FTC v. Hold Billing Services, Ltd.; HBS, Inc.; Avery Communications, Inc.; Veterans of America Association, Ltd.; Thomas M. Lyons; Keith C. Calil; and Milford H. Balaban.
(Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division)

FTC File Nos. X98 0069; 982 3089

October 6, 1999

  • Stipulated Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction and Consumer Redress As To Defendants Hold Billing Services, Ltd., HBS, Inc., Avery Communications, Inc., and Thomas M. Lyons.
  • Stipulated Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction As To Defendants Veterans of America Association, Ltd. and Keith C. Calil.
  • Stipulated Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction As To Defendant Milford H. Balaban.
  • Statement of Commissioner Anthony, In Which Chairman Pitofsky and Commissioner Thompson Join.
  • Statement of Commissioner Swindle, Concurring in Part and Dissenting in Part
  • News Release

July 16, 1998


Last Modified: Friday, 24-Oct-2008 16:24:00 EDT