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Digital-to-Analog Converter Boxes for Consumers

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Digital-to-analog converter box

Beginning June 12, 2009, the U.S. will shift to digital-only television broadcasts. As of this date, consumers with analog televisions, who do not subscribe to cable or satellite services and rely solely on over-the-air broadcasts for their TV-viewing will need a digital-to-analog converter box, or DTA, in order to continue receiving television broadcasts.

What is a Digital-to-Analog Converter Box?

A digital-to-analog (DTA) converter box is a device which converts digital television broadcast signals to analog signals. These boxes are currently being sold by a variety of retailers.

It is estimated that consumers will purchase as many as 22 million converter boxes, leading up to and immediately following the transition to all-digital broadcasting. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is currently administering a program to help consumers acquire converter boxes, which are expected to cost between $40 and $70, by providing up to two $40 coupons per household to offset the cost of up to two eligible boxes.

In the U.S. alone, depending on viewer behavior and product design, EPA estimates that conventional DTAs could consume more than 3 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) per year and cost Americans $270 million annually in additional electricity bills.

Why choose products that have earned the Government’s ENERGY STAR?

Products that earn the ENERGY STAR must meet strict energy-efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE). Saving energy prevents pollution, too! So, by choosing ENERGY STAR, you are helping to prevent global warming and promote cleaner air without sacrificing the product quality and performance you expect.


  • DTA converter boxes that have earned the ENERGY STAR consume no more than 8 watts in On Mode and 1 watt in Sleep Mode and automatically power down after 4 hours or less of user inactivity.
  • If all DTA converter boxes sold in the U.S. met the ENERGY STAR specification, over the lifetime of the products Americans could save approximately 13 billion kWh and $1 billion in energy costs — reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking more than 1 million cars off the road.

For more information on DTA converter boxes and the coupon program, visit www.ntia.doc.gov. Exit ENERGY STAR

Frequently asked questions about the transition to Digital Televisions from DTV.gov: http://www.dtv.gov/consumercorner.html Exit ENERGY STAR

FCC Consumer Facts on Digital Televisions: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/digitaltv.html Exit ENERGY STAR

How else can you save with ENERGY STAR?

If you should decide to go the route of purchasing a new digital television, you should know EPA has recently revised the ENERGY STAR specification for televisions to include criteria for addressing the power consumption of these products in On Mode. This fall, TVs that carry the ENERGY STAR label will be up to 30 percent more efficient than conventional models and will save energy while they are on and when they are off.

For more information on the new ENERGY STAR television specification, click here.

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