JMIR Publications

Journal of Medical Internet Research

The leading peer-reviewed journal for digital medicine, and health & healthcare in the Internet age.

JMIR's Thomson Reuter Impact Factor of 4.5 for 2015

Recent Articles:

  • Pediatric Accurate Medication in Emergency Situations (PedAMINES) screenshot. Image sourced and copyright owned by authors.

    A Mobile Device App to Reduce Time to Drug Delivery and Medication Errors During Simulated Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled...


    Background: During pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), vasoactive drug preparation for continuous infusion is both complex and time-consuming, placing children at higher risk than adults for medication errors. Following an evidence-based ergonomic-driven approach, we developed a mobile device app called Pediatric Accurate Medication in Emergency Situations (PedAMINES), intended to guide caregivers step-by-step from preparation to delivery of drugs requiring continuous infusion. Objective: The aim of our study was to determine whether the use of PedAMINES reduces drug preparation time (TDP) and time to delivery (TDD; primary outcome), as well as medication errors (secondary outcomes) when compared with conventional preparation methods. Methods: The study was a randomized controlled crossover trial with 2 parallel groups comparing PedAMINES with a conventional and internationally used drugs infusion rate table in the preparation of continuous drug infusion. We used a simulation-based pediatric CPR cardiac arrest scenario with a high-fidelity manikin in the shock room of a tertiary care pediatric emergency department. After epinephrine-induced return of spontaneous circulation, pediatric emergency nurses were first asked to prepare a continuous infusion of dopamine, using either PedAMINES (intervention group) or the infusion table (control group), and second, a continuous infusion of norepinephrine by crossing the procedure. The primary outcome was the elapsed time in seconds, in each allocation group, from the oral prescription by the physician to TDD by the nurse. TDD included TDP. The secondary outcome was the medication dosage error rate during the sequence from drug preparation to drug injection. Results: A total of 20 nurses were randomized into 2 groups. During the first study period, mean TDP while using PedAMINES and conventional preparation methods was 128.1 s (95% CI 102-154) and 308.1 s (95% CI 216-400), respectively (180 s reduction, P=.002). Mean TDD was 214 s (95% CI 171-256) and 391 s (95% CI 298-483), respectively (177.3 s reduction, P=.002). Medication errors were reduced from 70% to 0% (P<.001) by using PedAMINES when compared with conventional methods. Conclusions: In this simulation-based study, PedAMINES dramatically reduced TDP, to delivery and the rate of medication errors.

  • Using the MEmind application. Image source: Image purchased by authors.

    Ecological Assessment of Clinicians’ Antipsychotic Prescription Habits in Psychiatric Inpatients: A Novel Web- and Mobile Phone–Based Prototype for a...


    Background: Electronic prescribing devices with clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) hold the potential to significantly improve pharmacological treatment management. Objective: The aim of our study was to develop a novel Web- and mobile phone–based application to provide a dynamic CDSS by monitoring and analyzing practitioners’ antipsychotic prescription habits and simultaneously linking these data to inpatients’ symptom changes. Methods: We recruited 353 psychiatric inpatients whose symptom levels and prescribed medications were inputted into the MEmind application. We standardized all medications in the MEmind database using the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system and the defined daily dose (DDD). For each patient, MEmind calculated an average for the daily dose prescribed for antipsychotics (using the N05A ATC code), prescribed daily dose (PDD), and the PDD to DDD ratio. Results: MEmind results found that antipsychotics were used by 61.5% (217/353) of inpatients, with the largest proportion being patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (33.4%, 118/353). Of the 217 patients, 137 (63.2%, 137/217) were administered pharmacological monotherapy and 80 (36.8%, 80/217) were administered polytherapy. Antipsychotics were used mostly in schizophrenia spectrum and related psychotic disorders, but they were also prescribed in other nonpsychotic diagnoses. Notably, we observed polypharmacy going against current antipsychotics guidelines. Conclusions: MEmind data indicated that antipsychotic polypharmacy and off-label use in inpatient units is commonly practiced. MEmind holds the potential to create a dynamic CDSS that provides real-time tracking of prescription practices and symptom change. Such feedback can help practitioners determine a maximally therapeutic drug treatment while avoiding unproductive overprescription and off-label use.

  • Digital health literacy. Image source: Author: Thomas Lefebvre. Copyright: CC0 Public Domain.

