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8/6/2009 Perlmutter Praises Recovery Act Grant for Renewable Energy Programs in the 7th CD
7/31/2009 Perlmutter Supports Limits on Executive Compensation
7/31/2009 Perlmutter Supports Extension of Cash for Clunkers Program
7/30/2009 Congressman Perlmutter Announces Stimulus Funding For Housing Assistance
7/28/2009 Congressman Perlmutter Announces New Funding For Law Enforcement Jobs in Commerce City

Health Care Idea Forum- I want to hear from you!

Please contribute to my health care idea forum.  Send me your ideas, thoughts and personal experiences as Congress continues to debate comprehensive health care reform.  We all need to work together to provide affordable quality health care to as many Americans as possible.  I look forward to hearing from and working with my constituents to improve our current health care system. 
Click here to send me your comments.

Click here to view text of H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act.  Please Note this legislation still has to go through the Energy & Commerce Committee process then the amendment process on the floor of the House.


 Housing Workshop Hosted by the Offices of Congressman Ed Perlmutter and Congressman Jared Polis

Individuals interested in meeting with lenders and HUD approved Housing counselors

Click here to view the invitation and event details.