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Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 11:05:11

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Dear Mr. Carson

This post was in slightly different context, but I'm curious whether you think my observation on democratic evolution…

From the entry 'Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 9:25:02

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Trevor in SA, Don't believe everything you think.

"Food soveregnity" doesn't matter to those without enough to eat, and only a global…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

Posted on Thu, August 06, 2009 - 8:14:19

Trevor W. in South Africa writes:

I refer to my previous postings.

I know that the looney right who believe a nuclear war is winnable are putting pressure on the…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

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Question of the Week: What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?
Posted by DipNote Bloggers on Jul 31, 2009 - 04:47 PM

Farm worker holds unprocessed rooibos tea in Clanwilliam, South Africa, Apr. 21, 2007. [AP]

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will begin a seven-nation trip to Africa at the 8th U.S. – Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (known as the AGOA Forum) in Nairobi, Kenya. This trip will highlight the Obama administration’s commitment to making Africa a priority and will be the earliest in any U.S. administration that both the President and the Secretary of State have visited Africa.

The Secretary’s trip follows the themes laid out by President Obama during his visit to Ghana: supporting…

Category: Question of the Week More entries by DipNote Bloggers | Comments (28)

Global Hip-Hop Hits Kennedy Center
Posted by Heather Fluit on Jul 31, 2009 - 05:32 PM

Exchange participants perform on Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage, July 28, 2009. [State Dept.]

About the Author: Heather Fluit is a summer intern serving as Editorial Assistant for DipNote in the Bureau of Public Affairs.

Being an intern in Washington, DC can be a great experience when you make the most of the opportunities in the city — especially when you’re coming all the way from South Dakota. And while I expected my internship with the State Department to be engaging and informative, I’ve certainly come to appreciate the diversity of the work that occurs here. This week after work, I went to a hip-hop dance show at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ Millennium Stage. The Millennium…

Category: Behind the Scenes More entries by Heather Fluit | Comments (4)

Misjudging Your Risk Overseas
Posted by Kathe Conrad on Jul 31, 2009 - 03:48 PM

Traffic backs up at an intersection in Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 8, 2004. [AP Photo]

About the Author: Kathe Conrad serves as the Security Overseas Seminar Coordinator at the Foreign Service Institute.

People often misjudge the risks they face overseas. A case in point is a U.S. Government health care employee who attended two days of security briefings about overseas threats. She came up to me afterwards and told me she was worried about taking her family to her central Asian assignment. What she feared most was that either her husband or daughters would be kidnapped and become hostages. Two months after she arrived at post though, she died in a car accident. Tragically, she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

Getting people to think about risks they might face overseas isn’t difficult. There are always a slew of scary stories about carjacking, hostage taking, and sexual assaults…

Category: Behind the Scenes More entries by Kathe Conrad | Comments (4)

The Growth of Renewable Energy
Posted by Reno Harnish on Jul 31, 2009 - 12:15 PM

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment and Science Reno Harnish speaks about the growth of renewable energy.

We went to Sharm el-Sheikh at the explicit instructions of Secretary Clinton. She wanted us to join the International Renewable Energy Agency. This is at the heart, really, of President Obama’s policy for clean energy, clean tech, clean jobs. And he has devoted himself to this. As you remember, $61 billion worth of programs, grants and guarantees were in the stimulus package. And he’s pledged 150 billion in revenues over the next ten years to…

Category: Policy More entries by Reno Harnish | Comments (6)

U.S. Signs UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities
Posted by Patrick Ventrell on Jul 30, 2009 - 09:48 PM

About the Author: Patrick Ventrell serves as Information Officer at the U.S. Mission to the UN in New York.

Today, Ambassador Susan Rice signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on behalf of the U.S. Government. This is really a landmark moment, as the United States joins 141 other nations who have already signed what President Obama calls “the first new human rights convention of the 21st Century.” The signing took place on the 38th floor of UN Headquarters, and there was palpable excitement in the air — the United States is back to fully participate on human rights issues on the international stage.

Because of renovations to UN Headquarters (the multi-year Capital Master Plan is already in motion to completely update the UN from a 1950s iconic landmark,…

Category: Policy More entries by Patrick Ventrell | Comments (1)

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