    Development of the Digital Health Literacy Instrument: Measuring a Broad Spectrum of Health 1.0 and Health 2.0 Skills


    Background: With the digitization of health care and the wide availability of Web-based applications, a broad set of skills is essential to properly use such facilities; these skills are called digital health literacy or eHealth literacy. Current instruments to measure digital health literacy focus only on information gathering (Health 1.0 skills) and do not pay attention to interactivity on the Web (Health 2.0). To measure the complete spectrum of Health 1.0 and Health 2.0 skills, including actual competencies, we developed a new instrument. The Digital Health Literacy Instrument (DHLI) measures operational skills, navigation skills, information searching, evaluating reliability, determining relevance, adding self-generated content, and protecting privacy. Objective: Our objective was to study the distributional properties, reliability, content validity, and construct validity of the DHLI’s self-report scale (21 items) and to explore the feasibility of an additional set of performance-based items (7 items). Methods: We used a paper-and-pencil survey among a sample of the general Dutch population, stratified by age, sex, and educational level (T1; N=200). The survey consisted of the DHLI, sociodemographics, Internet use, health status, health literacy and the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS). After 2 weeks, we asked participants to complete the DHLI again (T2; n=67). Cronbach alpha and intraclass correlation analysis between T1 and T2 were used to investigate reliability. Principal component analysis was performed to determine content validity. Correlation analyses were used to determine the construct validity. Results: Respondents (107 female and 93 male) ranged in age from 18 to 84 years (mean 46.4, SD 19.0); 23.0% (46/200) had a lower educational level. Internal consistencies of the total scale (alpha=.87) and the subscales (alpha range .70-.89) were satisfactory, except for protecting privacy (alpha=.57). Distributional properties showed an approximately normal distribution. Test-retest analysis was satisfactory overall (total scale intraclass correlation coefficient=.77; subscale intraclass correlation coefficient range .49-.81). The performance-based items did not together form a single construct (alpha=.47) and should be interpreted individually. Results showed that more complex skills were reflected in a lower number of correct responses. Principal component analysis confirmed the theoretical structure of the self-report scale (76% explained variance). Correlations were as expected, showing significant relations with age (ρ=–.41, P<.001), education (ρ=.14, P=.047), Internet use (ρ=.39, P<.001), health-related Internet use (ρ=.27, P<.001), health status (ρ range .17-.27, P<.001), health literacy (ρ=.31, P<.001), and the eHEALS (ρ=.51, P<.001). Conclusions: This instrument can be accepted as a new self-report measure to assess digital health literacy, using multiple subscales. Its performance-based items provide an indication of actual skills but should be studied and adapted further. Future research should examine the acceptability of this instrument in other languages and among different populations.

  • Diabetes Literacy. Image sourced and copyright owned by authors.

    Effects on Engagement and Health Literacy Outcomes of Web-Based Materials Promoting Physical Activity in People With Diabetes: An International Randomized Trial


    Background: Developing accessible Web-based materials to support diabetes self-management in people with lower levels of health literacy is a continuing challenge. Objective: The objective of this international study was to develop a Web-based intervention promoting physical activity among people with type 2 diabetes to determine whether audiovisual presentation and interactivity (quizzes, planners, tailoring) could help to overcome the digital divide by making digital interventions accessible and effective for people with all levels of health literacy. This study also aimed to determine whether these materials can improve health literacy outcomes for people with lower levels of health literacy and also be effective for people with higher levels of health literacy. Methods: To assess the impact of interactivity and audiovisual features on usage, engagement, and health literacy outcomes, we designed two versions of a Web-based intervention (one interactive and one plain-text version of the same content) to promote physical activity in people with type 2 diabetes. We randomly assigned participants from the United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Ireland, and Taiwan to either an interactive or plain-text version of the intervention in English, German, or Mandarin. Intervention usage was objectively recorded by the intervention software. Self-report measures were taken at baseline and follow-up (immediately after participants viewed the intervention) and included measures of health literacy, engagement (website satisfaction and willingness to recommend the intervention to others), and health literacy outcomes (diabetes knowledge, enablement, attitude, perceived behavioral control, and intention to undertake physical activity). Results: In total, 1041 people took part in this study. Of the 1005 who completed health literacy information, 268 (26.67%) had intermediate or low levels of health literacy. The interactive intervention overall did not produce better outcomes than did the plain-text version. Participants in the plain-text intervention group looked at significantly more sections of the intervention (mean difference –0.47, 95% CI –0.64 to –0.30, P<.001), but this did not lead to better outcomes. Health literacy outcomes, including attitudes and intentions to engage in physical activity, significantly improved following the intervention for participants in both intervention groups. These improvements were similar across higher and lower health literacy levels and in all countries. Participants in the interactive intervention group had acquired more diabetes knowledge (mean difference 0.80, 95% CI 0.65-0.94, P<.001). Participants from both groups reported high levels of website satisfaction and would recommend the website to others. Conclusions: Following established practice for simple, clear design and presentation and using a person-based approach to intervention development, with in-depth iterative feedback from users, may be more important than interactivity and audiovisual presentations when developing accessible digital health interventions to improve health literacy outcomes. ClinicalTrial: International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 43587048; (Archived by WebCite at

