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Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS.gov) is the national network of Lessons Learned and Best Practices for emergency response providers and homeland security officials. LLIS.gov's secure, restricted-access information is designed to facilitate efforts to prevent, prepare for and respond to acts of terrorism and other incidents across all disciplines and communities throughout the US.

Secure: LLIS.gov is an encrypted system and all users are verified emergency response providers and homeland security officials.

Peer-validated content: All Lessons Learned and Best Practices are peer-validated by homeland security professionals.

After-action reports and information clearinghouse: LLIS.gov houses an extensive catalog of AARs as well as an updated list of homeland security documents from DHS, and other Federal, State, and local organizations.


Inside LLIS.gov, the Nation's Preparedness Network:

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review
DHS wants your opinion!

The Department of Homeland Security is conducting the first ever Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR), which will establish the strategic foundation for homeland security activities over the next four years. Your input is critical to the success of this review. Please go to www.homelandsecuritydialogue.org starting on July 16, 2009 to join the conversation.

QHSR Fact Sheet
QHSR Flyer
The District of Columbia's Support to the 56th Presidential Inauguration After-Action Report Summary

Top Officials 4 Full-Scale Exercise: After-Action Report

Iowa 2008 Summer Storms After-Action Report

Lessons Learned

Emergency Response Operations: Collaborating with School Systems to Feed Personnel during Incidents (21 Aug 2009)

Emergency Operations Centers: Providing Crisis Counseling during High-Intensity or Prolonged Activations (21 Aug 2009)

Practice Notes

Food Recall Operations: North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' Utilization of the Incident Command System to Integrate Additional Recall Personnel into Operations (21 Aug 2009)

Information and Intelligence Sharing: The South Florida Virtual Fusion Center's Assistance during the H1N1 Influenza Outbreak (21 Aug 2009)

LINKS: Additional Information Sharing Systems

State and Local Plans

Related LLIS Content
Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan: Pandemic Influenza Plan Annex Volume VI

Pandemic Influenza Emergency Plan: University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Wyoming Geographic Information Systems Strategic Plan

State of California Proposed 2009 Emergency Plan

Exercise Planning and Program Management

Related LLIS Content
Exercise Critique Form Allows for Extensive Participant Feedback

Tools For Evaluating Core Elements of Hospital Disaster Drills

HSEEP Volume III: Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning

Ensuring Critical Agency Participation before Finalizing Exercise Design

Clark County, Nevada's Extended-Length Exercises

The LLIS.gov Outreach resource page contains informational materials available for download and distribution, including the LLIS.gov Fact Sheet and Brochure, as well links to upcoming events, recent newsletters, and email alerts. If you have any questions regarding LLIS.gov, please contact the Outreach Team at outreach@llis.dhs.gov. Access the Outreach resource page below:

LLIS.gov Press Room
Active feedback and input from experts and practitioners enables LLIS.gov's continued expansion and helps us meet the ever-changing needs of the emergency response community. Please take time to improve your community by submitting ideas, comments, plans, templates, lessons learned, after-action reports, and other related documents.

Email Comments, Experiences, and Observations -- Click to email LLIS.gov

DHS Policy and Guidance


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