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What is RFID?

U.S. Customs and Border Protection [Logo]

U.S. Border Crossing Requirements Have Changed – Make sure you are compliant today!

Trusted Traveler Programs - NEXUS, FAST/EXPRES and SENTRI provide expedited travel for pre-approved frequent border crossers through dedicated lanes. While NEXUS was designed for northern border crossing and SENTRI for southern border crossing, any of the cards can be used at all U.S. land and sea ports of entry. The NEXUS card can additionally be used at kiosks at participating airports. Click on each card for more information.


Trusted Traveler Program NEXUS Card [Image Link]

Commercial Truckers

Trusted Traveler Program FAST/EXPRES Card [Image Link]


Trusted Traveler Program SENTRI Card [Image Link]

Learn how to use your RFID-enabled document

Link to CBP Home En Francais