the Nov. 15 editorial "A $300 billion deception":

Fixing the Medicare physician payment problem is essential to the stability of Medicare and the success of health-care reform.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to New York Times: Medicare Doctor Payments

Nov. 13, 2009
Repeal of the broken Medicare physician payment formula is an essential element of health reform to ensure the security and stability of Medicare for the elderly and baby boomers — and military families that rely on the Tricare benefits system.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to WSJ: The AMA and ObamaCare: Solution or the Problem?

Nov. 12, 2009

Regarding your editorial "The AMA Wants a Unicorn, Too" (Nov. 6): Let me be perfectly clear-the goal of the American Medical Association is to get a final health-reform package that improves our system for patients and physicians, and the House bills (H.R. 3961 and 3962) go a long way toward making this goal a reality.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Times: What AMA Wants

Oct. 27, 2009

To be perfectly clear, the American Medical Association does not support a single-payer health care system ("Doctors stir, half asleep," Opinion, Friday). The AMA is committed to achieving a health system that provides all Americans with a choice of affordable, portable, high-quality health care and that eliminates denials for pre-existing conditions.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Dallas Morning News: Cuts Could Limit Senior Options

Oct. 18, 2009
The brief mention of Medicare payments to physicians in this article belies the seriousness of the issue, especially for seniors and baby boomers soon to reach Medicare age.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to The Virginian-Pilot: Keep Momentum Going

Oct. 4, 2009
Both the House and Senate have introduced health care reform bills, and now it's up to Congress to find common ground on the vital issues that will improve our health care system for patients and physicians.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Chicago Tribune: Get health reform passed

This is in response to "AMA does 180 on health care; Decades-long foe backs Obama, and some say group was bought off" (News, Sept. 13).

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

AMA to Baltimore Sun: AMA Committed to Health Reform

Sept. 22, 2009
Physicians experience firsthand the problems in our health care system -- like uninsured patients who delay care and unfair coverage decisions for patients with insurance. Our nation can do better for its citizens and for the physicians and other health professionals who dedicate their lives to patient care.

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

AMA to Orange County Register: Pursue the Best Care

Sept. 7, 2009
The American Medical Association is committed to achieving meaningful health reform this year that provides all Americans with affordable, high-quality health care coverage ["Slumbering into statist shackles," July 20].

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Post: Dedicated doctors devote their lives to patient care

Sept. 4, 2009
Dedicated doctors devote their lives to patient care - putting patient needs above all else.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Detroit News: AMA wants to add more physicians

Aug. 27, 2009
I am writing to correct an inaccurate statement about the American Medical Association and medical education ("Eliminate AMA monopoly," Aug. 21).

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Washington Times: Benefits to Physicians in Health Reform Bill

Aug. 26, 2009
Robert Moffit's op-ed misrepresents information important to physicians in the health reform debate.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Orlando Sentinel: Reform Must Help Curb Defensive Medicine

Aug. 22, 2009
It is unfortunate that at U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson's health-reform town hall, he downplayed the very real and very serious impact of America's broken medical-liability system.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Argus Leader: Status Quo Unacceptable

Aug. 20, 2009
"It's unfortunate the My Voice column in the July 31 Argus Leader, 'Health care needs reform, but the rush doesn't make sense,' got the American Medical Association's efforts to improve the health care system wrong."

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Richmond Times-Dispatch: AMA Is Committed to Achieving Reform

Aug. 14, 2009
The relationship between a patient and physician is at the heart of health care—and the American Medical Association is working to make sure it stays that way. No insurer, whether it is the government or a private payer, should interfere in medical decisions between a patient and physician.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Modern Healthcare: Engaged to Improve Bill

Aug. 10, 2009
The American Medical Association has made clear that the House bill is an important first step toward improving the health system, and that we will stay engaged to improve the final bill for patients and physicians (“… as AMA defends bill backing,” July 27, p. 10).

Read Dr. Hazel's letter

AMA to Los Angeles Times: Our Ailing Health System

Aug. 6, 2009
While it is critically important to seniors and their physicians that healthcare reform legislation repeal the broken Medicare payment formula that threatens seniors' access to care, it is only one of the reasons the American Medical Assn. supports the House bill, contrary to what McManus writes.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to NPR: The Diane Rehm Show

Aug. 4, 2009
I applaud you for helping to educate the public on the complexities of health reform, but I need to set the record straight regarding AMA support for health reform.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Newsweek: We're Almost There

Aug. 1, 2009
In the midst of an increasingly heated debate on health system reform, it was refreshing and inspiring to see your cover proclaim: "We're Almost There" (July 27).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to USA Today: Work Together on Reform

July 29, 2009
As physicians, we're on the front lines of health care and we see the problems with our system firsthand. The American Medical Association (AMA) is committed to health reform this year that better serves patients and empowers physicians to deliver the highest quality care.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Times: What the AMA Wants

July 29, 2009
As physicians, we spend our adult lives caring for patients and advocating what is in their best interests ("Government threat to world-class medicine," Opinion, Thursday).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Times: Taking Health Reform by Storm

July 23, 2009
Americans are counting on Congress to pass legislation this year that will improve our health care system, and H.R. 3200 is an important starting point ("Destroying private health insurance," Opinion, Monday).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Miami Herald: AMA Supports Reform

July 23, 2009
Floridians without health-insurance coverage are in dire straits (Report: 3,560 Floridians will lose health insurance every week, July 16).

