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Breastfeeding: Best for baby. Best for mom.

Breastfeeding: Best for baby. Best for mom. - Do you have basic breastfeeding questions? Call us at 1-800-994-9662

Breastfeeding: Best for baby. Best for mom.

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a hand holding a medicine bottle and pillsMedicines and Breastfeeding

Although almost all medicines pass into your milk in small amounts, most medicines have no effect on the baby and are compatible with continuing to breastfeed. The list of medicines that you should not use while breastfeeding is very short. Discuss any medicines you are using with your doctor and also ask before you start using new medicines, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and dietary or herbal supplements. For some women with chronic health problems, stopping a medicine can be more dangerous than the effects it will have on the breastfed baby.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has more detailed information on this topic in the publication, The Transfer of Drugs and Other Chemicals Into Human Milk. You can also learn more from Medications and Mothers' Milk, a book by Thomas Hale, found in bookstores and libraries.

Additional Resources


  1. Federal resource  Breastfeeding Mothers-Self Care — This publication provides general recommendations for breastfeeding mothers. It also includes information on the effects of alcohol, caffeine, and other items during breastfeeding.

  2. Federal resource  Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) — If you are breastfeeding, taking certain medications can be harmful to your baby's health. Search this thorough database to determine the effects of different drugs and medications on your breastfeeding baby.

  3. Federal resource  Medication Exposures During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — This site answers common questions that pregnant and breastfeeding women may have about both over-the-counter and prescription medications. In addition, it provides statistics on this topic and links to other informative resources.

  4. Federal resource  MyPyramid for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding — When you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you have special nutritional needs. This section of is designed just for you. It has advice you need to help you and your baby stay healthy.

  5. Federal resource  When Should a Mother Avoid Breastfeeding? — This fact sheet describes rare exceptions when breastfeeding is not recommended, such as when the infant is diagnosed with galactosemia, the mother has been infected with HIV, the mother has untreated, active tuberculosis, the mother is taking certain medications, and more.

  6. How do Diet, Medications and Alcohol Affect Breastfeeding (Copyright © ACNM) — Many breastfeeding mothers wonder if they need to make changes in their diet and medications when they start breastfeeding. This publication lists breastfeeding do's and don'ts, what foods a breastfeeding mother should eat or not eat, medications to avoid, and more.

  7. Is it Safe for a Smoker to Breastfeed Her Baby? What About Using the Nicotine Patch and Other Smoking Cessation Aids? (Copyright © LLLI) — This fact sheet provides information on the health risks to a baby when the mother is a smoker. It also discusses whether products to help mothers quit smoking will affect the baby.

  8. Maternal Medications and Breastfeeding (Copyright © LLLI) — This publication gives information on using prescription medications while breastfeeding. It explains the factors that determine whether a drug will affect the baby, long-term use of medications, resources to get more information, and talking to the doctor.

  9. My Family Has Food Allergies. How Does This Affect Breastfeeding? (Copyright © LLLI) — This publication answers questions regarding concerns about food allergies and breast milk. It provides information about common food allergies and how to avoid any foods that may cause a potential reaction from your baby.

  10. Postpartum Depression and the 'Baby Blues' (Copyright © AAFP) — This fact sheet provides information about the symptoms of postpartum depression and the steps you can take toward treatment.

  11. What About Drinking Alcohol and Breastfeeding? (Copyright © LLLI) — This publication provides guidance on how much alcohol a woman can drink while she is breastfeeding.

  12. What Effect Does the Mother's Consumption of Caffeine Have on the Breastfeeding Infant? (Copyright © LLLI) — This publication provides guidance on how much caffeine a woman should consume while she is breastfeeding.

  13. Will My Milk Supply be Affected If I Exercise? (Copyright © LLLI) — This publication provides tips on resuming exercise after having your baby and while you are breastfeeding. It provides important points to take note of when planning to exercise.

  14. Will the Breast Surgery I had in the Past Prevent Me From Being Able to Breastfeed My Baby? (Copyright © LLLI) — This publication explains some of the complications that a mother who has had breast surgery may experience. It also provides a list of signs that the baby is not getting enough milk.


  1. Federal resource  Maternal and Child Health Bureau, HRSA, HHS
  2. Federal resource  National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, MCHB, HRSA, HHS
  3. Federal resource  Nutrition.Gov
  4. Federal resource, OWH, HHS
  5. La Leche League International
  6. National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated February 27, 2009.

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