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Bibliography of Research Published by CDC's Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity staff

October 2007—September 2008

CDC authors are in bold type.

Bandini L, Must A, Naumova E, Anderson S, Caprio S, Spadano-Gasbarro J, Dietz W. Change in leptin, body composition and other hormones around menarche - a visual representation. Acta Paediatr. 2008 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]

Birch L., Dietz W. (eds). Eating Behaviors of the Young Child: Prenatal and Postnatal Influences on Healthy Weight. Elk Grove Village, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008

Bish CL, Chu SY, Shapiro-Mendoza CK, Sharma AJ, Blanck HM. Trying to lose or maintain weight during pregnancy-United States, 2003. Matern Child Health J. 2008 May 1. [Epub ahead of print]

Blanck HM, Gillespie C, Kimmons JE, Seymour JD, Serdula MK. Trends in fruit and vegetable consumption among U.S. men and women, 1994-2005. Prev Chronic Dis. 2008 Apr;5(2):A35. Epub 2008 Mar 15.

Brown DR, Galuska DA, Zhang J, Eaton DK, Fulton JE, Lowry R, Maynard LM. Psychobiology and behavioral strategies. Physical activity, sport participation, and suicidal behavior: U.S. high school students. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Dec;39(12):2248-57.

Brownson RC, Kelly CM, Eyler AA, Carnoske C, Grost L, Handy SL, Maddock JE, Pluto D, Ritacco BA, Sallis JF, Schmid TL.  Environmental and policy approaches for promoting physical activity in the United States: a research agenda. J Phys Act Health. 2008 Jul;5(4):488-503.

Buchner DM. One lap around the track: the standard for mobility disability? J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Jun;63(6):586-7

Buchner DM.  Physical activity. In Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 23rd Edition.  Goldman L and Ausiello D (eds). WB Saunders, St. Louis MD. 2008.

Carlson SA, Fulton JE, Lee SM, Maynard LM, Brown DR, Kohl HW 3rd, Dietz WH. Physical education and academic achievement in elementary school: data from the early childhood longitudinal study. Am J Public Health. 2008 Apr;98(4):721-7.

Caspersen CJ, Fulton JE.  Epidemiology of walking and type 2 diabetes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Jul;40(7 Suppl):S519-28.

CDC. (Aburto NJ, Maberly G, Grummer-Strawn L, Jefferds ME, Peña-Rosas JP, Serdula MK, Tyler VQ, Berry RJ, Mulinare J, Parvanta I).  Trends in wheat-flour fortification with folic acid and iron – Worldwide, 2004 and 2007. MMWR 2008; 57:8-10.

CDC (Brener N, Kann L, O’Toole T, Wechsler H, Kimmons J).  Competitive foods and beverages available for purchase in secondary schools—selected sites, United Sates, 2006. MMWR 2008; 57:935-938.

CDC (Galuska DA, Gillespie C, Kuester SA, Philip CM, Mokdad AH, Cogswell ME).  State prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States, 2008.  MMWR 2008; 57: 765-768.

CDC (Miles, I, Kruger, J, Kohl HW III.) Prevalence of regular physical activity among adults – United States, 2001 and 2005.  MMWR 2007: 56:1209-1212.

CDC (Obure A, Mbakaya C, Kariuki S, Karanja D, Juliao PC, Quick MD, Teates K, Montgomery S, Secor W, Slutsker L, Hamel M, Suchdev PS, Ruth L, Jefferds ME, Woodruff B.)  Baseline data from the Nyando Integrated Child Health and Education Project – Kenya 2007.  MMWR 2007; 56:1-4.

CDC. (Dee DL, DiGirolamo AM, Manninen DL, Cohen JH, Shealy KR, MacGowan CA, Sharma AJ, Scanlon KS, Grummer-Strawn LM).  Breastfeeding-Related maternity practices at hospitals and birth centers --- United States, 2007.  MMWR 2008; 57:

Conrey EJ, Lindner C, Estivariz C, Pereira M, Welsh J, Vignolo J, Fishbein D, Kettel Khan L, Grummer-Strawn L.  Thyrotoxicosis outbreak linked to consumption of minced beef and chorizo: Minas, Uruguay, 2003-2004. Public Health. 2008 Jul 3.

