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California Nevada River Forecast Center
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Temperature Summary - Google™ Maps Interface

Please Note: Due to the large amounts of data being displayed on this interface, please be patient as the data is retreived and loaded onto the Google™ Map Interface below. Data may take as long as 30 seconds to load. Firefox is the preferred browser for use.

CNRFC Area of Responsibility
Counties (OR, CA, and NV)
Drainage Basins
Radar Data
Radar Relectivity Mosaic
Radar 1-Hour Precip Mosaic
Data Selection
Current Hour Temperatures
1 Hour Ago Temperatures
2 Hours Ago Temperatures
3 Hours Ago Temperatures
4 Hours Ago Temperatures
5 Hours Ago Temperatures

1 Hour Temperature Change
24 Hour Temperature Change

File Downloads

Last Map Update: Thursday February 21 2013 at 7:57 AM PST


Data Information:  Temperature Data Ending 7 AM PST

Note 1 About Product:

This product contains provisional data from automated gages and has not been screened or verified for accuracy.

Note 2 About Product:

Some temperature gages may be hidden at zoomed out levels of the map due to a large amount of data being represented. Zoom closer to view all relevant data in specific area of interest.


Alternate Text Product:

CNRFC Temperature Summary

Feedback / Comments:

Email the CNRFC Webmaster with your feedback and comments.


US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
California-Nevada River Forecast Center
3310 El Camino Avenue, Room 227
Sacramento, CA 95821-6373

Tel: (916) 979-3056

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