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Share your thoughts on health care reform

I believe that reforming our health care system to expand coverage and reduce the cost of health care for families and businesses is a critical priority for our country. As Congress tackles health care reform, I want to hear from you. Is your family having trouble getting the care they need under the current system? Is the rising cost of health cost hurting your small business? What would you like to see included in health care reform?

Telephone Town Hall

In Focus: Economic Recovery


On Tuesday, February 17th, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law. The President’s recovery plan will create save or create 3.5 million jobs, including 8,500 here in Washington state’s 2nd Congressional District, set a foundation for economic recovery and long-term growth and help our neighbors hard hit by the recession.


Recent News

New Location for Health Care Town Hall in Everett
(August 12, 2009) On Saturday August 8, Rep. Rick Larsen hosted a highly successful town hall meeting in Mount Vernon on health care reform.  A large number … (more)
Health reform needs to happen, the status quo is unacceptable
(August 11, 2009) Health reform needs to happen. The status quo is unacceptable. Business as usual is unacceptable for small business owners who cannot afford coverage for … (more)



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