Speaker's Blog

November 11, 2012Video

“Saying ‘thank you’ is important, but there’s always more that we the people can do for those whose sacrifices preserved the heritage of freedom. We can work to make sure they can find work, look out for the families of the fallen, be every bit the patriots our founders were. And we can pray for those currently serving in our armed forces, that they return home safe, to be honored on this day, with a story or two of their own to tell."

November 10, 2012Video

Boehner says,” according to the Associated Press, that “Congress should not raise tax rates on Americans and instead focus on closing tax loopholes, lowering rates and fixing entitlement programs.”

November 09, 2012Press Release

Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) highlights his call for bipartisan action on a plan to avert the fiscal cliff and help our economy grow and create jobs, which is critical to solving our debt. A former small business owner, Boehner notes that a Senate-passed proposal to go off part of the fiscal cliff by raising the top two tax rates would, according to independent accounting firm Ernst & Young, destroy more than 700,000 American jobs.

November 09, 2012Press Release

"Republicans are eager to get to work on an agreement that averts the entire fiscal cliff."

November 09, 2012Video

"I'm proposing that we avert the fiscal cliff together in a manner that ensures that 2013 is finally the year that our government comes to grips with the major problems that are facing us."
