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7833 Walker Drive

Suite 410

Greenbelt, MD  20770

tel: 301-345-3500

fax: 301-345-3503 



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Pictures from IACUC-Advanced, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, September 19, 2005



IACUC Advanced

September 11, 2009

Portland, OR


IACUC Advanced

Notre Dame, IN

October 20, 2009




IACUC Advanced



Registration Options:

You may print the brochure on the left and mail or fax to:

7833 Walker Drive

Suite 410

Greenbelt, MD  20770

tel: 301-345-3500

fax: 301-345-3503

Click here for Secure Online Registration

IACUC-Advanced was developed by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare to train members of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs). Topics presented at these educational workshop will help to fulfill the training requirements in USDA/APHIS/AC Policy 15 that states "IACUC members should be trained in understanding the Animal Welfare Act, protocol review and facility inspections.” Please click on the above tabs to see upcoming educational programs and SCAW publications The program format will let small groups discuss specific, complex topics that are relevant to IACUC functions. Each workshop is structured in similar design, with slight changes made to meet the needs of the hosting institution and or to reflect any updates. IACUC-Advanced workshops are for experienced IACUC members and others who work with laboratory animals. The focus will be on advanced protocol review and other issues, like what to look for in a protocol that includes relieved and/or unrelieved pain and distress; how to recognize and evaluate the level of pain and distress; appropriate end points stated in the protocol; special environmental conditions required because of potential pain and/or distress.

SCAW conferences and workshops will be reviewed and approved by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) RACE program and will meet the requirements for continuing education credit for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians. Please contact AAVSB/RACE at should you have any comments/concerns regarding SCAW's program’s validity or relevancy to the veterinary profession.  SCAW's AAVSB/RACE provider #293.

The intent is to reach as many IACUC members as possible to provide information about current best practices so they can make informative decisions regarding the animals. SCAW does this by holding the workshops in different areas of the country so more people can attend with little additional cost to the modest registration fee. SCAW will encourage local institutions and others to co-sponsor IACUC-Advanced workshops. Please contact the SCAW office if you are interested in sponsoring a workshop. 

IACUC-Advanced was developed by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare to train individuals concerned with science and appropriate animal welfare.  This may include experienced IACUC members and administrators, principal investigators, attending veterinarians, regulatory personnel and laboratory animal care staff.  The regional workshop format lets small groups discuss specific, advanced topics that are relevant to IACUC functions.

Please see the links on the side for meeting registration, program, location and accommodation information.

Special Needs:
Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the SCAW office prior to the meeting. SCAW is in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

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