How does SecurID make systems more secure? SecurID tokens enable the use of two-factor authentication. These two factors are "something you know - your PIN" and "something your have - your token". With reusable passwords, if your password were captured by a hacker, it could be used to access all of your accounts until the password on each account was changed. With two factor authentication, your password is replaced by a passcode that only works for 30 seconds. While this doesn't eliminate the risks associated with password capture attacks, it does significantly reduce the impact.

What do I type in the SecurID passcode box/prompt? Your passcode is your PIN + the 6-digit code shown on the token. For example, if your PIN is 8745 and your token is displaying 234836, then your passcode would be 8745234836.

I'm typing my passcode correctly, but still can't login. What should I do? Call the ORNL Computer Helpline at 865-241-6765 for assistance. If you haven't used your token in several months, it may be out of "synch" with the SecurID server. Helpline can help you resynch your token.

I've entered my credentials multiple times without success and now have a screen that says my access to this site is "temporarily denied". What do I do? If you enter invalid credentials three times in a row, you will receive this screen. You may retry after one minute. Note: if you have ten invalid attempts SecurID in row the server will lock out your account and you will have to call Helpline to have it reset.

What if I've forgotten my PIN? Call the ORNL Computer Helpline at 865-241-6765 for assistance. Helpline cannot look up your old PIN, but they can assist you in setting a new one.

What if I've lost or misplaced my token? Call the ORNL Computer Helpline at 865-241-6765 for assistance. Helpline will mark your token as "lost" and can give you a limited number of "next token codes" for you to use until your token can be replaced. If you later find your token (before a replacement arrives), call Helpline to have your token reinstated.

I'm on travel and I forgot my token. What should I do? Call the ORNL Computer Helpline at 865-241-6765 for assistance. Your "forgotten" token will be marked as "lost" and Helpline will give you a limited number of "next token codes" for you to use until you return. When you return, call Helpline to have your token reinstated.

I'm going on foreign travel next week. Are there any restrictions on taking my token with me? There are no U.S. restrictions on you taking your token with you. In addition, we're not aware of any country where possessing a token is a violation of local law.

What does the bar graph on the left-hand side of the token display signify? It represents how much of your 30-second token cycle remains for you to complete the login process.


My token looks like a USB thumbdrive. Can I use it to store files? No. The USB function on this type of token can be used for two purposes (neither of which is currently implemented at ORNL): (1) as a SmartCard for authentication to your computer and (2) to allow application software to read your token code (so you don't have to type it in).

Can I take my USB-token into a security area? - No. While these can't be used as thumbdrives, they are USB storage devices (they can store your SmartCard info) and are prohibited in security areas. If you use or take your token into a security area, you should contact Helpline and request a non-USB token.