North Carolina Water Quality Assessment Report

Assessed Waters of North Carolina by Watershed

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Summary Results

North Carolina (2006)

Description of this table
    3,502.0 48,690.9 632,055.7
       2,593.3 29,990.1 31.8 18,658.4
    3,577.6 58,389.2 .0 321.9 110,000.5
           3,577.6     58,389.2     .0     321.9     110,000.5
              103.9     7,535.5     .0     .0     3,005.4
                    3,473.6           50,853.6           .0           321.9           106,995.1
7,079.6 107,080.1 .0 321.9 742,056.2
37,662.0 311,236.0 3,121.0 Unavailable 7,175,000.0
18.8 34.4 .0 Unavailable 10.3

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Summary of Water Quality Assessments for Each Waterbody Type
for Reporting Year 2006

Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

North Carolina Rivers and Streams 2006

Description of this table

Rivers and Streams

37,662.0 Miles of Rivers and Streams

Assessed 7,079.6
Unassessed 30,582.4
Total Miles 37,662.0

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Description of this table

Rivers and Streams

7,079.6 Miles of
Assessed Rivers and Streams

Good 3,502.0
Threatened .0
Impaired 3,577.6
Total Miles Assessed 7,079.6

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired
Rivers and Streams

3,577.6 Miles of
Threatened and Impaired
Rivers and Streams

Total Threatened and Impaired 3,577.6

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
North Carolina Rivers and Streams 2006

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Overall Use 7,079.6 49.5 .0 50.5 color.gifcolor.gif

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
North Carolina Rivers and Streams 2006

Description of this table
Biological Integrity Cause Unknown - Impaired Biota color.gif 1,668.5
Mercury in Fish Tissue Mercury color.gif 520.0
Dissolved Oxygen Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 292.7
Turbidity Turbidity color.gif 282.5
pH pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 175.2
Fecal Coliform Pathogens color.gif 151.1
Nutrients Nutrients color.gif 34.1
Copper Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 27.4
Chlorophyll-A Algal Growth color.gif 24.7
Toxicity Total Toxics color.gif 17.9
Organic Enrichment (Sewage) Biological Indicators Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 13.1
Aquatic Plants - Native Nuisance Native Species color.gif 6.9
Lindane Pesticides color.gif 6.6
Dioxin (Including 2,3,7,8-TCDD) Dioxins color.gif 6.4
Chlorine Chlorine color.gif 4.4
Iron Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif .9
Zinc Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif .9

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
North Carolina Rivers and Streams 2006

No probable sources of impairments reported.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

North Carolina Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2006

Description of this table

Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

311,236.0 Acres of Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

Assessed 107,080.1
Unassessed 204,155.9
Total Acres 311,236.0

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Description of this table

Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

107,080.1 Acres of
Assessed Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

Good 48,690.9
Threatened .0
Impaired 58,389.2
Total Acres Assessed 107,080.1

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired
Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

58,389.2 Acres of
Threatened and Impaired
Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

Total Threatened and Impaired 58,389.2

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
North Carolina Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2006

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Overall Use 107,080.1 45.5 .0 54.5 color.gifcolor.gif

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
North Carolina Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2006

Description of this table
Mercury in Fish Tissue Mercury color.gif 29,113.2
Chlorophyll-A Algal Growth color.gif 16,402.7
Turbidity Turbidity color.gif 10,449.7
Aquatic Plants - Native Nuisance Native Species color.gif 5,140.6
pH pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 3,494.0
Dioxin (Including 2,3,7,8-TCDD) Dioxins color.gif 1,475.5
Biological Integrity Cause Unknown - Impaired Biota color.gif 905.7
Nutrients Nutrients color.gif 75.3

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
North Carolina Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2006

No probable sources of impairments reported.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

North Carolina Bays and Estuaries 2006

Description of this table

Bays and Estuaries

3,121.0 Square Miles of Bays and Estuaries

Assessed .0
Unassessed 3,121.0
Total Square Miles 3,121.0

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Description of this table

Bays and Estuaries

.0 Square Miles of
Assessed Bays and Estuaries

Good .0
Threatened .0
Impaired .0
Total Square Miles Assessed .0

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired
Bays and Estuaries

.0 Square Miles of
Threatened and Impaired
Bays and Estuaries

Total Threatened and Impaired .0

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
North Carolina Bays and Estuaries 2006

No designated uses reported.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
North Carolina Bays and Estuaries 2006

No causes of impairment reported.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
North Carolina Bays and Estuaries 2006

No probable sources of impairments reported.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

North Carolina Coastal Shoreline 2006

Description of this table
Pie chart not displayed because total size for Coastal Shoreline is unavailable.
Assessed 321.9
Unassessed Unavailable
Total Miles Unavailable

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Description of this table

Coastal Shoreline

321.9 Miles of
Assessed Coastal Shoreline

Good .0
Threatened .0
Impaired 321.9
Total Miles Assessed 321.9

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired
Coastal Shoreline

321.9 Miles of
Threatened and Impaired
Coastal Shoreline

Total Threatened and Impaired 321.9

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
North Carolina Coastal Shoreline 2006

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Overall Use 321.9 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
North Carolina Coastal Shoreline 2006

