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Photo of Marilyn Monroe during a trip to Korea in 1954 to entertain American armed forces stationed there.

Smithsonian: Art and Design features modern portrait drawings, historical portraits of famous Americans, African and...

Stylized image of international 'Hellos'

EDSITEment offers subject-based access to top humanities sites, EDSITEment lesson plans, and at-home...

Cage 89 was built in 1883 for the Barnum Show. The wood carved figures on each corner were all bearded men; this vehicle was then nicknamed 'Whiskers.'

Circus in America: 1793-1940 traces the history of the American circus since 1793, when British equestrian John...

Why Adam Sinned [cameo portrait of Aida Overton Walker from cover], 1904.

American Memory presents the photographs, manuscripts, rare books, maps, recorded sound, and moving...

Smithsonian Institution 

Endowment for Humanities 

Nat'l Endowment for Arts 

Library of Congress 
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