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USDA Sustainable Operations Council

USDA Secretary Mike Johanns established a USDA Sustainable Operations Council, and appointed ASA Boyd K.Rutherford as Chair, in June 2007 to provide executive leadership in implementing Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management." Three existing USDA management councils will assist the Sustainable Operations Council. Four working groups will develop guidance, draft policies, and other tools to assist the councils in implementing the executive order.

Sustainable Operations Organizational Structure


Members of the USDA Sustainable Operations Council

  • Assistant Secretary for Administration, Chair
  • Deputy Under Secretary for Conservation, Natural Resources and Environment
  • Deputy Administrator for Management, Agricultural Research Service
  • Deputy Under Secretary, Rural Development
  • Deputy Administrator for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
  • Deputy Chief for Business Operations, Forest Service
  • Director, Global Change Program Office, Office of the Chief Economist
  • Director, Office of Procurement and Property Management
  • Director, Office of Operations, Departmental Administration

Executive Staff: Jeffrey Goodman, DA Office of Procurement & Property Management, (202) 401-4747