  • E-cigarette use. Image source: Author: TBEC Review. Copyright:

    Identifying Topics for E-Cigarette User-Generated Contents: A Case Study From Multiple Social Media Platforms


    Background: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) is an emerging product with a rapid-growth market in recent years. Social media has become an important platform for information seeking and sharing. We aim to mine hidden topics from e-cigarette datasets collected from different social media platforms. Objective: This paper aims to gain a systematic understanding of the characteristics of various types of social media, which will provide deep insights into how consumers and policy makers effectively use social media to track e-cigarette-related content and adjust their decisions and policies. Methods: We collected data from Reddit (27,638 e-cigarette flavor-related posts from January 1, 2011, to June 30, 2015), JuiceDB (14,433 e-juice reviews from June 26, 2013 to November 12, 2015), and Twitter (13,356 “e-cig ban”-related tweets from January, 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015). Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a generative model for topic modeling, was used to analyze the topics from these data. Results: We found four types of topics across the platforms: (1) promotions, (2) flavor discussions, (3) experience sharing, and (4) regulation debates. Promotions included sales from vendors to users, as well as trades among users. A total of 10.72% (2,962/27,638) of the posts from Reddit were related to trading. Promotion links were found between social media platforms. Most of the links (87.30%) in JuiceDB were related to Reddit posts. JuiceDB and Reddit identified consistent flavor categories. E-cigarette vaping methods and features such as steeping, throat hit, and vapor production were broadly discussed both on Reddit and on JuiceDB. Reddit provided space for policy discussions and majority of the posts (60.7%) holding a negative attitude toward regulations, whereas Twitter was used to launch campaigns using certain hashtags. Our findings are based on data across different platforms. The topic distribution between Reddit and JuiceDB was significantly different (P<.001), which indicated that the user discussions focused on different perspectives across the platforms. Conclusions: This study examined Reddit, JuiceDB, and Twitter as social media data sources for e-cigarette research. These mined findings could be further used by other researchers and policy makers. By utilizing the automatic topic-modeling method, the proposed unified feedback model could be a useful tool for policy makers to comprehensively consider how to collect valuable feedback from social media.

  • Cardiologist with tablet. Image source: Image purchased by authors.

    Remote Monitoring of Patients With Heart Failure: An Overview of Systematic Reviews


    Background: Many systematic reviews exist on the use of remote patient monitoring (RPM) interventions to improve clinical outcomes and psychological well-being of patients with heart failure. However, research is broadly distributed from simple telephone-based to complex technology-based interventions. The scope and focus of such evidence also vary widely, creating challenges for clinicians who seek information on the effect of RPM interventions. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of RPM interventions on the health outcomes of patients with heart failure by synthesizing review-level evidence. Methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and the Cochrane Library from 2005 to 2015. We screened reviews based on relevance to RPM interventions using criteria developed for this overview. Independent authors screened, selected, and extracted information from systematic reviews. AMSTAR (Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews) was used to assess the methodological quality of individual reviews. We used standardized language to summarize results across reviews and to provide final statements about intervention effectiveness. Results: A total of 19 systematic reviews met our inclusion criteria. Reviews consisted of RPM with diverse interventions such as telemonitoring, home telehealth, mobile phone–based monitoring, and videoconferencing. All-cause mortality and heart failure mortality were the most frequently reported outcomes, but others such as quality of life, rehospitalization, emergency department visits, and length of stay were also reported. Self-care and knowledge were less commonly identified. Conclusions: Telemonitoring and home telehealth appear generally effective in reducing heart failure rehospitalization and mortality. Other interventions, including the use of mobile phone–based monitoring and videoconferencing, require further investigation.

  • Towards patient-centered telerehabilitation design. Image sourced and copyright owned by authors.

    Toward Patient-Centered Telerehabilitation Design: Understanding Chronic Pain Patients’ Preferences for Web-Based Exercise Telerehabilitation Using a...


