[Banner]  National Interagecny Fire Center.  (NIFC).  NIFC logo with fire photo in the background.Burning flame image

Welcome to the Nation's Logistical Support Center




Fire Information






Fire Programs

Fire Equipment


In the spotlight...

Karyn Wood, Director, Fire and Aviation Management,
US Forest Service
Mid-September update on 2009 fire season

The Avian and Pandemic Influenza Response and Preparedness Plan for the Federal Wildland Fire Agencies

2009 Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR)

The Quadrennial Fire Review - A Look Into the Future of Flame

2009 "Red Book" is Available to Download

S-130 and S-190 Fire Courses Now Available Online

    Participating agecny logos      
BLM - Bureau of Land Management NASF - National Association of State Foresters BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs FWS -  US Fish & Wildlife Service - Fire Management NPS - National Park Service - Fire & Aviation Management FS - US Forest Service - Fire & Aviation Management NOAA -  National Weather Service - Fire Weather AMD -  National Business Center Aviation Management USFA -  US Fire Administration