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2009 News Archive

Young Scientists Chat with Astronaut

July 29, 2009
Students at the Mae Jemison Science Reading Room get their questions ready

Students at the Mae Jemison Science Reading Room get their questions ready

PRETORIA: Fifty Mamelodi high school students talked with American astronaut Daniel Tani via webchat on July 29 at the Mae Jemison U.S. Science Reading Room. Tani was at his home in Houston when he responded to students’ questions about his experiences as a NASA astronaut.

Tani has served on two missions to the International Space Station and logged over four months in space. The students asked a myriad of questions ranging from the personal to the technical, but his best advice may have been to “learn how to learn” and to be passionate about your career. At least one student wanted information immediately on how to train for a career as an astronaut.

The webchat capped a month long series of programs at Mae Jemison celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the first lunar landing in July of 1969.

More about the Mae Jemison Science Reading Room and its Programs