    Background: Patient-centered design that addresses patients’ preferences and needs is considered an important aim for improving health care systems. At present, within the field of pain rehabilitation, patients’ preferences regarding telerehabilitation remain scarcely explored and little is known about the optimal combination between human and electronic contact from the patients’ perspective. In addition, limited evidence is available about the best way to explore patients’ preferences. Therefore, the assessment of patients’ preferences regarding telemedicine is an important step toward the design of effective patient-centered care. Objective: To identify which telerehabilitation treatment options patients with chronic pain are most likely to accept as alternatives to conventional rehabilitation and assess which treatment attributes are most important to them. Methods: A discrete choice experiment with 15 choice tasks, combining 6 telerehabilitation treatment characteristics, was designed. Each choice task consisted of 2 hypothetical treatment scenarios and 1 opt-out scenario. Relative attribute importance was estimated using a bivariate probit regression analysis. One hundred and thirty surveys were received, of which 104 were usable questionnaires; thus, resulting in a total of 1547 observations. Results: Physician communication mode, the use of feedback and monitoring technology (FMT), and exercise location were key drivers of patients’ treatment preferences (P<.001). Patients were willing to accept less frequent physician consultation offered mainly through video communication, provided that they were offered FMT and some face-to-face consultation and could exercise outside their home environment at flexible exercise hours. Home-based telerehabilitation scenarios with minimal physician supervision were the least preferred. A reduction in health care premiums would make these telerehabilitation scenarios as attractive as conventional clinic-based rehabilitation. Conclusions: “Intermediate” telerehabilitation treatments offering FMT, some face-to-face consulting, and a gym-based exercise location should be pursued as promising alternatives to conventional chronic pain rehabilitation. Further research is necessary to explore whether strategies other than health care premium reductions could also increase the value of home telerehabilitation treatment.

  • Doctor and patient discuss health information on the Internet. Image sourced and copyright owned by authors.

    Internet Health Information Seeking and the Patient-Physician Relationship: A Systematic Review


    Background: With online health information becoming increasingly popular among patients, concerns have been raised about the impact of patients’ Internet health information-seeking behavior on their relationship with physicians. Therefore, it is pertinent to understand the influence of online health information on the patient-physician relationship. Objective: Our objective was to systematically review existing research on patients’ Internet health information seeking and its influence on the patient-physician relationship. Methods: We systematically searched PubMed and key medical informatics, information systems, and communication science journals covering the period of 2000 to 2015. Empirical articles that were in English were included. We analyzed the content covering themes in 2 broad categories: factors affecting patients’ discussion of online findings during consultations and implications for the patient-physician relationship. Results: We identified 18 articles that met the inclusion criteria and the quality requirement for the review. The articles revealed barriers, facilitators, and demographic factors that influence patients’ disclosure of online health information during consultations and the different mechanisms patients use to reveal these findings. Our review also showed the mechanisms in which online information could influence patients’ relationship with their physicians. Conclusions: Results of this review contribute to the understanding of the patient-physician relationship of Internet-informed patients. Our main findings show that Internet health information seeking can improve the patient-physician relationship depending on whether the patient discusses the information with the physician and on their prior relationship. As patients have better access to health information through the Internet and expect to be more engaged in health decision making, traditional models of the patient-provider relationship and communication strategies must be revisited to adapt to this changing demographic.

  • Pain. Image source: Author: Samantha Evans. Copyright:

    It’s About Me: Patients’ Experiences of Patient Participation in the Web Behavior Change Program for Activity in Combination With Multimodal Pain...


    Background: Patients’ participation in their health care is recognized as a key component in high-quality health care. Persons with persistent pain are recommended treatments with a cognitive approach from a biopsychosocial explanation of pain, in which a patient’s active participation in their rehabilitation is in focus. Web-based interventions for pain management have the potential to increase patient participation by enabling persons to play a more active role in rehabilitation. However, little is known about patients’ experiences of patient participation in Web-based interventions in clinical practice. Objective: The objective of our study was to explore patients’ experiences of patient participation in a Web Behavior Change Program for Activity (Web-BCPA) in combination with multimodal rehabilitation (MMR) among patients with persistent pain in primary health care. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 15 women and 4 men, with a mean age of 45 years. Data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: One theme, “It’s about me,” and 4 categories, “Take part in a flexible framework of own priority,” “Acquire knowledge and insights,” “Ways toward change,” and “Personal and environmental conditions influencing participation,” were developed. Patient participation was depicted as being confirmed in an individualized and structured rehabilitation framework of one’s own choice. Being confirmed was fundamental to patient participation in the interaction with the Web-BCPA and with the health care professionals in MMR. To acquire knowledge and insights about pain and their life situation, through self-reflection in the solitary work in the Web-BCPA and through feedback from the health care professionals in MMR, was experienced as patient participation by the participants. Patient participation was described as structured ways to reach their goals of behavior change, which included analyzing resources and restrictions, problem solving, and evaluation. The individual’s emotional and cognitive resources and restrictions, as well as health care professionals and significant others’ attitudes and behavior influenced patient participation in the rehabilitation. To some extent there were experiences of restrained patient participation through the great content of the Web-BCPA. Conclusions: Patient participation was satisfactory in the Web-BCPA in combination with MMR. The combined treatment was experienced to increase patient participation in the rehabilitation. Being confirmed through self-identification and finding the content of the Web-BCPA trustworthy was emphasized. Patient participation was experienced as a learning process leading to new knowledge and insights. Higher user control regarding the timing of the Web-BCPA and therapist guidance of the content may further increase patient participation in the combined treatment.