Cusick SE, Looker AC, Cogswell ME, Pfeiffer CM, Grummer-Strawn L. Iron-status indicators. Pediatrics. 2008 Mar;121(3):651-2;

Dannenberg AL, Bhatia R, Cole BL, Heaton SK, Feldman JD, Rutt CD. Use of health impact assessment in the U.S.: 27 case studies, 1999-2007. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Mar;34(3):241-56.

Dee DL, Li R, Lee LC, Grummer-Strawn L. Associations between Breastfeeding practices and young children’s language and motor skill development. Pediatrics. 2007;119:S92-S98

Dee DL, Sharma AJ, Cogswell ME, Grummer-Strawn LM, Fein SB, Scanlon KS. Sources of supplemental iron among breastfed infants during the first year of life.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122:S98-S104

Dietz W. Eating behaviors of the young child: practices and interventions. In Eating Behaviors of the Young Child: Prenatal and Postnatal Influences on Healthy Weight. L. Birch L, W Dietz. (eds). Elk Grove Village, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008.

Dietz WH, Robinson TN. What can we do to control childhood obesity? Ann Am Acad Polit Social Sci. 2008;615:222.

DiGirolamo AM, Perry GS, Gold BD, Parkinson A, Provost EM, Parvanta I, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Helicobacter pylori, anemia, and iron deficiency: relationships explored among Alaska native children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2007; Oct;26(10):927-34.

DiGirolamo AM, Grummer-Strawn LM, Fein SB.  Effect of maternity care practices on breastfeeding. Pediatrics. 2008; 122:S43-S49.

Dunet DO, Reyes M, Grossniklaus D, Volansky M, Blanck HM. Using evaluation to guide successful development of an online training course for healthcare professionals. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2008; Jan-Feb;14(1):66-75.

Dunet D, Sparling P, Hersey J, Williams-Piehota P, Hill M, Hanssen C, Lawrenz F, Reyes M. A new evaluation tool to obtain practice-based evidence of worksite health promotion programs. Prev Chronic Dis. 2008; 5(4):A118.

Eyler AA, Brownson RC, Doescher MP, Evenson KR, Fesperman CE, Litt JS, Pluto D, Steinman LE, Terpstra JL, Troped PJ, Schmid TL. Policies related to active transport to and from school: a multisite case study. Health Educ Res. 2007 Oct 22 (e-publication).

Eyler AA, Brownson RC, Evenson KR, Levinger D, Maddock JE, Pluto D, Troped PJ, Schmid TL, Carnoske C, Richards KL, Steinman LE. Policy influences on community trail development. J Health Polit Policy Law. 2008; 33(3):407-27.

Fein SB, Labiner-Wolfe J, Shealy K, Li R, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Infant feeding practices study II:  Study methods.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122:S28-S35.

Fein SB, Labiner-Wolfe J, Shealy K, Li R, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Infant feeding practices study II:  Study methods.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122:S28-S35.

Fein SB, Grummer-Strawn LM, Raju TNK.  Infant feeding and care practices in the United States: Results from the infant feeding practices study II.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122: S25-S27.

Fein SB, Labiner-Wolfe J, Scanlon KS, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Selected complementary feeding practices and their association with maternal education.  Pediatrics. 2008; S91-S97.

Finkelstein EA, Brown DS, Brown DR, Buchner DM. A randomized study of financial incentives to increase physical activity among sedentary older adults. Prev Med. 2008 Aug;47(2):182-7.

Freedman DS, Patel DA, Srinivasan SR, Chen W, Tang R, Bond MG, Berenson GS. The contribution of childhood obesity to adult carotid intima-media thickness: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 May;32(5):749-56.