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal: Rationale for Supporting House Health Care Bill

July 22, 2009
I'd like to share the American Medical Association's rationale for supporting the House health-care bill ("What's Up Docs?," Review & Outlook, July 20). Without a bill that can pass the House, there will be no health reform this year.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Washington Post: The Cost of Fixing, or Not Fixing, Health Care

July 19, 2009
Medical liability reform, paperwork reduction and comparative-effectiveness research are critical to successful health-care reform, as Michael Kinsley discussed in his July 10 op-ed column, "Health Care's Low-Hanging Fruit."

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to LA Daily News: Physicians Support Health Reform

July 17, 2009
The American Medical Association has long championed improvements in our health care system and has been an active voice in the health reform debate.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to BusinessWeek: Committed to Universal Coverage

July 16, 2009
Contrary to the impression given by "Bitter Medicine for the AMA" (New Business, June 29), the physicians of the AMA gave President Obama a standing ovation when he spoke to them in mid-June.

Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Hartford Courant: Cure For Defensive Medicine

July 15, 2009
Every day, physicians are forced to consider the broken medical liability system when making decisions, resulting in defensive medicine and increasing health care costs.

Read Dr. Wilson's letter

AMA to Health Affairs Blog: The RUC’s Record: Backing Primary Care

June 24, 2009
Health Affairs recently published an interview with Kerry Weems, former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. In the interview, inaccurate statements were made about the role of the AMA/Specialty Society RVS Update Committee.

Read Dr. Patchin's letter

AMA to Washington DC Examiner: AMA Agrees with Obama on Universal Health Coverage

July 13, 2009
Make no mistake: The American Medical Association of today is committed to health system reform this year that provides all Americans with affordable, high-quality health coverage.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to The Bennington Banner: AMA Committed to Achieving Health Care Reform

July 10, 2009
We are deeply disappointed that Anita Bellin mischaracterized the AMA and our quarter-million physician and medical student members in her recent op-ed. We are not satisfied with the status quo.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Dallas Morning News: Access to Physicians Key

July 10, 2009
Physician shortages extend far beyond primary care and have already been reported in 19 specialties as varied as emergency care, general surgery, and child and adolescent psychiatry.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Salt Lake Tribune: Doctors in on Debate

July 10, 2009
We welcome Julie Day's opinion on health reform but were disappointed that she chose to mischaracterize the American Medical Association and our quarter-million physician and medical student members ("Public plan is essential to reforming health care," Opinion, June 27).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Huffington Post: AMA Will Stay the Course

July 10, 2009
In America, each person speaks for him or herself. That individual spirit makes America great. Effective leaders listen to disparate opinions and seek common ground to achieve progress. This is the cornerstone of democracy.

Read Dr. Rohack's blog response

AMA to Oakland Tribune: AMA and Health Reform

July 9, 2009
Let me set the record straight regarding the AMA and our solid commitment to health reform that provides all Americans with affordable, high-quality health coverage (Dr. Kate Scannell column, "Independence Day for health care reform," July 5).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Minneapolis Star Tribune: Making Sure All Have Coverage

July 5, 2009
I am deeply disappointed about the mischaracterization of the American Medical Association and our quarter-million physician and medical student members.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Buffalo News: Don’t Blame Doctors for High Medical Bills

July 3, 2009
It was amazingly brazen for the New York health insurance industry to submit a letter blaming doctors for inflated out-of-network medical bills the same week a U. S. Senate investigative committee confirmed that insurers have been secretly cheating patients on valid medical claims (June 28 News).

Read Dr. Dolan's letter

AMA to Austin American-Statesman: AMA and Reform

July 3, 2009
I'd like to thank Ellen Goodman for an insightful column and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to MetroWest Daily News: AMA Stance Mischaracterized

June 30, 2009
It's disappointing that critics mischaracterize the AMA and our solid commitment to achieving health reform this year ("Real health reform must cut costs," June 25).

Read Dr. Patchin's letter

AMA to Baltimore Sun: AMA Supports Health Reform

June 30, 2009
It's disappointing that critics mischaracterize the AMA and our solid commitment to achieving health reform this year (Under the influence, June 26).