  • Screenshot of the ZIPSE information portal about rare diseases. Source:

    Rare Diseases on the Internet: An Assessment of the Quality of Online Information


    Background: The importance of the Internet as a medium for publishing and sharing health and medical information has increased considerably during the last decade. Nonetheless, comprehensive knowledge and information are scarce and difficult to find, especially for rare diseases. Additionally, the quality of health or medical information about rare diseases is frequently difficult to assess for the patients and their family members. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the quality of information on the Internet about rare diseases. Additionally, the study aims to evaluate if the quality of information on rare diseases varies between different information supplier categories. Methods: A total of 13 quality criteria for websites providing medical information about rare diseases were transferred to a self-disclosure questionnaire. Identified providers of information on the Internet about rare diseases were invited to fill out the questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions about the information provider in general (eg, supplier category, information category, language, use of quality certificates, and target group) and about quality aspects that reflect the 13 quality criteria. Differences in subgroup analyses were performed using t tests. Results: We identified 693 websites containing information about rare diseases. A total of 123 questionnaires (17.7%) were completely filled out by the information suppliers. For the remaining identified suppliers (570/693, 82.3%), the questionnaires were filled out by the authors based on the information available on their website. In many cases, the quality of websites was proportionally low. Furthermore, subgroup analysis showed no statistically significant differences between the quality of information provided by support group/patient organization compared to medical institution (P=.19). The quality of information by individuals (patient/relative) was significantly lower compared to information provided by support group/patient organization (P=.001), medical institution (P=.009), and other associations and sponsoring bodies (P=.001) as well. Conclusions: Overall, the quality of information on the Internet about rare diseases is low. Quality certificates are rarely used and important quality criteria are often not fulfilled completely. Additionally, some information categories are underrepresented (eg, information about psychosocial counseling, social-legal advice, and family planning). Nevertheless, due to the high amount of information provided by support groups, this study shows that these are extremely valuable sources of information for patients suffering from a rare disease and their relatives.

  • Happiness Inventors: Prototypes & Sketches. Image sourced and copyright owned by authors.

    “Happiness Inventors”: Informing Positive Computing Technologies Through Participatory Design With Children


    Background: Positive psychological interventions for children have typically focused on direct adaptations of interventions developed for adults. As the community moves toward designing positive computing technologies to support child well-being, it is important to use a more participatory process that directly engages children’s voices. Objective: Our objectives were, through a participatory design study, to understand children’s interpretations of positive psychology concepts, as well as their perspectives on technologies that are best suited to enhance their engagement with practice of well-being skills. Methods: We addressed these questions through a content analysis of 434 design ideas, 51 sketches, and 8 prototype and videos, which emerged from a 14-session cooperative inquiry study with 12 child “happiness inventors.” The study was part of a summer learning camp held at the children’s middle school, which focused on teaching the invention process, teaching well-being skills drawn from positive psychology and related areas (gratitude, mindfulness, and problem solving), and iterating design ideas for technologies to support these skills. Results: The children’s ideas and prototypes revealed specific facets of how they interpreted gratitude (as thanking, being positive, and doing good things), mindfulness (as externally representing thought and emotions, controlling those thoughts and emotions, getting through unpleasant things, and avoiding forgetting something), and problem solving (as preventing bad decisions, seeking alternative solutions, and not dwelling on unproductive thoughts). This process also revealed that children emphasized particular technologies in their solutions. While desktop or laptop solutions were notably lacking, other ideas were roughly evenly distributed between mobile apps and embodied computing technologies (toys, wearables, etc). We also report on desired functionalities and approaches to engagement in the children’s ideas, such as a notable emphasis on representing and responding to internal states. Conclusions: Our findings point to promising directions for the design of positive computing technologies targeted at children, with particular emphases on the perspectives, technologies, engagement approaches, and functionalities that appealed to the children in our study. The dual focus of the study on teaching skills while designing technologies is a novel methodology in the design of positive computing technologies intended to increase child well-being.

