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International Claims and Investment Disputes (L/CID)

The Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for International Claims and Investment Disputes (L/CID) is the largest office in the Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser. It represents the United States and coordinates activities within and outside the Department with respect to all aspects of international claims and investment disputes. In April 2001, the Office was the recipient of the award of the American Bar Association's Section of International Law and Practice for "Outstanding Performance by an International Law Office in a Government or International Organization."

NAFTA Investor-State Arbitrations: Expropriation and other international investment disputes between North American investors and the governments of Canada, Mexico or the United States arbitrated under Chapter 11 of the NAFTA, including the defense of claims against the United States.

Bilateral Investment and Other Bilateral Claims: Claims under international law by the United States and U.S. nationals against foreign governments and by foreign nationals and governments against the United States, including wrongful expropriation and other international property and other disputes.

Tort Claims: Claims against the Department of State under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Iran Claims: Claims pending before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague and associated litigation in the United States.

Iraq Claims: Claims of U.S. individuals, companies and government agencies pending before the United Nations Compensation Commission ("UNCC"), including the processing of award payments and developing positions on issues before the UNCC's Governing Council.