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United States Trustee ProgramPictures of DOJ Seal, White House and DOJ Building link to DOJ USTP
Regions and Websites
Picture of Denver Capital

District of Wyoming

Assistant United States Trustee
308 West 21st Street, Suite 203
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001

Phone: (307) 772-2790
Facsimile (307) 772.2795


Cheyenne Staff Directory
341 Meeting Locations
341 Interpreter Service
Chapter 7
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Frequently Asked Questions
Court and Informational Links
Revised Chapter 11 Quarterly Fee Schedule

Report Bankruptcy Fraud
Detecting and combating Bankruptcy Fraud is a U.S. Trustee Program priority. For information on how to report suspected bankruptcy fraud, click here.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 2:16 PM
U.S. Trustee Program/Department of Justice