Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Estimates
State Energy Data System (SEDS)
  What's New in the State Energy Data System    
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Consumption, All States, 2006

Sources and End-Use Sectors in Btu PDF file for consumption by source and end-use sector, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file for consumption by source and end-use sector, all States, 2006, in Btu
Sources in Physical Units PDF file of consumption by source, all States, 2006, in physical units HTML file of consumption by source, all States, 2006, in physical units
Sources in Btu PDF file of consumption by source, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file of consumption by source, all States, 2006, in Btu
Residential in Btu PDF file for consumption by the residential sector, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file for consumption by the residential sector, all States, 2006, in Btu
Commercial in Btu PDF file for consumption by the commercial sector, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file for consumption by the commercial sector, all States, 2006, in Btu
Industrial in Btu PDF file for consumption by the industrial sector, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file for consumption by the industrial sector, all States, 2006, in Btu
Transportation in Btu PDF file for consumption by the transportation sector, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file for consumption by the transportation sector, all States, 2006, in Btu
Electric Power in Btu PDF file for consumption by the electric power sector, all States, 2006, in Btu HTML file for consumption by the electric power sector, all States, 2006, in Btu
Prices, All States, 2006

All Sectors Average PDF file for prices by source, average of all sectors, all States, 2006 HTML file for prices by source, average of all sectors, all States, 2006
Residential PDF file for prices of the residential sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for prices of the residential sector, all States, 2006
Commercial PDF file for prices of the commercial sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for prices of the commercial sector, all States, 2006
Industrial PDF file for prices of the industrial sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for prices of the industrial sector, all States, 2006
Transportation PDF file for prices of the transportation sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for prices of the transportation sector, all States, 2006
Electric Power PDF file for prices of the electric power sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for prices of the electric power sector, all States, 2006
Expenditures, All States, 2006

All Sectors Total PDF file for expenditures by source, total of all sectors, all States, 2006 HTML file for expenditures by source, total of all sectors, all States, 2006
Residential PDF file for expenditures of the residential sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for expenditures of the residential sector, all States, 2006
Commercial PDF file for expenditures of the the commercial sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for expenditures of the commercial sector, all States, 2006
Industrial PDF file for expenditures of the industrial sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for expenditures of the industrial sector, all States, 2006
Transportation PDF file for expenditures of the transportation sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for expenditures of the transportation sector, all States, 2006
Electric Power PDF file for expenditures of the electric power sector, all States, 2006 HTML file for expenditures of the electric power sector, all States, 2006




Contact: Yvonne Taylor


Full Reports, Through 2006

Consumption (3.2 MB)    Errata 3/6/2009  

PDF file for consumption by source and end-use sector, all States, 2006, in Btu

Prices and Expenditures (3.6 MB)

PDF file for prices and expenditures by source and end-use sector, all States, 2006, prices in nominal dollars per Million Btu and expenditures in Million nominal dollars

Complete Data Files,
All States and All Years

Consumption, Physical Units, 1960–2006

Comma-separated value file for complete consumption data file, all States and all years, 1960-2006, in Physical Units

Zipped CSV file for complete consumption data file, all States and all years, 1960-2006, in Physical Units

Consumption, British Thermal Units, 1960–2006

Comma-separated value file for complete consumption data file, all States and all years, 1960-2006, in Btu

Zipped CSV file for complete consumption data file, all States and all years, 1960-2006, in Btu

Prices, 1970–2006 Comma-separated value file for complete price data file, all States and all years, 1970-2006 Zipped CSV file for complete price data file, all States and all years, 1970-2006
Expenditures, 1970–2006 Comma-separated value file for complete expenditure data file, all States and all years, 1970-2006 Zipped CSV file for complete expenditure data file, all States and all years, 1970-2006
Adjusted Consumption for Expenditure Calculations Comma-separated value file for complete adjusted consumption for expenditure calculations data file, all States and all years
Thermal Conversion Factors
    • U.S. Factors; Coal and Natural        Gas by State Comma-separated value file for complete thermal conversion factors data file, all States and all years
     Coal and Natural Gas by State Icon for Excel file
Codes and Descriptions
State Rankings, 2006

All Sectors and Total Consumption PDF file for State rankings of all sectors and total consumption, 2006 HTML file for State rankings of all sectors and total consumption, 2006
Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Electricity Consumption and Total Consumption per Capita PDF file for State rankings of coal, natural gas, petroleum, electricity consumption, and total consumption per capita, 2006 HTML file for State rankings of coal, natural gas, petroleum, electricity consumption, and total consumption per capita, 2006
Total Energy Consumption, Gross Domestic Product and Energy Consumption per Real Dollar of GDP PDF file for State rankings of energy prices, expenditures, and expenditures per capita, 2006 HTML file for State rankings of energy prices, expenditures, and expenditures per capita, 2006
Energy Prices, Expenditures, Expenditures per Capita, and Expenditures as Share of Nominal GDP PDF file for State rankings of energy prices, expenditures, and expenditures per capita, 2006 HTML file for State rankings of energy prices, expenditures, and expenditures per capita, 2006
Motor Gasoline Prices, Expenditures, Expenditures per Capita PDF file for State rankings of motor gasoline prices, expenditures, and expenditures per capita, 2006 HTML file for State rankings of motor gasoline prices, expenditures, and expenditures per capita, 2006
Petroleum and Natural Gas Prices and Expenditures PDF file State rankings of petroleum and natural gas prices and expenditures, 2006 HTML file State rankings of petroleum and natural gas prices and expenditures, 2006
Coal and Electricity Prices and Expenditures PDF file for State rankings of coal and electricity prices and expenditures, 2006 HTML file for State rankings of coal and electricity prices and expenditures, 2006


Updates for 2007 and 2008

Consumption, Prices & Expenditures by Energy Source
All Data by State, 1960–2006

Technical Notes and Documentation
Related Links

SEDS: State Energy Production Estimates
State Energy Profiles

Annual Coal Report
Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants
Electric Power Annual
Electric Sales, Revenue, and Average Prices
Natural Gas Navigator
Petroleum Navigator
Renewable Energy Annual