  • Screenshot of the community under study (

    Factors Associated With Weight Change in Online Weight Management Communities: A Case Study in the LoseIt Reddit Community


    Background: Recent research has shown that of the 72% of American Internet users who have looked for health information online, 22% have searched for help to lose or control weight. This demand for information has given rise to many online weight management communities, where users support one another throughout their weight loss process. Whether and how user engagement in online communities relates to weight change is not totally understood. Objective: We investigated the activity behavior and analyze the semantic content of the messages of active users in LoseIt (r/loseit), a weight management community of the online social network Reddit. We then explored whether these features are associated with weight loss in this online social network. Methods: A data collection tool was used to collect English posts, comments, and other public metadata of active users (ie, users with at least one post or comment) on LoseIt from August 2010 to November 2014. Analyses of frequency and intensity of user interaction in the community were performed together with a semantic analysis of the messages, done by a latent Dirichlet allocation method. The association between weight loss and online user activity patterns, the semantics of the messages, and real-world variables was found by a linear regression model using 30-day weight change as the dependent variable. Results: We collected posts and comments of 107,886 unique users. Among these, 101,003 (93.62%) wrote at least one comment and 38,981 (36.13%) wrote at least one post. Median percentage of days online was 3.81 (IQR 9.51). The 10 most-discussed semantic topics on posts were related to healthy food, clothing, calorie counting, workouts, looks, habits, support, and unhealthy food. In the subset of 754 users who had gender, age, and 30-day weight change data available, women were predominant and 92.9% (701/754) lost weight. Female gender, body mass index (BMI) at baseline, high levels of online activity, the number of upvotes received per post, and topics discussed within the community were independently associated with weight change. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that among active users of a weight management community, self-declaration of higher BMI levels (which may represent greater dissatisfaction with excess weight), high online activity, and engagement in discussions that might provide social support are associated with greater weight loss. These findings have the potential to aid health professionals to assist patients in online interventions by focusing efforts on increasing engagement and/or starting discussions on topics of higher impact on weight change.

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  • Mobile phone surveys for collecting population-level estimates in low- and middle-income countries: a review of the literature

    Date Submitted: Jan 30, 2017

    Open Peer Review Period: Jan 31, 2017 - Mar 28, 2017

    Background: National and sub-national level surveys are important for monitoring disease burden, prioritizing resource allocation, and evaluating public health policies. As mobile phone access and own...

    Background: National and sub-national level surveys are important for monitoring disease burden, prioritizing resource allocation, and evaluating public health policies. As mobile phone access and ownership become more common globally, mobile phone surveys offer an opportunity to supplement traditional public health household surveys. Objective: To systematically review the current landscape of mobile phone surveys (MPS) to collect population-level estimates in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). Methods: Primary and grey literature from seven online databases were systematically searched for studies that deployed mobile phone surveys to collect population level estimates. Titles and abstracts were screened on primary inclusion and exclusion criteria by two research assistants. Articles that met primary screening requirements were read in full and screened for secondary eligibility criteria. Articles included in review were grouped into three categories by their survey modality: (1) interactive voice response (IVR), (2) short message service (SMS), and (3) human operator or computer assisted telephone interviews (CATI). Data were abstracted by two research assistants. The conduct and reporting of the review conformed to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. Results: A total of 6625 articles were identified through the literature review. Overall, eleven articles were identified that employed 19 MPS (CATI, IVR, or SMS) surveys to collect population-level estimates across a range of topics. Nine articles presented results for ten (10/19; 53%) CATI surveys. Two articles discussed the findings of six (6/19; 32%) IVR surveys. Three SMS surveys were identified from two articles (3/19; 16%). Approximately 63% (12/19) of MPS were delivered to mobile phone numbers collected from previously administered household surveys. The majority of MPS (11/19, 58%) were panel surveys where a cohort of participants, who often were provided a mobile phone upon a face-to-face enrollment, were surveyed multiple times. Conclusions: Of the population-level MPS that were identified, the majority of surveys were conducted using CATI. Due to the limited number of identified IVR and SMS surveys, the relative advantages and disadvantages between the three survey modalities cannot be adequately assessed. The majority of MPS were sent to mobile phone numbers that were collected from a previously administered household survey. There is limited evidence on whether a random digit dial (RDD) approach or a simple random sample of mobile network provided list of numbers can produce a population representative survey.

  • What do Men Want in a Website Designed to Promote Emotional Wellness and Healthy Behaviors in Expectant Fathers?

    Date Submitted: Jan 26, 2017

    Open Peer Review Period: Jan 26, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017

    Background: Up to 18% of men experience depression and/or anxiety during the transition to parenthood. Interventions designed specifically to promote the mental health of expectant fathers are scarce....