Freedman DS, Wang J, Thornton JC, Mei Z, Pierson RN Jr, Dietz WH, Horlick M. Racial/ethnic differences in body fatness among children and adolescents. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 May;16(5):1105-11.

Galuska DA, Albright AL.  A public health perspective on obesity.  Cadre’s Current Diabetes Practice. 2008; 7:1-3. 

Gregory CO, Blanck HM, Gillespie C, Maynard LM, Serdula MK. Health perceptions and demographic characteristics associated with underassessment of body weight. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 May;16(5):979-86.

Gregory CO, Blanck HM, Gillespie C, Maynard LM, Serdula MK. Perceived health risk of excess body weight among overweight and obese men and women: differences by sex. Prev Med. 2008 Jul;47(1):46-52.

Grummer-Strawn LM, Scanlon KS, Fein SB.  Infant feeding and feeding transitions during the first year of life.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122: S28-S35.

Ham SA, Martin S, Kohl HW 3rd.  Changes in the percentage of students who walk or bike to school-United States, 1969 and 2001. J Phys Act Health. 2008 Mar;5(2):205-15.

Ham SA, Yore MM, Kruger J, Heath GW, Moeti R. Physical activity patterns among Latinos in the United States: putting the pieces together. Prev Chronic Dis. 2007 Oct;4(4):A92.

Hamre R, Renaud J, Franco E, Williams-Pieota P. Nutrition and Physical Activity Programs to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases: Program Strategies and Rationale. JHEN. 2008 May 8; 2(4):85-101.

Hawkins MD, Keenan TA, Selby T, Buchner DM, Brown DR, Vehige TM. Community-wide Campaign to Promote Physical Activity Among Midlife and Older Adults: Lessons Learned from AARP's Active for Life Campaign and a Synopsis of Evidence-based Interventions. AARP and CDC, 2007.

Hayes DK, Prince CB, Espinueva V, Fuddy LJ, Li R, Grummer-Strawn LM. Comparison of manual and electric breast pumps among WIC women returning to work or school in Hawaii.  Breastfeed Med. 2008 Mar;3(1):3-10.

Hersey J, Williams-Piehota P, Dunet D, Sparling P, Alexander J, Hill M,  Isenberg KB, Rooks A. Promising practices in promotion of healthy weight at small and medium-sized U.S. worksites.  Prev Chronic Dis. 2008; 5 (4):A122.

Hoehner CM, Soares J, Perez DP, Ribeiro IC, Joshu CE, Pratt M, Legetic BD, Malta DC, Matsudo VR, Ramos LR, Simões EJ, Brownson RC. Physical activity interventions in Latin America: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Mar;34(3):224-233.

Kogan MD, Singh GK, Dee DL, Belanoff C, Grummer-Strawn LM. Multivariate analysis of state variation in breastfeeding rates in the United States. Am J Public Health. 2008 Oct;98(10):1872-80.

Kruger J, Ham SA, Sanker S. Physical inactivity during leisure time among older adults--Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2005. J Aging Phys Act. 2008 Jul;16(3):280-91.

Kruger J, Ham SA, Berrigan D, Ballard-Barbash R.  Prevalence of transportation and leisure walking among U.S. adults. Prev Med. 2008 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print]

Kruger J, Yore MM, Ainsworth BE, Macera CA. Physical activity patterns associated with weight-control status: differences by race and sex. J Phys Act Health. 2008 May;5(3):456-68.

Kruger J, Lee CD, Ainsworth BE, Macera CA.  Body size satisfaction and physical activity levels among men and women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 Aug;16(8):1976-9.

Kruger J, Yore MM, Kohl HW 3rd. Physical activity levels and weight control status by body mass index, among adults - National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2004. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2008 May 1;5:25.

Kruger J, Blanck HM, Gillespie C. Dietary practices, dining out behavior, and physical activity correlates of weight loss maintenance. Prev Chronic Dis. 2008 Jan;5(1):A11.

