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The AMA is aggressively involved in advocacy efforts related to the most vital issues in medicine today, including medical liability reform, Medicare physician payment reform, expanding coverage for the uninsured and increasing access to care, improving the public health, managed care reform, and others.

Medical liability reform
To preserve patients' access to care, the AMA will continue to lead an aggressive, multi-year campaign to reduce medical liability premiums.

Medicare physician payment reform and regulatory relief
As the leading force in Washington for Medicare reform, the AMA will be relentless in the battle to replace the flawed Medicare physician payment formula.

Health System Reform
The AMA is dedicated to reforming the nation’s health care system in a way that provides quality, affordable health care for all.

Managed care reform
The AMA will continue to combat third-party interference with the physician-patient relationship, including advancing antitrust reform, eliminating unnecessary hassles and unfair payment practices; and fighting for reimbursement decisions that are based on optimal patient care, not economics.

Balance Billing
The AMA will devote the necessary resources to introduce federal legislation to bring about the implementation of Medicare balance billing.

Improving the health of the public
The AMA will provide effective programs and tools to help doctors improve the health of the public.

Patient safety and quality improvement in health care
The AMA will continue to lead physicians' efforts to measurably improve patient safety and quality of care.