    Background: Up to 18% of men experience depression and/or anxiety during the transition to parenthood. Interventions designed specifically to promote the mental health of expectant fathers are scarce. Internet delivered interventions may be acceptable and far-reaching in enhancing mental health, parenting knowledge and healthy behaviors in expectant or new fathers. Objective: To guide the development of, a website designed to enhance mental health and healthy behaviors in expectant fathers, a needs assessment was conducted to identify father’s perspectives of barriers to seeking help for emotional wellness, informational needs and factors affecting the decision to visit such a website. Methods: 172 men whose partner was expecting or had recently given birth in 3 Canadian provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Alberta), completed an on-line survey inquiring about information needs related to psychosocial aspects of the transition to parenthood, lifestyle behaviors, and parenting, and factors associated with the decision to visit a father focused website. Results: The majority of men (89.1%) reported accessing the internet to obtain information on pregnancy, spending an average of 6.2 hours on-line per month. Seeking information about parenting on the internet was reported by 67.2% of men, with a mean of 4.4 hours per month of on-line searching. Top barriers to seeking help to improve emotional wellness during the perinatal period were: no time to seek help/assistance (74.7%), lack of resources available in the health care system (72.4%), financial costs associated with services (67.8%), and feeling that one should be able to do it alone (64.9%). Information needs that rated highly included: parenting/infant care (52.9-81.6%), supporting (69.5%) and improving relationship with their partner (71.3%), work-family balance (69%), improving sleep (57.5%) and managing stress (56.3%). Perceiving the website as personally relevant (86.7%), credible (81.5%), effective (80.4%), with an easy navigation structure (81%) were identified as important factors related to a first website visit. Providing useful (77%), easy to understand (90.8%) information, free of charge (89.6%) were considered important for deciding to prolong their website visit. Providing the possibility to post questions to a health professional (76.4%), adding new content regularly (68.3%) and personal motivation (63.8%) were factors identified that would encourage a re-visit. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that there is substantial interest among expectant fathers for using internet-delivered strategies to prepare for the transition to parenthood and support their mental health. Specific user and website features were identified to optimize use of father focused websites.

  • Efficiency of medical supervision on a Multiple Sclerosis web-community: a factorial analysis

    Date Submitted: Jan 25, 2017

    Open Peer Review Period: Jan 25, 2017 - Feb 2, 2017

    Background: The social media represent an important virtual meeting place where users can get in touch with others to share interests and information overcoming limitations of space and time. Conseque...

    Background: The social media represent an important virtual meeting place where users can get in touch with others to share interests and information overcoming limitations of space and time. Consequently, social media are a vital link for people with health issues who find in web-communities a valid and comforting source for exchange, debates and for the enrichment of knowledge. This feature is important for people affected by chronic pathologies, like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), who are very well informed about the disease but are vulnerable to hopes of being cured or saved, amplifying therapies that are not always scientifically proven. Objective: We created a MS experts supervised social network ( in order to track and share health and social experiences and to improve patients’ knowledge. Methods: Using a 33 item-questionnaire we investigate: 1. Utility Index 2. Proximity Index 3. Sharing Index 4. Interaction Index 5. Solving Uncertainties Index 6. Suggestion’s Attitude Index 7. Explore Index Results: The MS patients/users positively evaluated to a) obtain information, approach and solve problems as well as in making decision b) improve feeling of closeness c) catalyze relationship and texting general personal opinions d) receive innovative, effective and practical solutions e) deliver information about innovative therapeutic approaches and treatment options. Conclusions: We have observed that a MS-dedicated social network under the MS experts supervision is perceived from patients/users as a very useful tool to receive information and solve problems in daily life, configuring a new kind of therapeutic alliance between physicians and patients

  • Using Twitter to Examine Medicinal Drugs Uptake Statistics and Topics During Flu Seasons

    Date Submitted: Jan 25, 2017

    Open Peer Review Period: Jan 25, 2017 - Mar 22, 2017

    Background: Uptake of medicinal drugs (preventive or treatment) is among the ways used to control disease outbreaks and therefore it is of vital importance to be aware of the statistics of mostly used...

    Background: Uptake of medicinal drugs (preventive or treatment) is among the ways used to control disease outbreaks and therefore it is of vital importance to be aware of the statistics of mostly used drugs and trending topics about these drugs from consumers for successful implementation of control measures. Traditional survey methods would have accomplished this study but they are too costly in terms of resources needed and they are subject to social desirability bias for topics discovery. Hence there is a need to use alternative efficient means through Twitter data and machine learning techniques. Objective: Using Twitter data, the study aimed to (1) propose a machine learning classifier that could efficiently identify mostly consumed drugs and (2) extract and analyze trending topics related to these drugs during seasonal flu epidemics. Methods: From tweets collected during the 2012/13 flu season, we first identified tweets with mentions of drugs then we constructed a machine learning classifier using a combination of term frequency inverse document frequency (TFIDF) and parts of speech tagging (POS) of dependency words as features. The classifier was used to extract tweets that evidenced consumption of drugs and then we identified mostly consumed drugs out them. Finally we extracted trending topics from these tweets using latent Dirichtlet allocation (LDA). Results: Our proposed classifier obtained an F1 score of 0.81 which was 2% higher than the benchmark classifier constructed with TFIDF only as the feature. Our classifier extracted 37938 tweets that evidenced consumption of drugs out of 50828 tweets with mentions of drugs. The mostly consumed drugs were influenza virus vaccines which had around 76% share of the total, and others notable drugs were Theraflu, Dayquil, Nyquil, Vitamins, Acetaminophen and Oseltamivir. The content of topics on each of these drugs exhibited common themes for people who have consumed these drugs. Similar drugs but with different names showed similarity in the content of topics discovered. Conclusions: The study utilized Twitter data to identify drugs most consumed instead of using costly traditional survey methods. The proposed classifier exhibited performance improvements in the identification of relevant tweets with evidence of consumption of drugs. Furthermore, topics obtained indicated actual perceptions and behaviors of people who consumed the drugs. These provide public health officials and other stakeholders with valuable information that can help in enhancing strategies for mitigating flu outbreaks severity. The proposed methods are scalable to outbreaks of other health conditions.