Labiner-Wolfe J, Fein SB, Shealy KR.  Infant formula-handling and safety. Pediatrics. 2008; 122: S85-S90.

Labiner-Wolfe J, Fein SB, Shealy KR, Wang C.  Pevalence of berast milk expression and associated factors.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122: S63-S68.

Lee IM, Buchner DM. The importance of walking to public health. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Jul;40(7 Suppl):S512-8.

Lee SM, Burgeson CR, Fulton JE, Spain CG. Physical education and physical activity: results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006. J Sch Health. 2007 Oct;77(8):435-63.

Li R, Rock V, Grummer-Strawn L. Trends of Public Attitudes towards Breastfeeding in the United States. Journal of American Dietetics Association 2007;107:122-127.

Li R, Fein SB, Chen J, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Why mothers stop breastfeeding: Mothers’ self-reported reasons for stopping during the first year. Pediatrics 2008; 122:S77-S84.

Li R, Fein SB, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Association of breastfeeding intensity and bottle emptying behaviors at early infancy with infants’ risk for excess weight at late infancy.  Pediatrics 2008; S77-S84.

Librett J, Yore M, Schmid T, Kohl H. Are self-reported physical activity levels associated with perceived desirability of activity-friendly communities? Health and Place. 2007 13;3.767-773.

Lowry R, Lee SM, McKenna ML, Galuska DA, Kann LK. Weight management and fruit and vegetable intake among US high school students. J Sch Health. 2008 Aug;78(8):417-24.

Martin SL, Moeti R, Pullen-Seufert N. Implementing safe routes to school:  application for the socioecological model and issues to consider.  Health Promot Pract 2008 April 14 [epub ahead of print].

Mâsse LC, Frosh MM, Chriqui JF, Yaroch AL, Agurs-Collins T, Blanck HM, Atienza AA, McKenna ML, Igoe JF.  Development of a School Nutrition-Environment State Policy Classification System (SNESPCS). Am J Prev Med. 2007 Oct;33(4 Suppl):S277-91.

Mei Z, Ogden CL, Flegal KM, Grummer-Strawn LM. Comparison of the Prevalence of Shortness, Underweight, and Overweight among US Children Aged 0 to 59 Months by Using the CDC 2000 and the WHO 2006 Growth Charts. J Pediatr. 2008 Jul 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Millstein RA, Carlson SA, Fulton JE, Galuska DA, Zhang J, Blanck HM, Ainsworth BE. Relationships between body size satisfaction and weight control practices among US adults. Medscape J Med. 2008 May 19;10(5):119.

Moran SA, Caspersen CJ, Thomas GD, Brown DR. Reference Guide of Physical Activity Programs for Older Adults: A Resource for Planning Interventions.  Division of Diabetes Translation and Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, CDC. 2008.

Morrow JR Jr, Fulton JE, Brener ND, Kohl HW 3rd. Prevalence and correlates of physical fitness testing in U.S. schools--2000. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2008 Jun;79(2):141-8.

Must A, Bandini LG, Tybor DJ, Janssen I, Ross R, Dietz WH. Behavioral risk factors in relation to visceral adipose tissue deposition in adolescent females. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2008;3 Suppl 1:28-36.

Nihiser AJ, Lee SM, Wechsler H, McKenna M, Odom E, Reinold C, Thompson D, Grummer-Strawn L. Body mass index measurement in schools. J Sch Health. 2007 Dec;77(10):651-71.

O’Toole TP, Anderson S, Miller C, Guthrie J. Nutrition services and foods and beverages available at school: results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006.  J Sch Health. 2007; 77(8):500-21.

Polhamus B, Dalenius K, Borland E, Smith B, Grummer-Strawn L. Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance 2006 Report. Atlanta: U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2007.

Parra D, Gomez L, Pratt M, Sarmiento OL, Mosquera J, Triche E. Policy and built environment changes in Bogotá and their importance in health promotion. Indoor and Built Environment 2007; 16: 344-348.

