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1997 Natural History Summary and Survey Protocol

The Sogge et al. (1997) Southwestern Willow Flycatcher survey protocol details survey techniques, timing, and considerations, and includes a review of  flycatcher natural history.  You can download a fully-formatted Adobe Acrobat version (including graphics), or a file containing only the protocol text.  

Complete text (HTML). 93KB, text and graphics only, no pictures.

Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) file. 2.5MB, single-sided version of complete document with color pictures of Willow Flycatcher habitat.

Year 2000 Protocol Revision

In 2000, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a revision to the Sogge et al. (1997) flycatcher survey protocol.  The revision did not replace the 1997 protocol; rather, it modifies the minimum number of survey visits required for certain types of surveys.  You can download Adobe Acrobat versions of the USFWS protocol revision and accompanying memo for USFWS Region 1 and USFWS Region 2.  Please note that in the USFWS memos, Utah should be included in the list of states within the range of the southwestern willow flycatcher.

Region 1 (CA, NV)

Region 2 (AZ, NM, TX)

Survey Data Forms

The 1997 protocol document includes standardized data forms on which to report flycatcher survey results.  There have been periodic updates to the forms, including a new 2004 version that must be used for all Southwestern Willow Flycatcher survey reporting (per May 19, 2004 memo from the USFWS Acting Regional Director, Region 2, Albuquerque).   The new form has been improved to include entries for datum, UTM coordinates, and federal/state permit numbers.  It also requests all surveys include habitat photographs.

You can download the form as a Word or Adobe Acrobat file.

    2004 Survey form in Word file format (54 kb)

    2004 Survey form in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) file  format (90 kb).  Note that this PDF form is not designed for electronic data entry/capture.


Willow Flycatcher Vocalizations: A Guide to Surveyors

An audio CD "Willow Flycatcher Vocalizations: A Guide to Surveyors", developed by the USGS, Arizona Game and Fish Department, and US Bureau of Reclamation.  It describes many of the common vocalizations, and provides what is known about their context.

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