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Welcome to Crestwood Communication Aids, Inc.

Communication Aids for Children and Adults

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Speech Aids

Extra Blank White Cards
Extra Parts
Stickers for Talk Boards and Extra Parts
Talking Pictures® Kit I Stickers Package (Survival Living Needs)


On May 17, 2008, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee honored me with the Distingished Alumnus Award for my 40 years of service as a speech pathologist. I was an early pioneer in the field of Augmentataive and Alternative Communication Aids. I first worked in the public schools and in private practice.

When I tried to find a publisher for the Talking Pictures Kit, an aid that I had developed earlier to help my sick sister, I was told "there aren't enough sick people to warrant publishing it." As a result, 30 years ago, I founded Crestwood Communicaton Aids, Inc. with the Talking Pictures Kit I, Survival Living Needs, as its foundation. I have 10 patents and created hundreds of speech devices.

My deepest thanks to all of you for your suport in helping us grow. We are happy that we have been able to help over a million individuals with communication difficulties develop their communication skills and lead more independent lives.

Ruth Leff, Speech-Language Pathologist, M.S., CCC for 40 years
President of Crestwood Communication Aids, Inc. for 30 years

Crestwood Communication Aids, Inc.
6589 N. Crestwood Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53209
Phone: (414) 351-0311
Fax: (414) 351-0311


© Copyright 2001-2009. Crestwood Communication Aids, Inc.

PRIVACY POLICY: We never sell, rent, or give out any customer information to any third party. Period.


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