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Help NIJ Evaluate Training - It's Free!

NIJ is currently seeking law enforcement agency volunteers to take a pilot course on less-lethal terminology. Learn more about how you can help.

Other Web Resources on Less-Lethal Technology

International Association of Chiefs of Police
A nonprofit organization supporting police executives, IACP has over 20,000 members in 89 different countries. IACP is collaborating with NIJ to evaluate the safety of electro-muscular disruption devices.

International Law Enforcement Forum
Brings together law enforcement practitioners internationally to reduce the use of force in arrest and capture, providing new technologies and less-lethal options.

Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program
Develops nonlethal weaponry for use in the military. These weapons are designed to minimize injury to personnel and property, and lower fatality rates.

National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
A national facility offering training exercises to promote a safe and secure environment for technology testing and evaluation.

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
A federally funded organization that strives to advance community policing initiatives nationwide, providing grants to local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies.

Date Entered: January 17, 2008