
For Consumers

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Free Publications For Women

The FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) has developed over 50 FREE publications designed to give women timely health information in a clear, easy-to-read format.  There are over 40 fact sheets available in English and Spanish. The fact sheets provide basic information-at-a-glance about a range of health issues like diabetes, heart disease, cosmetics, menopause, mammography, asthma, and safe medication use. There are also seven medication booklets that list all FDA-approved products for several common health conditions affecting women. The booklets give vital information such as brand and generic names, general side effects and warnings, and questions to ask your health care provider. In addition to these publications, OWH also offers select materials in several Asian languages, Polish, and Arabic. To view or download any of the publications: 

English Publications

Spanish Publications

Publications in other languages 


All of the materials can be downloaded or ordered in bulk for free. 


To order English materials in bulk:  www.pueblo.gsa.gov/rc/f06owhcard.htm

Para ordenar publicaciones disponibles gratuitas en español: http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/rc/owhspanish.htm


Contact Us

  • 301-827-0350
  • 301-827-0926 (Fax)
  • Office of Women's Health

    5600 Fishers Lane, HF-8

    Rockville, MD 20857
