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Special Envoy Mitchell's Trip to Damascus
Assistant Secretary Crowley (July 31): "Well, obviously, the – Senator Mitchell visited Damascus on his last trip. His discussions with Damascus I think he characterized as constructive. I don’t have the precise language in front of me, but it touched on the peace process. It touched on bilateral issues. And there have been some reports – I think they might be a little bit too forward-leaning – in existing statute. There are sanctions in place with respect to commercial activity in Syria, but there are also opportunities for exceptions to those sanctions. And I can’t say the degree to which or if that was a part of the discussion." -Full Text

Special Envoy Mitchell Currently in Abu Dhabi/Damascus Saturday/Israel Sunday
Assistant Secretary Crowley (July 23): "Special Envoy George Mitchell is in Abu Dhabi, the first of several stops in the region. He will be in Damascus, Syria tomorrow. He will be in Israel on Sunday for meetings with Israeli officials and Palestinian officials. He has other stops planned in Egypt and Bahrain during this trip." -Full Text