Price SM, McDivitt J, Weber D, Wolff LS, Massett HA, Fulton JE. Correlates of weight-bearing physical activity among adolescent girls: results from a national survey of girls and their parents. J Phys Act Health. 2008 Jan;5(1):132-45.

Reis JP, Macera CA, Ainsworth BE, Hipp DA.  Prevalence of total daily walking among US adults, 2002-2003. J Phys Act Health. 2008 May;5(3):337-46.

Steinberg KK, Dietz WH. Workshop on estimating the health burden of overweight and obesity. Int J Obes. 2008 Aug;32 Suppl 3:S1-3.

Reyes M, Dunet DO, Isenberg KB, Trisolini M, Wagener DK. Family-based detection for hereditary hemochromatosis. J Genet Couns. 2008 Feb;17(1):92-100.

Rutt C, Dannenberg AL, Kochtitzky C. Using policy and built environment interventions to improve public health. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2008 May-Jun;14(3):221-3.

Sahyoun NR, Maynard LM, Zhang XL, Serdula MK. Factors associated with errors in self-reported height and weight in older adults. J Nutr Health Aging. 2008 Feb;12(2):108-15.

Sharma AJ, Cogswell ME, Li R.  Dose-Response associations between maternal smoking during pregnancy and subsequent childhood obesity: effect modification by maternal race/ethnicity in a low-income US cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 Sep 18 (e-publication).

Sharma AJ, Weiss EC, Young SL, Stephens K, Ratard R, Straif-Bourgeois S, Sokol TM, Vranken P, Rubin CH. Chronic disease and related conditions at emergency treatment facilities in the  New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2008 Mar;2(1):27-32.

Sherry B, Jefferds ME, Grummer-Strawn LM. Accuracy of adolescent self-report of height and weight in assessing overweight status: a literature review. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Dec;161(12):1154-61.

Sherry B, Scanlon KS, Barden E, Kallio J.  Do race and ethnicity influence parental child-feeding strategies, child weight perceptions and concerns, and intervention techniques? In Eating Behaviors of the Young Child,Birch L and Dietz W, Eds, Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008

Shealy KR, Scanlon KS, Labiner-Wolfe K, Fein SB, Grummer-Strawn LM.  Characteristics of breastfeeding practices among U.S. mothers.  Pediatrics. 2008; 122:S50-S55.

Sullivan KM, Suchdev PS, Grummer-Strawn L.  Achieving and sustaining USI: doing it well through quality assurance, monitoring and impact evaluation.  SCN News 2007:48-53.

Sullivan KM, Mei Z, Grummer-Strawn L, Parvanta I. Haemoglobin adjustments to define anaemia. Trop Med Int Health. 2008 Aug 21.

Terrell ML, Manatunga AK, Small CM, Cameron LL, Wirth J, Blanck HM, Lyles RH, Marcus M.  A decay model for assessing polybrominated biphenyl exposure among women in the Michigan Long-Term PBB Study. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2008 Jul;18(4):410-20.

Teixeira e Seabra AF, Maia JA, Mendonça DM, Thomis M, Caspersen CJ, Fulton JE.  Age and sex differences in physical activity of Portuguese adolescents. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Jan;40(1):65-70.

Vos MB, Kimmons JE, Gillespie C, Welsh J, Blanck HM. Dietary fructose consumption among US children and adults: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Medscape J Med. 2008 Jul 9;10(7):160.

Weintraub DL, Tirumalai EC, Haydel KF, Fujimoto M, Fulton JE, Robinson TN. Team sports for overweight children: the Stanford Sports to Prevent Obesity Randomized Trial (SPORT). Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2008 Mar;162(3):232-7.

Ward DS, Linnan L, Vaughn A, Neelon B, Martin SL, Fulton JE. Characteristics associated with US Walk to School programs. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2007 Dec 19;4:67.

Williams DM, Matthews CE, Rutt C, Napolitano MA, Marcus BH. Interventions to increase walking behavior. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Jul;40(7 Suppl):S567-73.

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