Congressman Sestak Champions Critical Healthcare Reform Legislation

August 25, 2009



Congressman Sestak Champions Critical Healthcare Reform Legislation

We must act now to reform healthcare. For too long on too many issues, our government has lacked accountability and has not been honest with the American people about our challenges, nor what is required to deal with them. We have waited, made excuses and waited some more. Yes, there is a cost to ensuring coverage for everyone, but you are already paying that cost, and we must understand the additional cost of not acting.

The bill I helped pass through the Education and Labor Committee includes the key components required to revamp our current system: mandated coverage, subsidies to those who cannot afford insurance, and a public health option that adds needed competition to a system in which two companies provide 70 percent of all health insurance in Pennsylvania. Importantly, this legislation will not affect Americans who are happy with their current plan.
Now we have an opportunity with a President who understands the impact of an inefficient system not only on the health of millions of Americans, but also on our economy. There will be political pressures after this year that make it harder to pass the comprehensive reform we desperately need and I do not believe we were elected to sit on our hands as more Americans lose their health insurance and costs go up for everyone else.

Click here to read more about Healthcare Reform.



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Community Organizations and Officials Invited to Exhibit

On August 1, 2009, at Interboro High School, Congressman Sestak will host the 7th Congressional District Working Families Resources Summit. As the result of our Nation’s extraordinary economic recession, families throughout the 7th Congressional District struggle across three generations to cope with historically high unemployment, record foreclosure rates, loss of pension plans, devalued homes, rising costs of education, expensive health care, and the ever-present threat of increased energy prices. WhileCongressman Sestak works with his colleagues in Congress to address these issues legislatively, and through his constituent office to engage the unique problems of individuals, he believes more must be done. This free event will provide access to many organizations in our region that are chartered to help citizens weather difficult times.

This Summit will feature a brief panel discussion and question and answer session followed by a service fair that connects community members with government agencies, non-government organizations, and local resources. Service fair exhibitors will cover a variety of issues including housing relief, employment, adult education, credit counseling, legal issues, elder and child care, health services, Veterans benefits, and more. Sign up at



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Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Resource Directory

I am pleased to provide you with the latest version of the 7th Congressional District Resource Directory (updates highlighted in yellow) for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known as the Economic Stimulus Bill. I voted for the Economic Stimulus Bill (H.R. 1) to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs here in the District, restore stability to the financial sector, and put us on the path to restored prosperity by investing in education, health care, and clean energy. To see my press release about the stimulus bill, click HERE. This Resource Directoy is intended to be a starting point — providing detailed information on the provisions of this bill, and importantly, making readily available contact information and Web site references. The Directory is organized by the Federal Government Department administering the various provisions of the Recovery Act, and where possible contact information for Pennsylvania, regional, or local organizations. In many cases, the law provides added funding for existing programs at the Federal and State level. In some cases, for new programs detailed implementation plans may not yet be available, but the Web site location is provided for future reference. It will be updated weekly (each Friday) for new information. To learn more about the Recovery Act and to access the Directory click HERE.  Please follow these links for specific information for: Individual Tax Relief, Small Businesses, Seniors, Veterans, Municipal Governments, Education, Health Care, Green Energy and Environment, Department of Defense, and Law Enforcement.

Or click on a county to see a breakdown of some of the benefits going to that county: Montgomery, Chester, and Delaware.

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3/5/2009 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

To avoid a deeper and more protracted economic recession that would devastate the economic security of his constituents, while ensuring a more rapid recovery from the recession, Congressman Joe Sestak voted for H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The legislation begins to rebuild the economy and puts Americans back to work (including 143,000 new jobs in Pennsylvania) during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression – an economy in which the housing market is in its worst state since the 1930s and turmoil in the financial markets threatens the long-term economic, health, education, and retirement security of millions of Americans. To ensure that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be carried out with full transparency and accountability, President Obama has set up a website,, which you can use to track the Recovery Act's progress. For more on the Recovery Act and to access click HERE.

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