  • Is there Evidence of Cost and Benefits on Electronic Medical Records, Standards and Interoperability in Hospital Information Systems? An Overview of Systematic Reviews

    Date Submitted: Jan 24, 2017

    Open Peer Review Period: Jan 25, 2017 - Mar 22, 2017

    Background: eHealth interventions may improve the quality of care by providing timely, accessible information about one patient or an entire population. Electronic patient care information forms the n...

    Background: eHealth interventions may improve the quality of care by providing timely, accessible information about one patient or an entire population. Electronic patient care information forms the nucleus of computerized health information systems. However, data exchange among systems depends on the adoption of information standards. Additionally, investing in technology systems requires cost-effectiveness studies to ensure the sustainability of processes for stakeholders. Objective: To assess cost effectiveness in the use of electronically available inpatient data systems, information exchange, and standards to support interoperability among systems. Methods: An overview of systematic reviews was conducted, assessing the Medline, Cochrane Library, Lilacs and IEEE Library databases to identify relevant studies published through February 22nd 2016. The search was supplemented by citations from the selected articles. The direct outcome sought was cost effectiveness, and the indirect outcome was the impact on quality of care. Independent reviewers selected studies, and disagreement was resolved by consensus. The quality of the included studies was evaluated using the Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR). Results: The primary search identified 286 papers, and two were manually included. Two hundred eleven were systematic reviews. From the 20 studies that were selected after screening the title and abstract, 14 were deemed ineligible, and six accepted to the reviewing process. The interventions did not show a direct, measurable effect on cost effectiveness. Despite the limited number of studies, the heterogeneity of electronic systems reported, and types of intervention on hospital routines, it was possible to identify some preliminary, indirect benefits on quality of care. Hospital information systems, along with information sharing, had the potential to improve clinical practice by reducing staff errors or incidents, improving automated harm detection, monitoring infection more effectively, and enhancing the continuity of care during physician handoffs. Conclusions: This review identified some indirect benefits on the quality of care but did not provide evidence that the implementation of eHealth interventions had a measurable impact on cost effectiveness or patient outcomes in hospital settings. However, further evidence is needed to infer the impact of interoperability on costs or benefits of health care; that requires further research.

  • Mental health mobile apps for children and young people: A systematic review and synthesis

    Date Submitted: Jan 23, 2017

    Open Peer Review Period: Jan 23, 2017 - Mar 20, 2017

    Background: There are an increasing number of mobile applications (apps) available for children and young people (CYP) with mental health problems and an increasing interest in assimilating mHealth in...

    Background: There are an increasing number of mobile applications (apps) available for children and young people (CYP) with mental health problems and an increasing interest in assimilating mHealth into mental health services. Despite the growing number of apps available, the evidence base for their efficacy is unclear. Objective: This review aimed to systematically appraise the available research evidence on the efficacy and acceptability of mobile apps for mental health in CYP under the age of 18. Methods: APA PsychNet, ACM Digital Library, Cochrane Library, Community Care Inform – Children, Embase, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Scopus, Social Policy and Practice, Web of Science, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking and OpenGrey were systematically searched for relevant publications between January 2008 and July 2016. Abstracts were included if they described mental health apps (targeting depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, self – harm, suicide prevention, conduct disorder, eating disorders and body image issues, schizophrenia, psychosis and insomnia) for mobile devices and for use by children and young people under the age of 18 years. Results: Thirty-two publications met the inclusion criteria. These described 19 apps, 3 of which were available to download. Two small randomised controlled trials and one case study failed to demonstrate a significant effect of three apps on intended mental health outcomes. Reviews which analysed the content of seven apps for CYP that are available to download established that none have undergone any research evaluation. Feasibility outcomes suggest acceptability of apps is good and app usage is moderate. Conclusions: Overall there is currently insufficient research evidence to support the effectiveness of apps for children and young people with mental health problems. Given the number and pace at which mHealth apps are being released on app stores, methodologically robust research studies evaluating their safety, efficacy and effectiveness is promptly needed.