Description of this table
Mercury in Fish Tissue Mercury color.gif 321.9

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
North Carolina Coastal Shoreline 2006

No probable sources of impairments reported.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

North Carolina Wetlands 2006

Description of this table


7,175,000.0 Acres of Wetlands

Assessed 742,056.2
Unassessed 6,432,943.8
Total Acres 7,175,000.0

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Description of this table


742,056.2 Acres of
Assessed Wetlands

Good 632,055.7
Threatened .0
Impaired 110,000.5
Total Acres Assessed 742,056.2

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired

110,000.5 Acres of
Threatened and Impaired

Total Threatened and Impaired 110,000.5

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
North Carolina Wetlands 2006

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Overall Use 742,056.2 85.2 .0 14.8 color.gifcolor.gif

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
North Carolina Wetlands 2006

Description of this table
Fecal Coliform Pathogens color.gif 54,394.8
Dissolved Oxygen Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 7,174.6
pH pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 6,360.4
Chlorophyll-A Algal Growth color.gif 2,654.0

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
North Carolina Wetlands 2006

No probable sources of impairments reported.

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North Carolina Causes of Impairment for Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined Cause of Impairment Group to see a list of specific state causes of impairment making up the Cause of Impairment Group. See also Pollution categories summary document (PDF) (20 pp, 557 K, About PDF) for brief, non-technical descriptions of general cause categories.
Size of Assessed Waters with Listed Causes of Impairment
Algal Growth 24.7 16,402.7 2,654.0
Cause Unknown - Impaired Biota 1,668.5 905.7
Chlorine 4.4
Dioxins 6.4 1,475.5
Mercury 520.0 29,113.2 321.9
Metals (other than Mercury) 27.4
Nuisance Native Species 6.9 5,140.6
Nutrients 34.1 75.3
Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion 305.8 7,174.6
Pathogens 151.1 .0 54,394.8
Pesticides 6.6
pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions 175.2 3,494.0 6,360.4
Total Toxics 17.9
Turbidity 282.5 10,449.7

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North Carolina Probable Sources Contributing to Impairments
for Reporting Year 2006

No probable sources reported.

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North Carolina TMDL Alternatives by Cause of Impairment 2006

No TMDL Alternatives reported.

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North Carolina Previously 303(d)-Listed Waters Now Attaining All Applicable Water Quality Standards

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of Waters Attaining" value for a detailed list of those previously 303(d)-listed waters now attaining all applicable water quality standards.
2007 color.gif 66 72
2010 color.gif 64 70
2013 color.gif 69 75
2014 color.gif 135 157
2015 color.gif 2 3

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North Carolina Causes of Impairment for 303(d) Listed Waters

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on a cause of impairment (e.g. pathogens) to see the specific state-reported causes that are grouped to make up this category. Click on the "Number of Causes of Impairment Reported" to see a list of waters with that cause of impairment.
Pathogens color.gif 485
Cause Unknown - Impaired Biota color.gif 305
Mercury color.gif 47
Turbidity color.gif 39
Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 32
pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 19
Algal Growth color.gif 15
Noxious Aquatic Plants color.gif 8
Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 7
Nutrients color.gif 5
Dioxins color.gif 4
Total Toxics color.gif 2
Chlorine color.gif 1

Total: 969 Causes of Impairment

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North Carolina Cumulative TMDLs by Pollutant

This chart includes TMDLs since October 1, 1995.

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Pollutant" value to see associated listed waters for which a TMDL was developed. Click on the underlined "Number of TMDLs" value to see a listing of those TMDLs for the pollutant.
Number of Causes of
Impairment Addressed
Mercury color.gif 13,215 13,215
Fecal Coliform color.gif 124 124
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) color.gif 17 17
Nitrogen, Total color.gif 16 16
Fecal color.gif 15 15
Phosphorus, Total color.gif 15 15
Chlorophyll-A color.gif 7 7
Dissolved Oxygen color.gif 7 7
Aquatic Weeds color.gif 5 5
Dioxin color.gif 5 5
Turbidity color.gif 5 5
pH color.gif 5 5
Biological Integrity color.gif 4 4
Pollutants in Urban Stormwater color.gif 3 3
Alkalinity color.gif 2 2
Nitrogen color.gif 2 2
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) color.gif 1 1
Copper color.gif 1 1

Total: 13,449 TMDLs; 13,449 Causes of Impairment Addressed

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North Carolina Cumulative Number of TMDLs

EPA Fiscal Year starts October 1 and ends September 30.

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of TMDLs Completed" value for a detailed list of the TMDLs for the fiscal year.
1996 color.gif 14 14
1997 color.gif 5 5
1999 color.gif 2 2
2000 color.gif 35 35
2002 color.gif 15 15
2003 color.gif 7 7
2004 color.gif 16 16
2005 color.gif 14 14
2006 color.gif 7 7
2007 color.gif 24 24
2008 color.gif 1 1
2009 color.gif 20 20
2010 color.gif 32 32
2011 color.gif 28 28
2012 color.gif 21 21
2013 color.gif 13,192 13,192
2014 color.gif 10 10
2016 color.gif 6 6

Total: 13,449 TMDLs; 13,449 Causes of Impairment Addressed

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