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Alphabetical index of categories: T

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s T u v w x y z

Number of information resources is shown in parentheses after each term.

water table -> ground-water level (10) tablelands -> plateaus (1) table mountains -> plateaus (1) animal tagging -> plant and animal tagging (5) plant and animal tagging (5) radioisotope tagging -> plant and animal tagging (5) tagging -> plant and animal tagging (5) taiga ecosystems -> forest ecosystems (20) tailing ponds -> disposal sites (2) tailings -> disposal sites (2) tall grass ecosystems -> grassland ecosystems (13) talus slopes -> physiographic features (91) cattle dipping tanks -> agricultural sites (3) taphonomy -> paleontology (20) tarns -> lakes (26) taverns -> buildings (4) systematics and taxonomy (16) taxonomy -> systematics and taxonomy (16) tea plantations -> agricultural sites (3) technical support -> customer support and user feedback (3) tectonic features (11) tectonic maps (6) -> tectonic processes WITH maps and atlases tectonic processes (19) plate tectonics -> tectonic processes (19) tectonics -> tectonic processes (19) tectonophysics (3) radio telemetry -> telemetry (10) telemetry (10) telescopes -> research facilities (2) air temperature (2) ocean temperature (5) sea-surface temperature -> sea surface temperature (3) sea surface temperature (3) water temperature (7) temperature (air) -> air temperature (2) temperature (ocean) -> ocean temperature (5) temperature (sea surface) -> sea surface temperature (3) temperature (water) -> water temperature (7) Curie temperature analysis (1) temperature analysis (Curie) -> Curie temperature analysis (1) borehole temperature logging (1) marine terminals -> harbors (4) terminals (transportation) -> transportation features (4) terraces (physiographic) -> physiographic features (91) terrestrial ecosystems (86) animal testing -> plant and animal testing (4) plant and animal testing (4) test sites -> research areas (3) thematic mapper -> multispectral imaging (10) therapeutic methods (1) thermal features (4) thermal imaging (1) thermoelectric power generation water use -> power generation water use (3) thermoluminescence dating -> luminescence dating (3) thickness maps (2) -> structure contours WITH maps and atlases thrust faults -> faults (9) ticks -> arachnids (1) tidal creeks -> streams (52) tidal flats -> wetlands (26) tidal waves -> tsunamis (7) brown tides -> algal blooms (3) earth tides (1) ocean tides -> tides (oceanic) (3) red tides -> algal blooms (3) tides (oceanic) (3) tiltmeter -> tiltmeter measurement (5) tiltmeter measurement (5) time series analysis (1) tin mines -> mine sites (7) TL/OSL dating -> luminescence dating (3) TMDL (2) radar tomography -> tomography (1) seismic tomography -> tomography (1) tomography (1) tongues (seafloor) -> seafloor features (11) tool development -> instrument design and development (11) topics (1426) topographic quadrangle regions -> map quadrangle regions (1) sea floor topography -> bathymetry (27) topography (50) topological analysis (1) tornadoes (1) total maximum daily load -> TMDL (2) towers (1) town halls -> buildings (4) towns -> cities (5) camera tows -> underwater photography (1) environmental toxicology -> ecotoxicology (54) toxicology -> ecotoxicology (54) toxic radionuclide contamination (3) toxic trace element contamination (16) toxic trace element contamination (16) isotopic tracer study -> tracer study (3) radioisotope tracer study -> tracer study (3) tracer study (3) animal tracking (12) tracking -> animal tracking (12) ship tracks -> transportation features (4) free trade zones -> administrative areas (8) trade zones -> administrative areas (8) trading posts -> buildings (4) traffic circles -> roadways (2) transect sampling (1) transform faults -> fault zones (1) transit facilities -> transportation features (4) alluvial transport -> sediment transport (28) contaminant transport (25) dust transport -> sediment transport (28) reaction transport (1) sediment transport (28) air transportation -> transportation (1) ground transportation -> transportation (1) transportation (1) transportation features (4) transverse faults -> faults (9) trapping (animals) -> capturing (animals) (12) waste treatment -> waste treatment and disposal (19) wastewater treatment -> waste treatment and disposal (19) waste treatment and disposal (19) treatment plants -> buildings (4) palm tree reserves -> reserves (2) tree ring analysis (1) trees -> woods (1) trees -> vegetation (28) volcanic tremors -> volcanic activity (49) trestles -> bridges (2) tributaries -> streams (52) trilobites (1) tritium-helium dating -> tritium analysis (1) tritium analysis (1) trophic level dynamics -> food web (3) trophic relationships -> food web (3) tsunamis (7) tuff -> volcanic rocks (4) tundra ecosystems (1) tundras (2) tunicates (2) natural tunnels -> caves (2) turbidity (1) turbidity flow -> sediment transport (28) turbulence -> turbidity (1) turning basins -> harbors (4) typhoons -> hurricanes (15)

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