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State Safety Data Quality State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ)

States are rated on a monthly basis on the completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and consistency of State-reported crash and roadside inspection data in MCMIS.

Updated Results: 10/24/2008
Documents icon representing the Methodology document Methodology
Compares the data quality of State-reported crash and roadside inspection data to standards set by FMCSA.
Globe icon representing the Mapping Tool Mapping Tool
Allows users to query, display, print and download maps and data tables. For every query, results are provided in both map and table format.
SSDQ map icon representing Evaluation Reports Evaluation Reports
Evaluates the completeness, timeliness, accuracy and consistency of the State-reported crash and roadside inspection data in the MCMIS.
Chart icon representing Historical Report Historical Report
Provides a historical review of a State's safety data quality performance over the past five quarters.
The FMCSA uses safety event data provided by the States to evaluate their safety programs. Since there is variability among States in the reporting of crash and roadside inspection data, a State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) evaluation has been developed to evaluate the completeness, timeliness, accuracy and consistency of this State-reported data in the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). The evaluation consists of seven performance measures and one overriding performance indicator. Each State will have a rating of "Good", "Fair" or "Poor" for each measure and rating. This evaluation will be updated monthly to reflect improvements in crash and roadside inspection reporting.

The criteria for reporting crashes to FMCSA is included in the following letter from the FMCSA Administrator:

Administrator's Letter (June 2004)    Word Document     PDF File     Text File 
  Enclosure 1: Which Truck and Bus Crashes Does FMCSA Want   Word Document     PDF File     Text File 
  Enclosure 2: Frequently Asked Questions   Word Document     PDF File     Text File 
  Enclosure 3: Procedures for Entering Crashes without Carrier Identification into SAFETYNET    Word Document     PDF File     Text File 
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