Special Enforcement Section

Act 134 - Cash Economy Enforcement Act of 2009

Aloha from DOTAX!

Our mission is to administer the tax laws for the State of Hawaii in a consistent, uniform, and fair manner.

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  • Council on Revenues Meeting - August 27, 2009
    August 19, 2009
  • Tax Information Release 2009-03
    August 6, 2009
    State of Hawaii Voluntary Disclosure Guidelines for IRS Voluntary Disclosures of Undeclared Offshore Bank Accounts
    The purpose of this Tax Information Release (TIR) is to announce a concurrent voluntary disclosure program for those participating in the present Internal Revenue Service (IRS) voluntary disclosure program for undeclared offshore bank account income.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-24
    August 5, 2009
    Act 61, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Taxation
    On May 8, 2009, the Legislature overrode Governor Linda Lingle's veto and Senate Bill 1111, SD 1, HD 1, CD1 became law as Act 61. This Announcement supersedes Department of Taxation Announcement No. 2009-03, dated May 21, 2009.
    Act 61 increases the transient accommodations tax.
  • Realtor Sentenced for Felony in Tax Case
    August 4, 2009
    HONOLULU - Frank Diaz was sentenced on July 28, 2009 before Circuit Court Judge Derrick Chan for multiple tax violations.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-23
    August 3, 2009
    Act 178, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Taxation
    On July 15, 2009, Senate Bill 199, SD 1, HD 1, CD 2 became law without Governor Linda Lingle's signature, pursuant to Section 16 of Article III of the State Constitution.
    The Act amends section 235-110.9, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), also known as the High Technology Business Investment Tax Credit....
  • Tax Announcement 2009-14
    July 31, 2009
    Act 30, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Tobacco.
    On April 30, 2009, Governor Linda Lingle signed Senate Bill 528, SD1 into law as Act 30.
    Act 131, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, enacted the requirement of a retail tobacco permit, and contained a sunset clause that would have repealed Act 131 on July 1, 2009. This Act removes the sunset clause and keeps in place the requirement that an entity engaged in the retail sale of cigarettes or other tobacco products obtain a retail tobacco permit.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-15
    July 31, 2009
    Act 40, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to the Rate of Interest Applicable to Overpayments of Tax.
    On May 5, 2009, Governor Linda Lingle signed Senate Bill 1327 SD1 HD1 into law as Act 40.
    The Act reduces the rate of interest owed by the State in circumstances where interest is allowed for overpayments of tax. The rate is reduced from two-thirds of one percent for each month or fraction thereof (8% per year) to one-third of one percent for each month or fraction thereof (4% per year)
  • Tax Announcement 2009-16
    July 31, 2009
    Act 70, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to General Excise Taxation.
    On May 22, 2009, Governor Linda Lingle signed Senate Bill 427, HD1, CD1 into law as Act 70.
    The Act adds a temporary exemption to the general excise tax for amounts received by a managed care support contractor of the TRICARE program that is established under Title 10 United States Code Chapter 55, as amended, for the actual cost or advancement to third party health care providers pursuant to a contract with the United States. The exemption language was added to section 237-24, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-17
    July 31, 2009
    Act 84, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Income Tax Credit.
    On June 2, 2009, Governor Linda Lingle signed House Bill 35, HD1, SD1, CD1 into law as Act 84.
    Act 84 provides for a one-time constitutionally-mandated refund of excess tax revenues.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-18
    July 31, 2009
    Act 165, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to State Income Tax.
    On July 1, 2009, Governor Linda Lingle signed House Bill 1495 HD1 SD1 CD1 into law as Act 165.
    This Act amends section 235-2.4(e), Hawaii Revised Statutes, in order to make Internal Revenue Code Section 165 (d) (with respect to wagering losses) inoperative for the purpose of Hawaii state income tax.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-20
    July 31, 2009
    Act 184, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Liquor.
    On July 15, 2009, Senate Bill 470, HD 1, CD 1 became law without Governor Linda Lingle's signature, pursuant to Section 16 of Article III of the State Constitution.
    The Act, among other things, amends section 231-28, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to allow the Department of Taxation to provide tax clearances to liquor establishments for license renewals as long as these establishments enter into and comply with a payment plan for taxes owed.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-21
    July 31, 2009
    Act 198, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Taxation.
    On July 15, 2009, House Bill 371, HD 2, SD2, CD 1 became law without Governor Linda Lingle's signature, pursuant to Section 16 of Article III of the State Constitution.
    The Act amends section 243-4(a)(3), Hawaii Revised Statutes, raising the fuel tax rate for naphtha sold for use in a power-generating facility from 1 cent per gallon to 2 cents per gallon. This rate change took effect as of July 1, 2009.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-22
    July 31, 2009
    Act 14, First Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, Relating to Tax Exemptions.
    On July 15, 2009, the Legislature overrode Governor Linda Lingle's veto and House Bill 1544, HD 1, SD 1, CD1 became law as Act 14 of the First Special Session of 2009.
    The Act adds a new subsection (c) to section 235-54, Hawaii Revised Statutes. This new subsection reduces the amount that may be claimed for personal exemptions by taxpayers with adjusted gross income exceeding a threshold amount.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-13
    July 28, 2009
    Limited Period of Time For No Penalty and Interest on Income Tax Payments Ending Soon
    In Department of Taxation Announcement No. 2009-04, taxpayers were urged to adjust their withholding and estimated tax payments since Act 60, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, increases the income tax for the highest income bracket while the withholding calculations in Booklet A, Employer's Tax Guide, stop at the 8% tax rate.
  • Tax Announcement 2009-12
    July 22, 2009
    Application of the Tax on Tobacco Products after September 29, 2009
    On May 8, 2009, House Bill 895, HD 2, SD 2, CD1 became law as Act 58. The Department of Taxation issued Announcement No. 2009-05, which clarified that Act 58 caused the tax on tobacco products, including cigars, to be suspended for the period from May 8, 2009 through September 30, 2009. In addition, Act 58 changed the event that triggers the tax on cigars and little cigars.
  • Return Preparer Sentenced in Tax Case
    July 20, 2009
    HONOLULU - Daven Temple, a local tax return preparer, was sentenced on July 13, 2009 before Judge Leslie Hayashi for failing to file her general excise tax returns from 2002 through 2006.
Kurt Kawafuchi
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