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2009 National Training Conference for Criminal Justice and Community Leaders
Green Bay, Wisconsin

This conference focuses on developing stronger relationships between tribal and non-tribal law enforcement agencies. The conference theme, "Working Together to Serve Better" has evolved to include the improvement of working relationships with social service agencies, the court system, educators, gaming security personnel, and community leaders.

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Training and Technical Assistance

BJA Training and Technical Assistance Calendar

BJA's mission is to provide policy leadership and assistance in support of local criminal justice strategies to achieve safe communities. One of BJA's most important functions is to support the work of practitioners in state, local, and tribal justice systems through training and technical assistance (TTA) programs. BJA-sponsored TTA provides direct assistance to develop and implement comprehensive, systemwide strategies for public safety and improving criminal justice systems.

BJA Training and Technical Assistance Strategy
This document discusses BJA's training and technical assistance strategy, which involves three objectives: 1) to provide technical and programmatic direction to grantees and to other criminal justice professionals; 2) to ensure effective training opportunities are available to criminal justice practitioners; and 3) to assist state, local, and tribal jurisdictions and criminal justice agencies as they define operational or programmatic problems specific to their area and to provide recommendations regarding solutions to these challenging issues.

What is training and technical assistance?

TTA is the provision or application of any strategy to provide the criminal justice field with practical or specialized knowledge to assist in the development of strategies to:

How is TTA administered?

BJA's TTA supports state, local, and tribal jurisdictions through several vehicles, including but not limited to:

What types of TA are there?

BJA provides assistance in many areas, including but not limited to:

Who is eligible for TA?

Any state, tribal, or local agency or organization involved in activities related to fighting crime or ensuring public safety may request TTA from BJA. While BJA may not have funding available for a specific purpose, we may be able to assist jurisdictions in identifying other resources to meet a need. BJA will entertain all TTA requests related to public safety and will make every effort to identify avenues of assistance when possible.

What TTA is available through BJA ?

BJA supports a broad array of TTA projects to strengthen the criminal justice system and public safety efforts. Numerous organizations have received grants or contracts to provide training and technical assistance to state and local jurisdictions and nonprofit organizations. BJA has a compiled a Menu of Training Opportunities, which lists all training courses we currently fund through our TTA partners. A law enforcement-specific training opportunities list is also available.

BJA's TTA services are not limited to resources listed in the Menu of Training Opportunities. BJA staff members are happy to work with your organization directly to meet your needs.

In addition, BJA has a specialized database for law enforcement training opportunities. Agencies listed in the law enforcement database may be contacted for further information. Drug court practitioners also may receive training though BJA's National Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Program.

How does my organization request TTA?

All requestors must be prepared to fill out a TTA request form (Word or WordPerfect), outlining basic information about their agency, organization, or jurisdiction and the nature of their request.

If you have any further questions about TTA, please e-mail the TTA Coordinator, Elaine Snyder, at or call 202-514-0929.

For information other TTA available through the Office of Justice Programs, visit OJP's Training and Technical Assistance page and the Tribal Justice and Safety in Indian Country page.