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Bureau of Public Affairs: Regional Media Outreach

The Office of Regional Media Outreach (RMO) provides local, regional, specialty, and national media a central connection point to Department newsmakers. 

Our database of Newsmakers enables members of the media to quickly find an expert at the Department to provide insight, analysis, and expertise on foreign affairs, news and events. Searches can be made by name, issue, position or language spoken. Once an expert has been identified, our staff will set up an interview for television, radio, or print media.

In addition, our staff:

  • Coordinates editorial board meetings and placement of Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor; and 
  • Disseminates statements made by the Secretary and other Department officials on specific topics of interest, in audio, video, or text formats.

Contact Us:
Phone: (202) 647-0001

Press Entrance to the State Department:  Between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, unless otherwise directed, reporters should enter through a specially designated entrance on 23d St. between C and D Streets NW.  After hours, reporters should enter through the C Street entrance.

Press Office: Are you a member of the press looking for a building pass, Identification card, official comment for a story, or to speak with a press officer?  Visit the Office of Press Relations or call the office on (202) 647-2492.