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-1607: Three Worlds Meet (24)
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1850-1877: Civil War & Reconstruction (105)
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U.S. Time Periods » 1850-1877: Civil War & Reconstruction
See All 105 Resources
The Shackle Broken, by the Genius of Freedom

Reconstruction: The Second Civil War provides clips from the documentary, as well as transcripts, a look behind the scenes...

Illustration from Phrenology book. The self-instructor in phrenology and physiology: with over one hundred new illustrations, including a chart for the use of pratical phrenologists / by O.S. and L.N.

The Nineteenth Century in Print: the Making of America in Books and Periodicals presents digitized books and periodicals published in the U.S. during the 19th century...

Heavy marching order by Charles Reed -- (Hardtack and Coffee)

Gettysburg Battlefield -- Virtual Tour describes with photos and text the three-day battle that marked the turning point in the...

Map of the Underground Railroad, showing routes from Southern states to the North.

The Time of the Lincolns a companion website to the film Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided, examines the...

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 

National Park Service 

Endowment for Humanities 
  See All 105 1850-1877: Civil War & Reconstruction Resources  

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