Read Dr. Patchin's letter

AMA to St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Allow Doctors to Focus on Patient Care

June 29, 2009
I thank Ellen Goodman for her insightful column and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system (Doctors have power to heal healthcare system, June 20).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Hartford Courant: Opinions on Health Care Reform

June 27, 2009
A June 18 article [courant.com, "More Competition In Health Care"] stated that the American Medical Association opposes President Barack Obama's plan for health care reform.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Wall Street Journal: An Ounce of Prevention Really Can Help Health Care

June 27, 2009
A June 18 article [courant.com, "More Competition In Health Care"] stated that the American Medical Association opposes President Barack Obama's plan for health care reform.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Houston Chronicle: AMA Committed to Reform

June 27, 2009
I’d like to thank Ellen Goodman for an insightful column and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients, but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system ("Medical system puts focus on quantity over quality," Page B12, June 21).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Baltimore Sun: Physicians Committed to Health Care Reform

June 26, 2009
I'd like to thank Ellen Goodman for an insightful column and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system ("Can medicine again be a calling?" June 19).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Miami Herald: AMA wants reform

June 26, 2009
I thank Ellen Goodman for her insightful column and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system (Doctors have power to heal healthcare system, June 20).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Kansas City Star: Obama's AMA speech

June 26, 2009
I'd like to thank Ellen Goodman for an insightful column and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system (6/21, Opinion, "Doctors together must change health system").

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Rochester Post-Bulletin: American Medical Association wants health coverage for all

June 25, 2009
The American Medical Association has been working long-term for reforms that benefit patients and physicians, and we will stay the course to get all Americans coverage.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Birmingham News: AMA wants coverage for all

June 23, 2009
Make no mistake: Achieving health reform that provides all Americans with affordable, high-quality health coverage this year is vitally important to the American Medical Association.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Seattle Times: AMA is committed to reform

June 23, 2009
I'd like to thank Ellen Goodman for an insightful column ["Medicine: culture vs. calling," seattletimes.com, Editorials/Opinion, June 18] and for recognizing that physicians want to spend more time with patients but are practicing medicine within the confines of a broken system.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Chicago Tribune: Expansion of medical services at store-based clinics is concerning

Offering specialized injections and diabetes treatments for patients whose medical history is unknown to the nurse providing their care can have unintended negative consequences for patients.

Read Dr. Hazel's letter

AMA to New York Times: American people trust physicians

June 26, 2009

Not only has President Obama shown that American Medical Association physicians are integral to health reform, but poll after poll shows that the American people trust physicians to do the right thing on reform as well. And they should.

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

AMA to Buffalo News: AMA is Committed to Health Care Reform

June 25, 2009
Dr. Myron Glick is a dedicated physician who serves the neediest among us, and I am one of his admirers, but I do need to set the record straight regarding his June 20 letter.

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

AMA to Bill Maher: We Share Your Frustration

June 24, 2009
I'm both a fan of your show and President of the AMA. You might be surprised to know that the AMA is just as frustrated with some of the problems you highlighted in your recent parody ad on today's health care system.

Read Dr. Rohack's response

New York Times Economix Blog: Expanding Coverage and Controlling Costs

June 23, 2009
Without a doubt, we must reform the health system so that every American has affordable, high-quality health care coverage.

Read Dr. Rohack's column

Reflections from the AMA: President Obama's Speech

June 21, 2009
We have a historic opportunity for health reform this year and the AMA was delighted to welcome President Obama to our Annual Meeting in Chicago earlier this week. Like the President, we are committed to health-care reform that will provide all Americans with affordable, high-quality health coverage.

Read Dr. Rohack's guest column from KevinMD.com

AMA to The Oregonian: Achieving Health Reform

June 20, 2009
Make no mistake: achieving health reform that provides all Americans with affordable, high-quality health coverage this year is vitally important to the AMA (A doctor for health care reform, 6/19).

Read Dr. Rohack's letter

New York Times Op-Ed: Doctor's Pay, a Key to Health Care Reform

June 18, 2009
President Obama received a standing ovation in his address to the American Medical Association on Monday when he said that "you did not enter this profession to be bean-counters and paper-pushers. You entered this profession to be healers, and that’s what our health care system should let you be."

Read Dr. Rohack's Op-Ed

AMA to New York Times: Health Care Reform: The View From the AMA

June 13, 2009
Make no mistake: The American Medical Association is committed to health reform that covers the uninsured this year. Every American deserves affordable, high-quality health care, and the AMA is calling for reforms that build on what works and fixes what's broken.

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

AMA to Washington Examiner: AMA actively engaged in improving health care

June 11, 2009
Contrary to Mr. Hewitt's column, the American Medical Association and its physician members are actively engaged in efforts to improve the health care system.

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

Physician's Digest Op-Ed: AMA Fight for Medical Liability Reforms Continues

June 8, 2009
Every day across America physicians are forced to consider the broken medical liability system when making important medical decisions.

Read Dr. Patchin's Op-Ed

AMA to BusinessWeek: The AMA’s Dive into Digital Medicine

June 1, 2009
Regarding "The Dubious Promise of Digital Medicine" (In Depth, May 4): While the security and interoperability of health information technology (Health IT) must be enhanced, the AMA is optimistic about the promise it holds to help physicians optimize patient care.

Read Dr. Heyman's letter

AMA to St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Eliminating Disparities

May 28, 2009
The op-ed "Training doctors who mirror the new America" (May 21) highlights a troubling problem the American Medical Association and its partners are working to address: the lack of minority physicians and its impact on care for minority patients.

Read Dr. Nielsen's letter

