Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center

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The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) and congeneric species are the most common native North American mammal.  They range from Alaska to Central America and occur in many natural habitats.  Because of their abundance, these mice constitute a major component of nearctic terrestrial ecosystems.  Laboratory stock of both wild-type and genetically variant Peromyscus are used for investigations in which laboratory-based studies can be interfaced with those of natural populations.  Deer mice differ distinctly from laboratory house mice (Mus domesticus) and rats (Rattus norvegicus) and are not closely related to these species.

The deer mouse colony at the University of South Carolina has been designated a genetic stock center under a grant from the Special Projects Program of the National Science Foundation and a P40 grant from the National Institutes of Health.  The major function of the Stock Center is to provide genetically characterized types of Peromyscus in limited quantities to scientific investigators. Continuation of the center is dependent upon significant external utilization, therefore potential users are encouraged to take advantage of this resource. Sufficient animals of the mutant types generally can be provided to initiate a breeding stock. Some what larger numbers, up to about 50 animals, can be provided from the wild-type stocks.

A user fee of $25.00 per wild-type animal and $33.00 per mutant or other special types is charged. The user assumes the cost of air shipment. Animals lost in transit are replaced without charge. Tissues, blood, skins, etc. can also be supplied at a modest fee. Arrangements for special orders will be negotiated. 

This page updated 20 February 2009 by
This page copyright © 2009, The Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina. 

The Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center is supported by NSF grant
DBI-0742680 and NIH grant P40 RR014279