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Embassy Events 2009

American Fulbrighter in Paris Discusses “First 100 Days of the Obama Administration”

May 27, 2009

On May 27, 2009, nine Malian guests from a variety of different professions participated in a Digital Video Conference (DVC) at the American Embassy with Dr. Lorenzo Morris on the subject of the “First 100 Days of the Obama Administration.”  The participants included members of Mali’s Ministry of Education, the leaders of important youth groups, political parties, and NGO’s associated with education and social and human sciences. The speaker, Dr. Lorenzo Morris, Chair of the Department of Political Science at Howard University and a Fulbright researcher in France, covered the major issues facing President Obama, along with the trends and policies of his presidency. Questions mainly focused on this administration’s Africa policy. In addition to providing a discussion forum for Malians who have many opinions about the U.S. President, this DVC also enabled the Embassy to bring together leaders of different generations to discuss issues such as the future of education in Africa.