

DOE Office of Science

Rapid Access User Proposals

The CNMS accepts Rapid Access user proposals for expedited peer review that request support for time-sensitive studies and require only a limited amount of CNMS resources, typically not more than 5 days.

Rapid Access proposals may be submitted “off-cycle” between scheduled proposal calls and may be approved at any time at the discretion of the CNMS Director. A Rapid Access proposal is especially appropriate for a relatively quick and straightforward experiment in a rapidly advancing field or for a proof-of-concept (feasibility) study intended to support a subsequent regular user proposal. A Rapid Access proposal may also request access to certain basic characterization facilities at CNMS using time that is not otherwise allocated to General User proposals.

Instructions for submitting a Rapid Access proposal are the same as for a regular proposal call except that the submitter should be sure to include the phrase “Rapid Access proposal” in the subject line of the transmittal email and include the justification for requesting Rapid Access in the proposal.

Please contact the CNMS User Program Manager if you would like additional information and guidance for submitting a Rapid Access user proposal.


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Updated Thursday, 31-Jan-2013 14:16:25 EST